Have you ever sat in front of your computer to write your upcoming blog post only to find yourself blankly staring at the screen with an empty mind? We know that feeling! So, how great would it be to have an in-depth list of blog post ideas – a clear-cut resource that you can refer to when the need arises? 

Nothing could be greater and thatโ€™s why we have come up with this guide, which will help you supply the right content to right audience by using social media scheduler. 

Itโ€™s intimidating to jot down words for a blog post when you have absolutely little to no idea what to write. What makes it harder is that the publishing time approaches quickly and the cursor just stays quiet, bedeviling you with its constant blinking. 

The lack of planning out topics for your blog can be a huge reason behind this. Therefore, weโ€™ve pulled together this enormous list of blog post ideas to help you get out of writerโ€™s block and prepare a viral content marketing strategy. 

Letโ€™s dig right in.

Practical Blog Post ideas

Blog Post ideas for practical things | RecurPost

1. Tried and tested how-to guides

Re-writing and publishing someone elseโ€™s experiences is not enough. Your readers want to know about your findings. Carry out your own tests and explain your discoveries. From writing a detailed guide on how to start a blog to telling people how to tie-dye a T-shirt at home, the possibilities are just limitless.

2. Info on how to protect a blog

People who are running their own blogs definitely need Instagram content ideas on how to protect it from external forces. You can provide information on how to save their blog website from hackers and bots.

3. Tips on how to find the dream job

Your readers may be fresh graduates, or they might be looking to change their careers. For one cause or another, they could have newly entered the labor market. You can help them by making a blog on preparing for interviews and making themselves stand out from the crowd.

4. Project completion checklist

Do you know, Judgments on website credibility are 75% based on a websiteโ€™s overall aesthetics. A blog post like โ€˜15 things you need to do after making your website liveโ€™ that contains a handy checklist will be appreciated by your readers.

5. Tips to overcome bad habits

Habits may be beneficial or unpleasant. Explain how unhealthy habits can create challenges and provide the readers with a way to solve them.

6. Give financial advice

Blogs giving financial advice are very popular these days. Blogs like โ€˜15 investments you make in your 20โ€™sโ€™ can help you generate traffic while providing readers with tips for wise spending and saving.

7. Give Life or career hacks

People like to get hold of tips and tricks that arenโ€™t common. Churn out blogs like ’50 careers to choose after schooling in arts’, or ‘100 incredible life hacks that make life easier’.

8. Make comparisons between devices or apps

Pick up 2-3 devices or apps and write down their detailed descriptions, pros, cons, pricing, etc. Also, include your own experience of using them.

9. Repurpose your old blog post

Pick up an informative blog post from your archives, update it, tweak it, add the latest data, and republish it on your website. 

10. Create an ultimate A-Z guide

Prepare a guide that includes every aspect of a given topic. Make the blog post as comprehensive as possible, so that the reader doesnโ€™t have to go anywhere else and obtains all the information from your blog itself.

11. Workplace advice

Write about managing disputes, difficulties faced because of colleagues, or politics at work. Or, instead of dwelling on issues, write about how to build meaningful relationships.

12. Creative recipes

One way to engage the readers is to give them a particular approach to completing a challenging project. Follow the same approach as you would do in a cooking recipe. For example, โ€˜10 Ingredients required to create the perfect blog postโ€™.

13. Tips to stay motivated 

People love the guidance that helps them in tackling difficult times. Share the actionable techniques that will help them with the challenges they face.

14. Tips for self-improvement

People are always asking for tips to better themselves. Write about jobs, families, or fitness. Please offer new or more detailed tips. Be rare to stand out from other similar blogs out on the web.

15. Share infographics

Infographics are a great way to present statistical information in a simple manner. Choose a data-heavy post that you’ve written in the past and construct an infographic to compliment your beautiful words. The only thing you need to do it is a free Canva account.

16. Transcribe Podcasts or YouTube Videos

Not everybody wishes to listen to audio, particularly when they are in noisy or working environments. By transcribing your own podcasts or videos, you make your material easily accessible, boost your credibility, and extend your reach to users with disabilities.

17. Pros and cons of a specific topic

Select a topic that users can relate to. Then walk them through the pros and cons in detail so that it becomes easier for them to make the right choice.

18. Top 10 skills one should have

Select any role in any industry and list down the required skills and how they can be required.

19. Industry-specific tips

Craft out blog posts related to your industry. Show your expertise and give people insider insights on what can be done on a specific topic. For instance, if you are in the social media field, a blog post like โ€˜10 strategies to increase followers organically on Instagramโ€™ will be loved by your target audience.

