In the following article on TikTok statistics, we will learn about the platform’s user demographics, revenue and where does the platform ranks amongst its competitors social platforms like Instagram, Facebook and others.

Moving on, we will understand the importance of audience overlap in the social media landscape and what US adults and teens thought about the platform when it faced a ban crisis from other countries. Finally, we will look how the social platform is handling all the violations of its community guidelines and making it a safe space for users all over the world.

TikTok Ranks Amongst Top Brands

Most Valuable Brands 2024

In 2024, TikTok (Douyin) ranked 7th amongst the most valuable brands, a list that was dominated by tech and retail giants. TikTokโ€™s position highlights the significant impact of social media platforms on modern branding. 

Also it makes us aware of a changing world where hashtags can hold as much sway as dollars and devices.

Time Spent

Average Time Spent On Social Media Apps

Among all the social platforms, global users spent most time, around 34 hours, on TikTok in January 2024. That is almost 34 times more than LinkedIn (51 m), which ranks lowest in this list.

Its interesting to note that all the leading platforms, who have more than 15 hours as global average, were (or have) become video centric, which explains the long screen time of users on these platforms.

TikTok is the belle of the ball, keeping users twirling around the longest! Each app has its own rhythm in the social media dance, with TikTok leading the waltz!

App Session

Average Session Duration On Social Media Apps

The above graph highlights the average time spent by each user during one session and it is YouTube that engages users the most. Each time users open YouTube, they spend more than 7 minutes on the platform, before switching to other work.

When people check into the world of social media, they spend the longest moments on YouTube, soaking in videos like sunbathers in the park. TikTok is next, where users drop in for a quick, vibrant burst of fun. Facebook and Instagram keep users hooked for a coffee break’s time, while Pinterest and Twitter are like the quick hello to a neighbor. Apps like Linked In, WhatsApp, etc. are like a tap on the shoulder, brief check-ins that keep the conversation light and moving. 

Quarterly Users

Active users on TikTok are the number of people who regularly use TikTok to watch, create, and share videos. These users don’t just have the app downloaded; they engage with it, making it a part of their daily digital routine. It’s a measure of the platform’s pulse, showing how lively and bustling it is with activity.

Tiktok Quarterly Users

The chart shows TikTok’s user growth over several years. It started with a smaller user base and grew steadily. Each year, more people joined TikTok, with some periods showing especially fast growth. TikTok rose in popularity by the year 2021. Since then, we have seen a rising trend quarter after quarter.

By the year 2023, TikTok had a much larger number of users, indicating popularity around the world. The social media platform is forecasted to reach approximately 2.25 billion users in 2027.

Global App Downloads

Now letโ€™s look at a breakdown of official download numbers, including iOS and Google Play, which provides insight into TikTokโ€™s increasing popularity and market penetration. 

Global TikTok Downloads

TikTok’s download rollercoaster has been quite the ride, with thrilling surges and a few dips. It seems In 2019-2020, TikTok’s growing popularity in several countries including India led to a significant surge in app downloads.

Immediately after that (Q3, 2020), the number drops, maybe due to the ban in various countries, partially or fully. Interestingly, TikTokโ€™s ban launched Instagramโ€™s way to success in India and the app recorded 36 percent of its total downloads by Indians in 2021.

There is a visible conflict between downloads and the number of users which suggests that many downloads could be due to app updates or individuals installing the app on multiple devices, rather than an increase in unique users.

User Demographics

Age and Gender

TikTok Advertising Audience Profile

Needless to say, TikTok has unmatched popularity among the young adults with them making up more than 36 percent of the total user base. The millennials too show their interest in the short-video platform, however the curiosity fades among the older adults.

It’s interesting to know what this graph will look like in the future as the ones in the 18 – 24 age group now, will after some years move into the next age group. If TikTok could retain them and win among its competitors, maybe the demographics will change.

Although the platform’s buzzing with energy from all ages, the youth are leading the charge with the most zest!

TikTok Gender Distribution

Out of every 100 cool TikTok users showing off their moves, 52 are guys and 48 are gals. It’s pretty even, like a fun dance battle where everyone is giving it their best. TikTok really is the place to be for all kinds of creative people.

Based On Geography

Country With Largest  TikTok Users

TikTok boasts to have more than 100 million users in both USA and Indonesia and more than 50 million in other five countries.

