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Top LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

Top LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

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Are you having trouble growing your LinkedIn business? Is it difficult for you to make sure that your content strategy is consistent throughout the platform? If so, LinkedIn scheduling tools could be the answer you’re searching for.

The purpose of LinkedIn scheduling tools is to assist you in streamlining the process of posting content on the platform. This saves your time and effort by providing the option to schedule your posts thus eliminating the need for manual posting. You can maintain audience engagement and interest in your updates by consistently posting.

In this blog, let us look at some of the best LinkedIn scheduling tools in the market. We will discuss their essentials, strengths, and how they can address different users such as enterprises, professionals, and social media marketing agencies.

Why Should You Listen To Us?

With years of expertise, we at RecurPost assist companies in making the most of their LinkedIn presence and other social media platforms. Our team has conducted in-depth research to understand the impact of scheduling posts on LinkedIn engagement.

We analyzed data from numerous LinkedIn accounts using our platform, comparing the performance of scheduled posts versus direct posting. Our findings confirmed that strategically scheduling LinkedIn posts can significantly boost engagement rates.

By aligning content releases with peak audience activity periods through scheduling, businesses can ensure maximum visibility and interaction. Moreover, our study revealed that scheduled posts do not negatively impact engagement metrics and often lead to higher overall engagement compared to ad-hoc posting.

Factors to Consider When Choosing LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

When identifying the scheduling tools for LinkedIn, various things ought to be considered to ensure they meet the requirements. Here are the key considerations:

Factors to Consider when choosing LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

1. Integration with Other Platforms

Integration with other social media and marketing platforms is very essential. You should choose the applications that will be compatible with other social networks, for instance, FaceBook, Instagram, etc, as well as the marketing tools that you frequently use, including Google Docs and Excel sheets. 

2. Analytics and Reporting Features

Analytics are useful for monitoring the post-performance and the engagement of your LinkedIn pages. Choose tools that offer detailed post-performance metrics and audience insights. That way you know what strategies are effective and which ones are not, and therefore can modify it.

3. User Interface and User Experience

Ideally, a scheduling tool should be simple to use and easy to understand. Consider a service that has a simple, minimalist design to make your work on scheduling posts, viewing calendars, and other necessary options more effective. A smooth user experience keeps you productive and focused.

4. Customer Support and Community

Even the best tools can sometimes have hiccups. Reliable customer support is essential! Opt for a platform known for its responsive and helpful support team. Furthermore, the active user community can help resolve certain issues and share useful advice with other users.

5. Customization and Flexibility

Flexibility is key! Choose a tool that allows you to customize posting schedules and content formats to fit your specific needs. This might include options like scheduling first comments, tagging companies, or choosing between text-only posts and rich media content with images and videos.

6. Mobile Accessibility

It is convenient to be able to manage your LinkedIn scheduling on the go. Look for tools with a mobile-friendly interface or a dedicated mobile app. This allows you to be in control of your content schedule and be in a position to make posts regardless of your location.

Thus, the choice of the tool depends on how these factors can coexist in the best possible way and support your LinkedIn marketing goals and your work.

Advanced Features to Look For

While core scheduling functionality is essential, some LinkedIn scheduling tools offer advanced features that can further enhance your content strategy and workflow efficiency.

Advance features to look for while choosing LinkedIn scheduling tools

Here are some advanced features to consider:

1. AI-Powered Recommendations

Imagine having a personal AI assistant for your LinkedIn content scheduler! Look for tools that offer content suggestions and AI-based posting times. These features ensure your posts reach your audience when they are most active, boosting visibility and interaction.

2. Team Collaboration Tools

Managing multiple accounts or collaborating with a team? Tools with team collaboration features can be a lifesaver. It has collaborative features like a shared calendar, multiple user logins, a content approval scheme, and access rights to make sure that everyone is in sync and keep your LinkedIn strategy moving smoothly.

3. Content Library and Asset Management

Staying organized is key! Consider tools with a built-in content library. This is like your media library for your LinkedIn where you store all your content images, videos, texts, and even drafts. Availability of your content library is time-saving and proves very useful.