20. โ€˜Things you wish you knew beforeโ€™ posts

These posts focus on the lessons you learned in your professional journey. Teach the best way your readers can do things without making the same mistakes. For example, โ€˜5 things you wish you knew before starting a blogโ€™. 

Creative Blog Post ideas

blog post ideas with creativity | RecurPost

21. A GIF-filled blog post

GIFs are hot in trend! Write down a blog post and use GIfs instead of static images. They will add humor and energy to your blogs in a way that images canโ€™t. If you want to learn how to create your own GIFs for free, check out this guide.

22. Do a (number) by a (certain age) post.

Have you ever read a blog post like โ€˜7 places to visit before your turn 30โ€™? These are really cool and act like a bucket list for the readers.

23. What would you like to learn how to do?

Pick up a thing about which youโ€™d like to learn. Then try it out and share your experience with your readers.

24. Run a contest

Have a clear goal in your mind and run a contest on your blog. After doing the giveaway or competition, share the results. Did it turn out good, or was it a dud?

25. Write a parody post

Incorporating humor into your blog post is always a good idea. Pick up a song of your choice and tie your words to it. Itโ€™s always fun to make people laugh while generating more traffic to your blog.

26. Pick up questions from forums

On forums like Quora, people are always asking questions related to every imaginable topic that you can use for writing your next blog post. Once youโ€™ve created the blog post, go back to Quora and leave a link in the answer box.

27. Make a meme blog post

Find out memes and jokes related to your industry and share them in a blog post. People love seeing humor related to their niche as they are super relatable. 

28. Pick a movie and tie it to a blog post

Write a post on how your industry has something to do with a certain character or circumstance in a movie. It might be a lot of fun to write.

29. Pick out 3 people and imagine a product collaboration

Select some people who inspire you. Imagine if those 3 people created something together using all their unique skills, what would the product look like? The results might be pretty fun to read.

30. Your first memory in your industry

What was your first memorable experience after joining the industry youโ€™re in? Think about it, write, and share with your readers.

31. 5 words to describe 

How would you describe yourself in only five words? Use those words as an outline for your blog post idea.

32. Adventure in your career

Are there some enjoyable journeys you’ve experienced while being in your industry? If you do, share your adventures.

33. Tips to deal with distractions

Distractions aren’t fun, but unfortunately, we’ve got a lot of them in our livesโ€”especially because of the internet. There is always a disturbance lurking around the corner. Do you know how to keep the disruptions in the bay? If so, share your tips.

34. Share what scares you the most

It’s fascinating to learn why something scares you or doesn’t. Share the ways you’ve worked past the anxiety, as there are people out there who undoubtedly have the same fears.

35. Prepare a list of hacks

What steps one has to take to finish a certain task or project? Write down the hacks to complete them according to your knowledge.

36. Host a blog hop

Pick up a topic or theme. For a certain amount of time, set up a blog hop. Provide a daily prompt for each of the days. It’s going to pull other bloggers into the fun of composing blogs on the subject. Motivate bloggers to visit the posts of other bloggers who are also part of the blog hop. Blog hops are a great way to create a community spirit and get more comments. 

Educational blog post ideas

Blog Post ideas for Educational System | RecurPost

37. Production process of a daily-use product

Writing a blog post on how a product that we use in our daily lives is made can be educational as well as actionable where people can do that task themselves by taking your advice.

38. Secrets of success

Share the stories of how you succeeded in your industry. Write about your personal success and what worked for you and what didnโ€™t. 

39. Top things no one knows about

Find out a list of unknown things about a particular topic and tell your readers about it. Be as unique as possible and include things that arenโ€™t available on the web elsewhere.

40. Summary of a topic

You can summarize a book, movie, or any detailed subject related to your industry. 

41. Unmask myths with facts

Find out some prevailing myths about a subject and prepare a blog post revealing the truths.

42. Give advice on handling difficult circumstances

Prepare a list of common problems that your readers might face and list down the strategies to tackle those situations.

43. A lesson learned

Did you make a mistake that made you face certain consequences? Did you try something that didnโ€™t work out the way you imagined? Write a post about it so that your readers can avoid the same mistakes.

44. Connect unrelated themes

This is more of a creative approach where you can explain something to people by using some relatable reference.

45. A research-backed blog post

Research about a particular topic, experiment on your own, and prepare an in-depth data-rich blog for your audience.