This chart does not include China as Douyin, launched in 2016 and the mainland counterpart of TikTok, is popular there with nearly 751.6 million active users as of January 2024. Although both Douyin and TikTok are owned by Bytedance and in fact have many similarities, the company operates them as separate entities.

Audience Overlap Across Various Social Platforms

Social Media Audience Overlap

TikTok users have significant crossover with platforms like Instagram and YouTube, indicating shared interests or content preferences. The overlap with professional-focused platforms like LinkedIn is less pronounced, suggesting that TikTok’s audience might lean more toward entertainment and social interaction. 

Considering the insight, digital marketers may revisit their content bucket. Also, these crossovers allow an opportunity to select a budget-friendly or more apt platform without worrying about their presence on all platforms.

TikTokโ€™s Engagement Metrics

While looking for the engagement metrics, we came across TikTok statistics from several big players in the market. However, the study gave us contradicting data and a lot of conflicting reports on various websites.

Hence, we could not zero down the actual engagement rate on TikTok. However, we have listed a few formulas to extract the engagement rate on your TikTok account.

1. Engagement Rate By Followers:

Here the number of followers is taken into account and this is a common metric for comparison of different social media platforms. Sum up all the likes, shares, and comments (i.e. interactions) and divide this by total posts. Now, divide this by the total followers and multiply by 100 to get in percentage. 

Engagement Rate (by Followers) =  (Likes + Shares + Comments per Post / Total Followers) * 100

2. Engagement Rate by Views

This metric is common for platforms with videos where views on videos are considered to calculate the engagement rate. Sum up all the likes, shares, and comments (i.e. interactions) and divide this by total posts. Now, divide this by the total views and multiply by 100 to get in percentage. 

Engagement Rate (by Views) =  (Likes + Shares + Comments per Post  /  Total Views) * 100

Note: Average Engagement stats for various platforms and industries are available on different websites on various platforms. If your rate is close to or above these benchmarks, you’re on track! If not, it’s time for a creative strategy refresh.

What Users Love On TikTok ?

TikTok’s content is a powerful trendsetter, shaping what’s hot and what’s not, and guiding the choices and styles of its global community. It’s where just a thing can turn into a cultural phenomenon, influencing everything from fashion to food, and beyond.

Preferred Activity

Activity on TikTok

Well, on TikTok, laughter and fun lead the charge with users, more than 80 percent, looking for fun. A good chunk is there to check out and follow the latest trends and products from TikTokโ€™s trendy digital mall.  And then there are those creators adding to TikTokโ€™s vibrant tapestry of content; posting videos, photos, etc.

Preferred Content Type

Preferred Content Of TikTok Users

People move over to find all sorts of content however some, like funny and creative, are more popular than others. Seeing the various responses we can indeed agree that laughing is the best medicine and people are always on their edge to have a laugh and lighten their mood.

TikTok is a laugh factory where fun remains the leader. It is a canvas for creative minds and a lounge for chill seekers. It’s a thrill-seeker’s playground and a classroom with the coolest mentors. An ultimate mixtape of content that keeps on serving its users!

User Demographics Based On Income, Education and Community

Distribution Of TikTok Users In U.S.

This TikTok statistics highlights that those having some High school and college education swipe through TikTok quite a bit, and college graduates tune in less so. We do not have biased income groups here; it’s a hit across different salary bands regardless of the paycheck size.

Urban dwellers are a bit more likely to scroll through TikTok compared to their suburban and rural counterparts. And here we can witness the power of women. They lead the charge on TikTok, engaging with content more than men. 

TikTok for News

News Consumption Pattern Of U.S. Adults  From TikTok Over The Years

TikTok has grown into a news hub for U.S. adults, especially among the younger folks. Over the years, it’s like TikTok has turned from that new kid on the block to the one everyone listens to.

TikTok is not just for dance challenges anymore.  The older folks are starting to catch on, but still seem to prefer their news served up the traditional way. 

Instagram vs. TikTok in EU5

Comparison Of GenZ Use of Instagram and TikTok In EU5

If Gen Z of EU5 is on the hunt for a good dose of entertainment, they swipe through TikTok’s endless stream of fun. If it’s about spotting the latest trends and brand buzz or catching up on current events, maybe just for a quick hello, Instagram is the slice of cake. 