4. Evergreen Content Posting

Evergreen content, like industry trends or inspirational quotes, can be valuable for maintaining a consistent presence on LinkedIn. Look for tools with advanced automation features for scheduling recurring posts. This allows you to set schedules and automate specific actions, freeing you up to focus on creating fresh content.

5. Social Inbox

Engaging in social media can be a time-consuming process particularly when it is charged with intense activity. A few tools display all the LinkedIn messages in a single social inbox through which you can manage any interactions. This makes for efficiency in your interactions and makes sure you do not miss any message or link-up chance.

These advanced features can significantly improve your LinkedIn posting strategy, making your workflow more efficient and your engagement higher.

Did You Know? Companies that post on LinkedIn weekly see a 2x lift in engagement with their content compared to those that post less frequently. That’s right! Consistent posting can keep your audience active and interested.

Now, based on the factors we discussed, I have listed the top 10 LinkedIn scheduling tools-

Top 10 LinkedIn Scheduling Tools

#1 RecurPost

RecurPost is a highly effective social media tool that allows businesses to schedule posts, categorize content, and increase engagement conveniently. It has several options to make social media marketing easy and effective for the purpose of getting maximum results from the content shared through social media platforms.

RecurPost - Best LinkedIn scheduler

Top Features:

  • Social Calendar: Visualize and manage your LinkedIn schedule with an interactive calendar.
  • Seasonal Libraries: Organize content into seasonal libraries for timely and relevant posts.
  • Evergreen Content Marketing: Schedule recurring posts to keep your profile active with evergreen content.
  • Social Inbox: Coordinate all the messages and interactions shared across all the social media platforms.
  • Tailored Post: Customize posts to suit the different social media platforms in order to attract the attention of the users.
  • AI Content Generator: This application was specifically developed to write content ideas and posts with the assistance of artificial intelligence.
  • First Comment: Promote engagement on your posts by automatically adding the first comment whenever a new post is published.


  • Helps organize and visualize your posting schedule efficiently.
  • Allows for scheduling recurring posts, ensuring consistent activity.
  • Unified inbox to manage all social interactions in one place.
  • AI content generators help create engaging posts.
  • Supports team collaboration with multi-user access and content management.
  • Customize posts for different platforms, enhancing engagement.
  • Manage your social media activities on the go with a mobile-friendly interface.
  • Bulk scheduling and content calendar for efficient planning


  • Lacks advanced social listening and competitor analysis features.
  • Analytics features might be less comprehensive compared to some competitors.
  • Reporting features might not be as customizable as those offered by other tools.


RecurPost offers four pricing plans: Free ($0/month) with basic features, Personal ($25/month) with advanced features like AI content generation, Agency ($79/month) with additional client management and advanced analytics, and Enterprise (custom pricing) tailored for agencies with unlimited social accounts and white-label solutions.

User Review:

Users generally appreciate RecurPost for its evergreen content scheduling and social inbox features. The AI content generator and tailored post options are particularly valued for enhancing engagement and optimizing content. Some users, however, wish for more extensive integrations and more detailed analytics.

Why Choose This Tool?

RecurPost is especially suitable for businesses that need an efficient tool to automate their social media content posting, organize evergreen content, and raise engagement. With the social calendar, social inbox, and an AI content generator added to its core functionality, it is rated the best scheduler for LinkedIn and can be highly beneficial for improving the efficacy of social media marketing campaigns.

#2 Sendible

Sendible is a social media management tool that consists of many features aimed at optimizing businesses’ social media processes. It has many tools for creating posts, interacting with users, and monitoring the productivity in the different social networks.

Sendible - Social Media Scheduler

Top Features:

  • PDF Carousel Scheduling: Schedule multi-page PDF documents as carousel posts on LinkedIn, a feature not offered by most scheduling tools.
  • Client Connect: Onboard your clients securely with Sendible’s Client Connect widget, allowing them to view and approve content before publishing it on their LinkedIn profiles or company pages.
  • Team Collaboration: Give out responsibilities, control access, and work together with your team on editing, approvals, and project assignments related to the content and tasks for the LinkedIn Page.
  • Advanced Analytics: Get detailed performance analytics over all your social networks including LinkedIn.


  • Connects with numerous social media and marketing platforms, enhancing workflow.
  • Supports inviting team members and managing roles, making it easier to collaborate on social media strategies.
  • Inbox to collect all messages and interactions originating from social media.
  • Mobile application for managing all social media activities remotely.


