โ€œSo, how many Twitter followers do you have?โ€ Do you often stumble upon this question and wonder how to get more Twitter followers so you can answer it with a wide smirk on your face? 

Well, unless you are Ronaldo or Obama, you canโ€™t get followers automatically without putting in the effort of posting your content on social media using social media scheduler. 

But, what if we told you that you can grow your Twitter followers exponentially just by optimizing your Twitter Marketing strategy? There are more than 1.3 billion accounts on Twitter and all of them post around 500 million tweets daily! So, to make yourself visible in this huge ocean of tweets, you definitely need to put in some work, especially when you are using Twitter for business.

Donโ€™t worry! Itโ€™s not as difficult as you are thinking. By using some simple tips and tricks listed in this blog, we are sure that you will be able to grow your Twitter account. Just make sure to follow them consistently. 

How To Get More Twitter Followers in 2024:

1. Optimize Your Twitter Profile

Optimize your Twitter profile to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

Whenever someone visits your Twitter account, the first thing that they notice is definitely going to be the information that is put upfront on your profile. A well-optimized profile is likely to receive more followers than the one which is empty.

Begin with choosing a good Twitter handle. You wouldnโ€™t want a username that consists of a lot of numbers and is hard to remember. Use a high-definition profile picture and make sure your face is clearly visible. If you are running a business account, you can keep your logo as the profile picture. For the cover picture, you can set an image showing any ongoing offer.

Showcase your personality in the bio section. Write it in a way that grabs the attention of people. You can also add one or two key hashtags in the bio to make your profile searchable. As a business, you can write the mission and vision, talk about your core values, or your most popular product. The main purpose to have a good bio is to give people a reason to follow you.

To get more Twitter followers, start by optimizing your profile with a catchy bio and an appealing profile picture. Engage with relevant accounts by liking, retweeting, and replying to their tweets. Use hashtags and tweet scheduler tools to consistently share valuable content that resonates with your target audience. Collaborate with influencers and participate in Twitter chats to expand your reach.

2. Follow Industry Influencers

Follow industry influencers to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

This tip might work like a charm. Make a list of all the major influencers in your industry and follow all of them. You might be wondering whatโ€™s the benefit behind it. Well, this might benefit you in a few ways.

People are actively looking for influencers to follow. And they use automation tools like Tweepi to automatically follow their followers simply to increase their own following count. So, this popularly used tactic can help you in gaining followers.

The people who are already following those influencers can follow you when they see you engaging with those influencersโ€™ posts through retweets and comments. For this trick to work, you need to find out at least 50-100 influencers to follow. And after a week of following them, you will probably start seeing results.

3. Tweet Consistently

Tweet consistently to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

As compared to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, Twitter requires a more aggressive content marketing strategy. It is a fleeting platform where people come to share their opinions and find out whatโ€™s trending. Amidst a whooping 500 million tweets shot out per day, there are high chances that your tweet will be buried in the bushes in a short period of time after posting. 

Thus, to make yourself more visible on the platform, you need to be consistent with your content. A good number is to post at least 4-8 tweets in a day. Some brands even go with 15-20 tweets daily. But, along with the quantity, you also need to curate engaging posts for Twitter. 

While creating tweets, remember not to be more promotional. Follow the 80-20 rule of posting. 80% of your tweets should provide something valuable, informational, or humorous to your audience. And the remaining 20% should talk about your company and the products or services that you offer.

4. Use Multimedia

Text-based posts are quite popular on Twitter, but tweets with images, videos, and GIFs receive more engagement. Adding a relevant high-quality image to your tweet can increase your engagement by 150%, and the tweets with videos or GIFs are 6 times more likely to get retweeted.

When you use multimedia in your tweets, it helps in stopping the serial scrollers and make them have a look at what you have posted. Make sure that you use media that is relevant to your tweets and not just mere stock photographs. 

If you are tweeting about any data, you can create a chart or infographic to include more details about your tweet. When more people will engage with your posts, your profile will be visible to more users, which will ultimately help you get more followers on Twitter.

5. Use The Right Hashtags in Your Tweets

In Twitter new update, Using hashtags can help you get more visibility, more retweets, more engagement, and more followers on Twitter! But, this is not Instagram. You donโ€™t have the leisure to use 30 hashtags in a post here. While you can use the 280 character space to write as many hashtags as possible, it is not advisable to do so. 

Find and use a maximum of 2-3 keyword based hashtags. Any number more than that will only make your tweet look spammy and shoo people away from your posts. Also, make sure that the hashtags that you are using have a decent search volume.

6. Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

You need to keep an eye on your competitors and see how they are operating their Twitter account. Scroll through their profile and see what kind of posts performed well. Try to replicate those ideas, give them your own touch, and post on your profile. The reason behind doing this is that when certain things are working for your competitors, there are high chances that they might work for you too. 

Find out at least 10 competitors and analyze how many followers they have, what kind of tweets they post in a day, how do they respond to comments and retweets, do they share personal stories, etc. This will give you a clear idea of how to get more Twitter followers for your account too.

7. Retweet and Engage with others

Retweet and Engage with others to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

To get more followers on Twitter, you need to give a thought to how you spend your time on the platform. No doubt, you can post consistently and increase engagement on your profile, but you would also not want to make your account look like itโ€™s operated by bots.