Top On TikTok

Top 10 Most Watched Videos

Top 10 Most Watched Videos on TikTok

The latest TikTok statistics tells us that Zach King’s enchanting “Magic Ride” soared to the top of TikTok’s most-watched list in July 2023, becoming a sensational hit. Not far behind, the festive flair of James Charles’ Christmas video also charmed several hearts.

These viral sensations underscore the creative spirit that thrives on TikTok, where imaginative content can lead to staggering popularity.

Most Popular TikTok accounts

The host with the most is a creator with killer content that has got everyone talking, The Khabane Lame. 

Skimming through the TikTok A-list, we have got a lineup of stars from the laugh-out-loud funny to the super stylish, and from catchy tune makers to silver-screen celebs. They all have got one thing in common: they are the talk of TikTok town, each bringing their own brand of cool to your feeds!

Advertising Audience Overview

TikTok’s advertising platform has matured, offering a variety of formats from in-feed videos to branded challenges.

A detailed examination of TikTok’s advertising landscape, including audience overview and ad revenue, provides a comprehensive view for marketers looking to invest in TikTok ads effectively.

TikTokโ€™s Advertising Audience Overview

TikTokโ€™s advertising reach is like a wide net across internet users. It’s possible that you can reach almost 20 percent of the total world population with one TikTok ad. 

Wonder what that number can do to a brand and business if positioned well. Whether you are selling sneakers or serenades, TikTok’s ad audience is a fertile ground for planting your brand’s message.

Trending Hashtags on TikTok

Highlighting the most popular hashtags, this section emphasizes their significance in boosting visibility and fostering engagement, essential for viral marketing success.

At the top of the trending topics, we’ve got the classic hashtags that are like the golden keys to TikTok fame โ€“ they are what everyone uses to get on the radar.

Then there’s a mix of the usual suspects that signal the hottest trends, the funniest clips, and those viral moments. Some tags are like the secret handshake of TikTok โ€“ use them, and you might just get into the cool creators’ club.


An overview of TikTokโ€™s Revenue

This graph shows TikTokโ€™s increasing revenue over time, with a particularly noticeable growth. With a slight up & down, the upward trajectory continues,  indicating a strong and consistent financial performance for TikTok, the latest quarters reflecting the highest revenue in the period displayed. Each quarter stacks up higher and higher, showcasing a booming business. 

TikTok is not just a playground for dance challenges but a goldmine for savvy marketers.

The U.S. And India TikTok Ban

The United States has been considering a ban on the TikTok app due to various concerns, mainly National Security. For a long, there has been a lot of ambiguity regarding the app ban. There have been groups divided in favor of TikTok & against it. In recent times there has been a major shift in the number of supporters and those who oppose. 

U.S. Adults

Take Of U.S Adults On Ban of TikTok in their Country

In this graph, we can see that support for banning the app has decreased, indicating that people might be getting more comfortable with the platform or seeing its value. On the flip side, the opposition to a ban has also decreased slightly, suggesting some people are less fervent in their defense of the app or perhaps indifferent to the outcome. 

U.S. Teens

Take Of U.S. Teens On Ban Of TikTok in their Country

The chart shows the opinions of U.S. teens regarding a potential TikTok ban. Teens who use TikTok are largely against the ban, for obvious reasons. They are enjoying the app. Conversely, the teens who are not on TikTok seem more split, with a noticeable slice supporting the ban.

Based On Political Inclination

Take Of Democratics and Republicans On Ban of TikTok in U.S.

Over time, more Republicans\Leaning Republicans seem to favor banning TikTok, while Democrats/Leaning Democrats show a trend towards opposing the ban. Additionally, there’s a noticeable rise in uncertainty about the ban among Democrats/Lean Democrats, while the Republicans/Lean Republicans have remained relatively unchanged in their uncertainty. 

This indicates a political divide in attitudes toward TikTok and its presence in the U.S. This also can be an influential factor in the change of public opinion on the proposed ban. 

Where else is TikTok Banned ?

List of Countries With Complete or Partial Ban On TikTok

While in the United States, the TikTok ban is still in discussion, above is the list of countries that have already banned the app given security concerns. A partial ban in Pakistan suggests a more nuanced restriction, possibly limiting TikTok’s use in certain contexts or areas. On the other end of the spectrum, Afghanistan and India have implemented full bans, indicating a more stringent approach to the perceived risks associated with the app. 