  • Does not have advanced AI features for content suggestions and optimal posting times.
  • The free plan offers basic functionalities for a limited number of social media profiles. Advanced features like Client Connect, team collaboration tools, and in-depth analytics are available only on paid plans.


Sendible offers four pricing plans: Creator ($29/month) with essential features, Traction ($89/month) adding advanced analytics and content suggestions, White Label ($240/month) with team collaboration tools and social listening, and White Label+ ($750/month) designed for larger teams with unlimited social profiles and dedicated support.

User Review:

Users generally have positive feedback about Sendible, appreciating its comprehensive feature set and user-friendly interface. The tool’s integration capabilities, detailed analytics, and team collaboration features are particularly valued. However, some users wish for more advanced AI features and a more intuitive content library.

Why Choose This Tool?

If you’re an agency or brand managing multiple social media channels, including LinkedIn, and require advanced features like PDF carousel scheduling, secure client collaboration, in-depth analytics, and robust team collaboration tools, Sendible is a strong contender. While the free plan offers a starting point, paid plans unlock the full potential of Sendible powerful features.

#3 Tapilo

Tapilo is a professional tool for LinkedIn working in creating, planning, and assessing LinkedIn posts. It involves interaction with people to create links and develop leads to boost the results on Linkedin.

Tapilo AI Content Tool

Top Features

  • AI-Powered Content Creation: Struggling for post ideas? Taplio uses AI to suggest content topics and even help you write engaging drafts.
  • Write & Schedule LinkedIn Posts: Schedule your content in advance for a consistent posting flow.
  • Build Relationships & Engage: Taplio provides features to help you connect with potential clients and industry professionals.
  • Find & Nurture Leads: Taplio offers lead generation tools to help you identify and connect with potential customers on LinkedIn.
  • Analyze Your LinkedIn Statistics: Track and analyze your LinkedIn performance with detailed statistics.
  • Generate Carousels for LinkedIn: Create visually appealing carousels to enhance your posts.
  • LinkedIn Chrome Extension: Access and use Taplio’s features directly from your browser with their Chrome extension.


  • Offers AI-powered content creation to optimize post times and content.
  • Supports teamwork with multi-user access and content scheduling.
  • Centralized location for storing and organizing content assets.
  • Provides detailed analytics to track post performance and engagement.
  • LinkedIn Chrome Extension enhances accessibility and ease of use.


  • Lack of integration with other social media platforms (focused solely on LinkedIn)
  • Lacks advanced automation features for scheduling recurring posts.
  • Does not come with a social inbox that aggregates all messages received in a LinkedIn profile.


Taplio offers three pricing plans: There is the Basic plan at $19 per month, the Pro plan at $49 per month, and the Enterprise plan on request. All customers are provided with the main tools: scheduling, content creation, and analytics tools whereas the Pro and Enterprise plans include additional functions such as lead generation, integration with CRM, and personal customer support.

User Review:

Users generally appreciate Taplio for its AI-powered content creation and detailed analytics. They find the LinkedIn Chrome extension convenient and the overall tool helpful for building relationships and engaging with their network.

Why Choose This Tool?

If you’re looking for an AI-powered tool for the purpose of marketing on the LinkedIn platform then consider Taplio. If you need assistance creating content, generating leads, or engaging, this LinkedIn tool does all that for you. However, if you need an all-in-one social media management tool that offers extensive analysis across multiple channels then there are other alternatives.

#4 SocialBee

SocialBee is an all-rounded social media management application that you can use to improve your social media output. Essentially, it provides tools for publishing posts, analyzing metrics to get insights, and for teamwork.

SocialBee LinkedIn Scheduling Platform

Top Features:

  • Team Collaboration: Assist other team members by inviting them to the team, assigning them roles, sharing notes, and coordinating the writing and approval of post content. 
  • Social Inbox: Conveniently moderate all the mentions, comments, and messages (DMs) in your social accounts at once.
  • AI-Powered Content Planning: Make full use of the AI copilot in SocialBee to brainstorm content ideas and schedule your posting for LinkedIn and other platforms.
  • Detailed Analytics & Reporting: Measure your performance on all your social media accounts and create detailed PDF reports on all your accounts for easy sharing.