You need to engage with your followers, customers, as well as industry leaders. Tagging, retweeting, commenting, and replying are some actions that you need to do on a regular basis to let people know that you are human and attract more people to follow you. Writing one-word replies or comments will also not work here – you need to craft out a detailed and thoughtful response to grab the attention of people. 

8. Look out for Trending Topics

focus on trends to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

On Twitter, a trend is a topic or a hashtag that is determined by the algorithm to be one of the most popular on the platform at a given moment. You have the option to filter trends on the basis of your location and the people you follow. 

Keep a check on these trending topics on twitter to find out what people are talking about actively on Twitter. Read some tweets and learn about the context of the trend. If it suits or relates to your niche in any way, then donโ€™t think twice before jumping on the trend and crafting some tweets related to it. 

Trending topics can significantly enhance your visibility, helping you reach a broader audience and ultimately boost your traffic from Twitter. Learn how to leverage trends effectively.

The earlier you jump on the trends, the better results you will get. It is a great way to put your profile in front of the relevant audience and grow your followers. You can use Twitter threads and make your post more interesting by creating curiosity that makes the reader jump to the following Tweet.

To learn how to make the most of Twitter Advanced Search for tracking conversations, finding specific tweets, and improving your social media strategy, check out our detailed guide!

9. Tweet at the Right Time

tweet at right time to get more followers on twitter | RecurPost
You might be posting a lot of content, but in order to get more engagement and followers on Twitter, you need to post at times when your audience is actively using the platform.

According to a study made by Recurpost, the overall best time to tweet is on Tuesday and Wednesday at 9 a.m. However, there are a lot of other factors involved that you need to consider. Read this guide to see how you can find your own best times to tweet.

If you find all this process time-consuming, then you can use a social media automation tool that provides AI-based share time optimization. RecurPost is one such tool that offers an option of โ€˜Auto-schedule for best timeโ€™. When you select this option while scheduling tweets, it studies the engagement received on your previous posts and uploads your tweets accordingly.

10. Pin Your Best Tweet

pin your best tweet to get more twitter followers | RecurPost

This is one of the ways to show off your work on your Twitter handle. Pinning your tweets is a great way to showcase your best content. As it is one of the first things visitors will notice when they visit your profile, make sure to use it to your advantage. 

Pinning a tweet can be considered as an extension of your bio. Got any tweet that gained massive engagement and was loved by your audience? Pin it so the new profile visitors can see it too. It lets people know what kind of tweets they can expect when they follow you.

As a business, you can pin tweets related to any ongoing offers or discounts or any upcoming events. When the offer expires, you can remove it and pin another tweet.

11. Schedule Your Tweets To Perfection

We saw earlier that you need to post consistently on Twitter to get more engagement and increase followers. We also saw that you need to post the tweets at the right time so that they can reach more people.

It offers support for other platforms too. Thus, you will never have to actually open social media platforms to take care of these tasks or worry about the best time to post on social media.


Now that you know how to get more followers on Twitter start implementing the tips to see results gradually. You cannot expect your Twitter account to grow overnight. You need to plan your content, engage with others and optimize your profile. 

The tips listed above need you to invest some of your time but will bring you new leads, followers, customers, and more exposure for your business. Just be consistent and never stop creating valuable content!

Frequently Asked Questions on how to get more Twitter followers

1. How can I hack my Twitter to increase my followers?

The following hacks will help you in increasing your Twitter followers rapidly:
– Find and follow industry influencers
– Optimize your Twitter profile
– Tweet consistently (4-5 tweets per day)
– Use multimedia (images, videos, GIFs)
– Use the right hashtags in your tweets
– Keep an eye on your competitors
– Retweet and engage with others
– Look out for trending topics
– Tweet at the right time
– Pin your best tweet
– Schedule your tweets to get maximum engagement

All these points are discussed in detail above in the blog. Have a look so you can prepare the right strategy to get more Twitter followers!

2. How can I get 1000 followers on Twitter?

To get your first 1000 followers on Twitter, follow the tips given below:
– Choose a Twitter handle that is similar to your usernames on other social accounts.
– Set a clear close-up profile picture, add a cover picture, and optimize your bio.
– Tweet consistently to grab the attention of people.
– Schedule your tweets in advance using a social media scheduling tool.
– Follow people relevant to your industry, they are likely to follow you back.
– Use relevant hashtags in your tweets.
– Post tweets on trending topics.
– Find out the best time to tweet.
– Provide more value in your tweets and talk less about yourself.

3. How can you tell if someone has fake followers?

Finding out whether a person has fake or real followers takes just a few minutes. Scan the personโ€™s profile and go through the number of likes and comments on their posts. If the comments are clearly irrelevant or gibberish, they’re from fake followers.ย 

Also, if they have a lot of followers but only a few or no comments/likes on their posts, it is evident that they have bought fake followers. In their followers list, you will see a lot of names that look spammy and you will also find some followers-buying accounts.

4. How to get followers on Twitter without following?

Following other people belonging to your industry is a great way to grab some followers for yourself. It will initially help you in bringing people to your account when you have zero followers. After you have a decent number of followers, do the following to get more Twitter followers:
– Be active on Twitter and tweet consistently.
– Post quality, informational, and valuable content.
– Create content on trending topics and use hashtags.
– Retweet the tweets of your followers.
– Engage with other peopleโ€™s tweets and mentions.