Policy Reinforcement

TikTok’s commitment to maintaining a vibrant and safe community is exemplified through its robust policy enforcement. As a platform that celebrates creativity and connection, TikTok continually updates and enforces its community guidelines to foster a positive and inclusive environment. 

Fake Interactions

TikTok Fake Interactions Prevented

The bar graph shows TikTok’s efforts to clamp down on fake interactions. 

There are two types of fake interactions highlighted: fake follower requests and fake likes. The measures taken against fake follower requests appear to be particularly effective. 

Accounts Removed

TikTok Accounts Removed

The graph indicates that the platform reached a notable high in account removals. This reflects a positive signal for the TikTok community and marketers who prioritize authentic interaction.

Videos Removed

TikTok Videos Removed From The Platform

The graph indicates a general increase in video removals over time, with some fluctuations. Notably, the last quarter shows a significant peak, suggesting a considerable uptick in content moderation.

This trend could reflect TikTok’s ongoing efforts to enforce its community guidelines more strictly, ensuring a safe online environment for users.


TikTok stands at the forefront of digital marketing innovation, offering unparalleled opportunities for engagement and brand growth. By understanding and leveraging TikTok statistics, marketers can unlock new avenues for creativity, connection, and consumer influence, ensuring their brand not only thrives but dominates in the digital age.

For marketers looking to stay ahead in the digital race, embracing TikTok’s dynamic environment is not just an option; it’s a necessity. As we move forward, the key to success on TikTok lies in understanding its community, leveraging its trends, and continually adapting strategies to engage with the ever-changing digital zeitgeist.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key demographics of TikTok users?

TikTok’s user base is young and dynamic, with the majority of users being between the ages of 16 and 24. It’s a global platform, with users spread across 150 countries, making it a hotspot for brands targeting a youthful audience.

What types of content perform best on TikTok?

Considering the latest TikTok statistics authentic, creative, and entertaining content reigns supreme on TikTok. Videos that leverage current trends, challenges, and music often see higher engagement rates. Educational content presented in a fun and engaging manner also performs well.

How does the TikTok algorithm work for marketers?

The TikTok algorithm favors content that generates high engagement through likes, shares, comments, and watch time. For marketers, creating content that resonates with their target audience and encourages interaction is key to gaining visibility on the platform.

Is paid advertising worth it on TikTok?

Yes, TikTok’s paid advertising options can significantly boost your visibility and reach on the platform. With various ad formats available, including In-Feed Ads, Brand Takeovers, and Hashtag Challenges, marketers can find effective ways to engage with their target audience.

What are the best practices for using hashtags on TikTok?

Use a mix of trending, niche, and branded hashtags to increase your content’s reach. Trending hashtags help gain visibility, niche hashtags connect with specific audiences, and branded hashtags build your community. The recent TikTok statistics reveal #FYP to be the most popular hashtag.


1) Global 500 2024 | Brand Value Ranking League Table | Brandirectory

2) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 238

3) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 241

4) Business of Apps – Connecting the app industry

5) Business of Apps – Connecting the app industry

6) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 325

7) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 324

8) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 329

9)  Digital 2024 โ€“ We Are Social USA Pg 235

10) Digital 2024 โ€“ We Are Social USA Pg 242

11) What Content Works Best On TikTok, Twitter, And Instagram In 2023 โ€“ GWI

12) Demographics of Social Media Users and Adoption in the United States | Pew Research Center

13) More Americans are getting news on TikTok, in contrast with most other social media sites | Pew Research Center

14) GenZ EU5_website (

15) Most watched TikTok videos worldwide 2023 | Statista

16) Digital 2024 โ€“ We Are Social USA Pg 332

17) Digital 2024 – We Are Social USA Pg 324

18) Digital 2024 โ€“ We Are Social USA Pg 333

19) Business of Apps – Connecting the app industry

20) Support for US TikTok ban falls among adults, is low for teens | Pew Research Center

21) Support for US TikTok ban falls among adults, is low for teens | Pew Research Center

22) Support for US TikTok ban falls among adults, is low for teens | Pew Research Center

23) TikTok ban in global regions and institutions 2023 | Statista