  • Supports inviting team members, providing notes, and approving posts, which is great for collaboration.
  • Efficiently manage social mentions, comments, and DMs in one place.
  • AI assistants help in planning and optimizing your social media strategy.
  • Manage social interactions and posts on the go.
  • Integration with multiple social media platforms
  • Content library and asset management


  • Lacks features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.
  • Similar to other tools, SocialBee’s free plan has limited features. Team collaboration and advanced analytics are typically available only on paid plans.


SocialBee offers four pricing plans: Bootstrap: $29/month, Accelerate: $49/month, and the Pro package is $99/month and for the Custom package, you have to contact them. The last few tiers differ in some of the additional features such as the recommendation feature based on AI, priority customer support, and the integration of the user’s application.

User Review

Customers generally have positive feedback about SocialBee, appreciating its user-friendly interface and robust features for team collaboration and social interaction management. Users find the AI assistant helpful for planning their social media strategies.

Why Choose This Tool?

SocialBee is an excellent choice for those looking to improve team collaboration and efficiently manage social interactions. Its AI assistant and comprehensive analytics make it a valuable tool for optimizing your social media strategy and tracking performance.

#5 Agorapulse

Agorapulse is a social media suite that offers several components needed for managing social media networks for business. It provides numerous features that help you to manage and schedule your social media interaction and post engagement, as well as insights into the aforementioned activities.

Agorapulse Social Media Scheduler

Top Features:

  • Take Control of Your Social Interactions: Strengthen the control of all the messages you receive and send comments, and mentions in case you use multiple social accounts with the unified inbox feature.
  • Discover What People Are Saying About Your Brand, Industry, and Competitors: Stay updated with trends, be it in your own brand or that of your competitor by tracking the keywords and the brand.
  • AI Writing Assistant: Add the spark to your content creation by using AI in writing to create not only more uniquely but also quicker.
  • PulseLink in Bio: Use the PulseLink in bio tool to optimize your profile link, directing followers to your most important content.


  • Dedicated LinkedIn scheduling platform and publishing features
  • Social inbox for efficient engagement management
  • Team collaboration tools for streamlined workflows
  • Integration with other social media platforms
  • Content library and asset management
  • Social listening and competitor monitoring features
  • Link in bio tool for driving traffic


  • While it has an AI writing assistant, it lacks advanced AI features for optimal posting times.
  • Lacks features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.
  • Some additional features such as the teamwork feature, content bank, detailed stats, and analysis, Ai writing tool, and the ability to monitor the mentions of your brand are under the paid subscription only.


Agorapulse offers four pricing plans: An initial tier is known as Standard for which Cost is $69 per month, the second tier is Professional for which the cost is $99 per month, the third tier is Advanced for which the cost is $149 per month and there is also an additional Custom tier for which the cost needs to be discussed. The paid plans differ by the features available, such as more social profiles, an extra pleasant interface, priority assistance, and personal configurations.

User Review:

Many customers take advantage of clear interface, shared social inbox, and auto post on LinkedIn of Agorapulse. Nonetheless, there are reports of some of the users that find some constraints on what is offered on the free version and they wish to see AI present across all the packages.

Why Choose This Tool?

If you’re looking for a user-friendly platform with a unified social inbox, automated scheduling, content curation features, and additional functionalities like AI writing assistance, PulseLink in bio creation, and social listening (on paid plans), Agorapulse is a powerful option for managing your LinkedIn presence alongside other social media channels. Agorapulse caters to both beginners and social media veterans seeking to streamline their workflow and gain valuable insights to optimize their LinkedIn strategy.

#6 Sprout Social

Sprout Social is one of the most influential social media management platforms that assist companies in controlling their presence across multiple social networks, including LinkedIn. It provides extended sets of features aimed at improving social media management, interactions, and monitoring.

