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Agorapulse vs Sendible

What’s Better For You in 2024?


Take Control of Your Social Media


Mastering Social Media Monitoring: A Guide with Sendible

What is Agorapulse?

Agorapulse is a social media management platform known for its easy-to-use interface and suite of features, assisting businesses in scheduling content, engaging with their audience, and getting insights from social analytics. Its robust offering caters to both small businesses and larger agencies, making it a favorite among many professionals.

Agorapulse’s user interface is one of its distinct qualities, which sets it apart from many other social media management applications. The platform has a clean and user-friendly design that is simple to operate, making it suitable for both experienced and inexperienced social media administrators. Users may immediately discover the tools and functions they require with a logically arranged interface, reducing the aggravation of scrolling through menus.

Users have praised Agorapulse for its user-friendly design, platform support, comprehensive analytics, and competitor analysis features. However, it’s critical to think about Agorapulse alternatives to ensure that you discover the best social media management solution for your specific needs and tastes.

What is Sendible?

Sendible, on the other hand, is a comprehensive solution designed for agencies with multiple clients. It streamlines the process of scheduling posts, interacting with audiences, and measuring the ROI of social media campaigns. Its intuitive dashboard and collaborative features make it a great tool for teams.

One of the standout aspects of Sendible is its insightful analytics capabilities, which extend beyond basic interaction numbers. Sendible’s reporting features include competitor research, sentiment tracking, and influencer discovery, providing agencies with valuable strategic knowledge. This in-depth understanding allows agencies to stay ahead of the curve and develop focused campaigns that truly engage with their client’s target audiences.

Moreover, Sendible recognizes the importance of time in the fast-paced world of social media marketing. The platform is optimized for speed and efficiency, offering features like bulk scheduling, automated publishing workflows, and pre-approved content libraries. These time-saving tools empower agencies to concentrate on strategic planning and creative execution, ensuring that their social media efforts are both effective and efficient.

While Sendible offers a robust solution, it’s always worthwhile to explore alternatives to Sendible to discover other tools that may offer unique features or a different approach to social media management. Exploring alternatives can help businesses and agencies find the perfect fit for their specific needs and preferences in the ever-evolving landscape of social media marketing tools.


When choosing a good social media management tool, the abundance of options available can be overwhelming. If you find yourself torn between Agorapulse vs Sendible, you’ve come to the right place. At RecurPost, we’ve conducted a comprehensive analysis of various platforms to provide you with an impartial comparison, ensuring that you receive the most value for your investment.

Agorapulse vs Sendible are both prominent contenders in the realm of social media management tools, each offering distinct capabilities tailored to the diverse needs of businesses. In this Agorapulse vs Sendible comparison, we will delve deeper into the strengths, weaknesses, and standout features of these platforms, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns with your specific requirements. Whether you operate as a solo entrepreneur, a burgeoning business, or an agency, this exploration will serve as your compass in selecting the perfect social media management tool to elevate your online presence.

Agorapulse vs Sendible: User Rating

Rating Categories Agorapulse Sendible
Star Rating (Out of 5) 4.5 4.5
Meets Requirements (Out of 10) 8.5 8.7
Ease of Use (Out of 10) 9.0 8.8
Ease of Setup (Out of 10) 9.1 8.6
Ease of Admin (Out of 10) 9.1 8.9
Quality of Support (Out of 10) 9.1 8.9
Business Partnership (Out of 10) 9.1 9.0
Product Direction (% positive) 90 90
Summary: Both Agorapulse and Sendible are closely matched when it comes to user ratings. They both excel in ease of use, setup, and admin, with Agorapulse slightly edging out in some categories.

Agorapulse vs Sendible: Feature Comparison

Features Agorapulse Sendible
Pricing (per month in USD) $69 $29
Free Trial Yes Yes
Platforms Supported Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Business Profile, Youtube, Tik Tok Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Business Profile, Youtube, Tik Tok, WordPress
Bulk Scheduling No Yes
RSS feeds No Yes
Recurring Posts No Yes
Social Inbox No Yes
Advanced Analytics No No
Team Management No No
Summary: When it comes to feature sets, Sendible seems to offer a wider variety, especially given its lesser price point. Features like bulk scheduling, RSS feeds, and recurring posts are available on Sendible but not on Agorapulse.

Pros and Cons of Using Agorapulse


    • Intuitive interface.

    • Strong analytical tools.

    • Good customer support.


    • Lacks certain features like bulk scheduling.

    • Higher price point.

Pros and Cons of Using Sendible


    • Comprehensive platform support including WordPress.

    • Offers bulk scheduling, RSS feeds, and recurring posts.

    • More affordable.


    • Some users might find its dashboard overwhelming.

Agorapulse vs Sendible – The Bottom Line

While both Agorapulse vs Sendible have their unique strengths, your decision will likely be based on specific needs. If you’re looking for more features at a lesser price point, Sendible might be your choice. However, if you’re aiming for a more streamlined experience and are willing to invest a bit more, Agorapulse might be the way to go.

RecurPost as an alternative to Agorapulse and Sendible

RecurPost is a social media automation tool designed to give you the best of both worlds. It offers a robust set of features, like AI content generation, bulk scheduling, and recurring posts, making it a comprehensive solution for businesses of all sizes.

Feature RecurPost Agorapulse Sendible
Pricing (per month in USD) $25 $79 $29
Free Trial Yes Yes Yes
Bulk Scheduling Yes Yes Yes
AI Content Generation Yes No No
Advanced Analytics Yes Yes Yes
Team Management Yes Yes On higher plans
Platform Support Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google Business Profile, YouTube, TikTok Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google My Business, YouTube
Caption Customization Yes Yes Yes
URL Shortener Yes Yes Yes
White Label Reports Yes Yes Yes

Why RecurPost Better Than Agorapulse and Sendible?

While Agorapulse and Sendible are both robust platforms, RecurPost stands out by offering an intuitive interface combined with an affordable price point. With unique features and exceptional customer support, RecurPost ensures you don’t just manage your social media, but master it.