46. Show how something intricate works

Make it easy to understand, apprehend, and implement a complex method. Or explain something fascinating but not relevant, augmenting curiosity instead.

47. List out common misconceptions

Just like myths, find out some misconceptions about your industry or career and clear them for your audience.

48. Lesser-known facts

Do you hold the knowledge of facts that others in your industry might not know about? Make a list of it and let people know.

Blog post ideas for food bloggers

Blog post ideas for food bloggers | RecurPost

49. Write a recipe relatable to your niche

No food blogging can be done successfully without sharing recipes of dishes that your audience would love the most. Share the recipe, pictures of the dish you prepared, and if possible, link it to something in your profession or niche.

50. Do a kitchen tour

People like to see the workspaces of their favorite bloggers. So do a kitchen tour and show off the place where you work.

51. Conduct interviews with other chefs

Collaborate with other big and well-known chefs, have an interview with them, and put them up on your blog.

52. Share your story

Tell people how you started cooking and what factors motivated you to start food blogging. A compelling story can make your blog more relatable and engaging. If you want to learn more about how to effectively craft your story, check out our guide on Digital Storytelling for tips on how to captivate your audience with narratives that resonate.

53. Write a review for a cookbook

Pick up some interesting cookbooks from the web or market and review them. You can also host a giveaway for the same.

54. Write comparisons for cooking products

Compare most popular utensil/cooking products brands and let people know about their features, prices, etc.

55. History of a dish

Does any particular recipe hold a history behind the plates? Dig into it and let your readers know some fascinating facts about their favorite dish.

56. Explain a cooking technique

Explain a cooking technique step-by-step, as simple as the best way to chop veggies or how to wash veggies the right way.

Blog post ideas for photographers

Blog post ideas for photographers | RecurPost

57. Explore a new place in your city

Find out a place thatโ€™s in your city yet only a few people know about. Snap pictures of it and show them to your followers.

58. Show your gear

Take pictures of the gear that you use and write about their use, description, features, price, etc.

59. Document your vacation

Went to an interesting place for a vacation? Snap pictures of it and describe your experience.

60. Write about an event

Take photos of any event that you attended and make people feel they were a part of it by sharing the pictures.

61. Reveal a technique

One of the great social media photography blog post ideas is to show your audience a technique or trick on how to frame a shot, how to adjust lighting, etc.

62. Give editing tips

Use any apps to edit your photos? Give info on how people can use editing apps like Photoshop, Snapseed, Lightroom, etc.

Lifestyle/Beauty related blog post ideas

blog post ideas related to lifestyle and beauty | RecurPost

63. Share your skincare routine

What is included in your morning routine? Share it with your audience and talk about the products that you use.

64. Talk about travel-friendly products

Show whatโ€™s included in your travel bag and talk about each product. Tell your readers where they can find those products. 

65. Share a trend

Talk about a trend thatโ€™s prevailing in the lifestyle or beauty industry and show your audience how they can incorporate them.

66. Refer to beauty and lifestyle magazines

Search for hot trends in magazines and write detailed blog posts about them.

67. Talk about your favorite brands

Prepare a list of your favorite beauty and clothing brands and create a blog about them.

68. Talk about budget-friendly products

Help your readers on how they can beautify on a budget and save money while getting hold of their favorite products.

69. Compare brands

Make a comparison between popular brands and recommend the best according to your experience.

Blog post ideas for authors

Blog post ideas for authors | RecurPost

70. Give writing tips

Write a blog post that includes your best writing tips and promote it using social campaigns.

71. Reveal a chapter from your book

Pick up any interesting chapter from your book and reveal it in your blog post. If it is liked by your audience, they will go ahead and purchase the book. It is also a great way to build your email list.

72. Show how to promote a book

If you have promoted your book by yourself, share it with your audience and tell them how they can do it too.

73. Host a writerโ€™s group

Using a platform like Meetup, you can host a writerโ€™s group, and then share the details on your blog.

74. Talk about your writing process

Write about how do you get started with writing a book and what steps do you follow to complete it. 

75. Share snippets of your poems

Pick up your most popular short write-ups or poems and make a blog post out of it.

Now you have a lot of blog post ideas!

Youโ€™re now equipped with many ideas to fill up your content calendar. When you create a blog post, you definitely want to promote it on your social media, too, with the correct social media image sizes. But, creating social media posts for every blog you publish and then manually sharing them on your social media accounts can be difficult. This process can be automated by using a social media scheduling tool.