Sprout Social LinkedIn content scheduler

Top Features:

  • Organize and Store Images: Maintain a centralized library to store and easily access all the images and videos you use for your LinkedIn content. 
  • Assign User Permissions: Make decisions regarding how many people in your team can have access to it and decide on their roles for posting and managing content on your LinkedIn profiles.
  • Personalize Your Responses: Respond to comments and messages you receive on your profile or the company page in a friendly and personalized manner.
  • Use Tagging to Track the Conversation: Tag posts in Sprout Social to organize and monitor particular discussions or themes linked to the interactions you have on LinkedIn.
  • Benchmark Performance KPIs: Go beyond basic analytics and benchmark your LinkedIn performance against industry standards to identify areas for improvement.


  • Supports assigning user permissions and roles, making teamwork more efficient.
  • Personalize responses and manage conversations using tagging features.
  • Manage your social media activities on the go with a mobile app.
  • Organize and store all your visual content for easy access and streamlined content creation.


  • Lacks features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.
  • Does not offer an AI writing assistant for content creation.
  • It provides a variety of features, which might make it more complex in comparison to other simple scheduling solutions.


Sprout Social offers three pricing plans: The three tiers include the Standard package which costs $249 per month, the Professional package which costs $399 per month, and the Advanced package which costs $499 per month. The plans vary in features, with the higher tiers offering more advanced capabilities like increased message and profile limits, premium analytics, and dedicated support.

User Review

Customers usually don’t have complaints about the application as it offers a wide number of features, a friendly design, and powerful data analysis. The tool’s team collaboration capabilities and personalized response features are particularly valued by users.

Why Choose This Tool?

For organizations, agencies, or businesses using multiple social media platforms, including LinkedIn, that need more functionality than simple post-scheduling, campaigning, or competitive benchmarking, they can consider Sprout Social. This is a powerful package of tools that can assist you with your LinkedIn marketing, as well as organize the work of your crew and make use of social media for management purposes.

#7 Buffer

Buffer is one of the most commonly used tools for social media posts’ scheduling and publication, and while this platform is not specifically oriented toward LinkedIn, it does support LinkedIn as one of the platforms for the posts’ publication. There are many reasons associated with the use of this LinkedIn scheduler, however, the primary reason is that it is easy to use.

Buffer Social Media Scheduling Tool

Top Features:

  • Drag-and-Drop Scheduling: It’s also easy to use for scheduling your LinkedIn posts because the platform has a convenient drag-and-drop function.
  • Bulk Scheduling: You can make several posts on LinkedIn and schedule them at one go for posting at a later date.
  • Cross-Platform Publishing: Share your content on your LinkedIn profile and other social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in one place.
  • Engagement Analytics: Monitor simple interactions such as likes, comments, and shares for insights into your LinkedIn posts’ performance.


  • Buffer has a clean and organized layout, as well as the functionality of the program, which is designed to enable effective scheduling and posting of content.
  • Visual content calendar to organize and manage posts efficiently.
  • Supports inviting team members for better collaboration on social media strategies.
  • Integration with popular apps like Canva, Unsplash, and Google Drive
  • Browser extensions for quick sharing and scheduling


  • Lacks advanced AI features for content suggestions and optimal posting times.
  • Does not have features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.
  • Does not provide a unified social inbox for managing all social interactions in one place.
  • Lack of dedicated features for LinkedIn, like social inbox or Company Page analytics


Buffer offers four pricing plans: There is also a free plan, and paid options such as Essentials ($6 per month per channel), Team ($12 per month per channel), and Agency ($120 per month per channel). The Free plan has the basic schedule and posting tools whereas, as we go to the paid plans, we get features such as analytics, collaboration tools and more advanced techniques along with priority support.

User Review

Users generally appreciate Buffer for its simplicity and ease of use. The content calendar and team collaboration features are highly valued, as well as the detailed analytics. However, some users wish for more advanced features like AI recommendations and a unified social inbox.

Why Choose This Tool?

Buffer is a good tool that stands out for several reasons, including its user-friendliness and cost – you are free to schedule your LinkedIn post along with the contents of other social media platforms. This platform is ideal for first-time users or those who are just starting a social media project or planning to use social media for personal use only. However, if you require advanced features like in-depth analytics, team collaboration tools, or AI-powered functionalities, you might consider exploring other options.

#8 Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a widely-used social media tool that helps businesses to operate multiple social networks with one dashboard. It offers the scheduling of post options, analysis dashboard to monitor social networks metrics and an option for interacting with an audience.

Hootsuite - Social Media Scheduler

Top Features:

  • Bulk Composer: Schedule and publish content to multiple social media platforms, including LinkedIn,  all at once from a central composer.
  • Social Listening: Go beyond your own profile and monitor industry trends, brand mentions, and competitor analysis across social media platforms to inform your LinkedIn strategy.
  • Team Collaboration Tools: Assign roles, manage permissions, and collaborate effectively with your team on content creation, approval workflows, and social media management tasks for your LinkedIn presence.
  • Amplify Performance: Continuously keep a tab on how your social media is performing on all platforms, including LinkedIn. Analyze and take out important data and pointers that might help to fine-tune your social media plans.


  • Many third-party social media and marketing tools work hand in hand with Hootsuite to improve operations.
  • Consolidated messaging inbox to funnel all direct communication according to social media platforms.
  • Mobile application for convenient control of social media marketing processes.
  • Functions like shared calendars and approval flows are being integrated into team collaboration.


  • Does not have advanced AI features for content suggestions and optimal posting times.
  • Lacks a centralized content library for organizing and storing assets.
  • Does not offer features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.


Hootsuite offers four pricing plans: Professional ($49/month), Team ($139/month), Business ($739/month) and Enterprise which offers custom pricing. The plans differ by the number of features with the more expensive plans providing such features as more social accounts to manage, more customized analytics, priority support.

User Review

Customers tend to like Hootsuite mostly regarding its numerous features and usability. It is appreciated when there are capabilities to deal with several social networks and analyze streams in the same panel. However, some users wish for more advanced AI features and a more intuitive content library.

Why Choose This Tool?

Hootsuite is best recommended for companies that operate many accounts on social networks. Its analysis, ability to work in teams and Social Inbox make it a good tool to improve Social Media Management practices.

#9 CoSchedule

CoSchedule is an all-in-one solution for a business that is used to manage the marketing calendar and plan and schedule marketing activities. It offers a set of tools to make the magazine’s marketing processes more efficient and time-saving, such as content calendar, project management, and team cooperation.

CoSchedule - Social Media Scheduler

Top Features:

  • Collaborative AI-editor: CoSchedule has an AI-editor option that can assist you when working on content creation and marketing processes together with your colleagues.
  • AI-powered headline writing tool: Finally, you can use Linkedin’s CoSchedule headline analyzer to generate great headlines for your content on your LinkedIn opportunities link.
  • Social media calendar: Obtain a simple way through which you can create, schedule, publish, and analyze LinkedIn and other social media platforms’ plans by using CoSchedule social media calendar.
  • Content calendar: Keep an updated master content calendar where all of your given tasks, projects, and LinkedIn content campaigns are scheduled and monitored.


  • Comprehensive content calendar and project management features
  • Evergreen content automation with the ReQueue feature
  • Team collaboration tools like shared calendars and approval workflows
  • Integration with various marketing and productivity tools
  • Social media scheduling and publishing capabilities for LinkedIn


  • Lacks features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.
  • Limited information on AI-powered content recommendations
  • Lack of dedicated features for LinkedIn Company Page analytics and reporting
  • Can be more expensive than dedicated social media management tools


CoSchedule offers four pricing plans: Free Calendar, Social Calendar Suite ($29/month), Agency Calendar ($49/month), and Enterprise (custom pricing). The plans vary in features, with the higher tiers offering more advanced capabilities like team collaboration tools, ReQueue automation, and priority support.

User Review:

Users generally appreciate CoSchedule for its comprehensive marketing calendar and content organizer. The team collaboration tools and detailed analytics are highly valued. However, some users wish for more advanced AI features and a unified social inbox.

Why Choose This Tool?

CoSchedule is the most suitable for businesses that need a powerful tool for managing marketing strategies and materials through a marketing calendar and a content calendar. It has effective team collaboration features as well as exhaustive data analytics, which makes it important in optimizing the marketing processes and results.

#10 SocialPilot

SocialPilot is a social media tool that is aimed at business and professional people to plan and manage their social media marketing. It provides features to post at a scheduled time, it also has performance reports and it has features to facilitate team members.

SocialPilot - Social Media Management Tool

Top Features:

  • LinkedIn Scheduler: Short and long-form posts, carousel posts, and videos/upload; Engage your audience by pre-scheduling and pre-publishing your LinkedIn posts.
  • Bulk Scheduling: Post to LinkedIn lightly numerous messages at once using a single CSV file for a faster way to load your content.
  • Social Inbox Management: Collect all the comments and messages from all the social networking sites including LinkedIn in one place to facilitate interaction.
  • LinkedIn Analytics: Measure conversion rates and ensure the numbers of impressions, reach, engagement and followers are high in order to gauge the effectiveness of a Company Page on LinkedIn.


  • Provides a content calendar to organize and manage posts efficiently.
  • Comprehensive LinkedIn integration for scheduling, publishing, and engagement
  • Browser extensions and mobile apps for on-the-go scheduling and management
  • Additional teamwork components such as the possibility of creating calendars or approval mechanisms.


  • Lack of dedicated features for LinkedIn Company Page analytics
  • Does not offer advanced AI features for content suggestions and optimal posting times.
  • Lacks features for scheduling recurring posts for evergreen content.


SocialPilot offers four pricing plans: The pricing tiers available are Professional at $30 per month, Small Team at $50 per month, Agency at $100 per month, and Agency+ at $200 per month. The different plans differ in functionality due to the fact that the advanced plans come with additional features such as more social accounts, collaboration tools, and top prior support.

User Review:

Users generally appreciate SocialPilot for its bulk scheduling capabilities and comprehensive analytics. The tool’s client management and content calendar features are highly valued, particularly by agencies. However, some users wish for more advanced AI features and a unified social inbox.

Why Choose This Tool?

SocialPilot suits best of the businesses and agencies requiring powerful LinkedIn integration in their social media management tool. SocialPilot has bulk scheduling, content calendar, social inbox, analytics, and team collaboration that can assist in managing and improving one’s LinkedIn profile. Also, its browser extensions and mobile applications enhance the on-the-go organizing and scheduling.


It can be very time-consuming to manage a company page on LinkedIn. There are many innovative tools available on LinkedIn profile for scheduling your posts, involving the team members & analyzing the results. This saves time, maintains a proper schedule, and offers information that will help improve the strategies used. These applications have some features that can aid you with content suggestions, and carousel post creation and can help make you stand out among the crowd and catch your audience’s attention.

Want to reach more people and make your updates much more efficient on this platform? Discover which of the above tools can make the desired impact and how they can help you reach your goals in social media!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What factors should I consider when choosing a LinkedIn scheduling tool?

Factors to consider:
– Integration with other platforms
– Analytics and reporting features
– User interface and user experience
– Customer support and community
– Customization and flexibility
– Mobile Accessibility

2. Can scheduling tools help manage multiple LinkedIn accounts?

Yes, many scheduling tools allow you to manage multiple LinkedIn accounts from a single platform.

3. Can I schedule posts for LinkedIn Company Pages and Groups using these tools?

Yes, most LinkedIn scheduling tools support posting to both Company Pages and Groups.

4. How do I ensure that my scheduled posts don’t violate LinkedIn’s terms of service?

Follow LinkedIn’s community guidelines and terms of service. Avoid posting spam, inappropriate content, or using automation excessively.

5. Can I schedule posts from my mobile device?

Yes, many LinkedIn scheduling tools offer mobile apps or mobile-friendly interfaces for on-the-go scheduling.

6. Are there any tools that offer AI-powered recommendations for post-optimization?

Yes, tools like RecurPost and Taplio offer AI-powered content recommendations and optimal posting times.

7. What are the benefits of using LinkedIn scheduling tools?

Saves time, increases engagement, and improves content strategy through consistent posting and detailed analytics.

8. How do LinkedIn scheduling tools help with team collaboration?

Many tools offer features like multi-user access, content approval workflows, and shared calendars to streamline team collaboration.

9. Do these tools support other social media platforms besides LinkedIn?

Yes, many LinkedIn scheduling tools also support other major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Saurabh Chaturvedi is a content writer at RecurPost. Specializing in social media management and marketing, Saurabh is dedicated to crafting engaging and informative articles. His passion for clear, exciting content keeps readers eager for more.


Schedule and Publish your posts on multiple social accounts, read and reply to incoming messages with social inbox, and collaborate with your team and clients with ease.