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When Is The Best Time To Post On Youtube In 2024?

Best Time To Post On Youtube

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Are you a YouTuber who is trying to find some of the best times to post on YouTube to get better engagement for your channel?

Well, you are not alone because YouTube as a video-sharing library has come a long-long way over the past few years. With over 2.4 Billion active users on the platform, it has become an ocean that is very deep to dive in. With constant waves of new videos hitting the platform, the chances for every video to shine have decreased. Hence, many experts suggest adapting to the best timings to post on YouTube to garner maximum engagement.

However, there is a bit of confusion running, as to what time can be the best one. If you are the one dealing with the same issue, just relax, as this guide specifically curated by our social media marketing experts will give you some of the best times to post on YouTube.

So, without any further ado let’s dive deep!

Why is YouTube’s best time different from other social media platforms?

YouTube stands as a unique giant in the vast pool of social media platforms, primarily because of its distinctive approach to content distribution and engagement.

Unlike instant-sharing platforms like Instagram or TikTok, where content is rapidly pushed to followers upon posting, YouTube adopts a more meticulous process similar to its parent company Google’s search indexing. This thoughtful distinction highlights how YouTube’s algorithm sets itself apart.

When you upload a YouTube video, the platform doesn’t immediately push it into the user feeds. Instead, it undergoes a comprehensive analysis and indexing phase.

This process ensures that videos are appropriately categorized, searchable, and filtered based on age and copyright, making them accessible not just upon release but over time, serving users’ search queries with precision.

The time YouTube takes to process and analyze a video is influenced by its file size and length, underscoring the platform’s commitment to delivering content that is both relevant and high-quality.

Posting when your target audience is most likely to engage not only aligns with YouTube’s preference for quality engagement but also increases the likelihood of your content being favored by the algorithm long-term. This approach sets YouTube apart as a platform where thoughtful content creation and strategic timing converge to create lasting viewer relationships.

Factors that affect YouTube engagement

  • Time Zone
  • Type of Content
  • Occupation
  • Age group

Best time to post on YouTube according to the week

Best time to post on YouTube according to the week

Imagine the hustle and bustle of a typical weekday, with everyone wrapped up in their tasks, meetings, and deadlines. As the clock ticks towards the late afternoon, there’s a collective sigh of relief. It’s between 3 PM and 6 PM, and people are beginning to wind down, looking for something to relax or engage with. That’s the golden window for YouTube content creators.

Posting your YouTube videos during these hours on Monday to Friday can catch viewers right when they’re in that sweet spot of seeking content to unwind with, making it a prime time for engagement.

Then comes the weekend, a time when the pace slows down, and mornings start leisurely. Saturday and Sunday mornings, specifically from 9 AM to 11 AM, are when people often have their first cup of coffee in hand, leisurely scrolling through their devices in search of something interesting to start their day.

This is another perfect opportunity for creators. Posting your videos during these morning hours can ensure your content is part of their relaxed, weekend routine.

So, in this rhythm of weekly routines, tapping into the best times to post on YouTube late afternoons during the week and late mornings on the weekend can make all the difference in reaching your target audience when they’re most ready to watch and engage. It’s all about syncing with the viewer’s daily life, being there right when they’re looking for their next video to watch.

Best time to post on YouTube according to the location

LocationBest time to post on YouTube
United States and Canada 3 PM to 6 PM
Europe 2 PM to 4 PM
Asia (IST)6 PM to 9 PM
Asia (CST)7 PM to 10 PM
Australia8 AM to 11 AM
Best times to post on YouTube according to the Location

In the United States and Canada the best time to hit ‘upload’ is around 3 PM to 6 PM EST. It’s when folks are unwinding, scrolling for something to watch as they relax or commute home.

Heading over to Europe, with its old-world charm and fast-paced modern life, the timeline shifts a bit. Here, catching viewers as they’re wrapping up their day or taking a late lunch break works well. Aim for 2 PM to 4 PM CET. It’s when your European audience is likely looking for a break or something interesting to end their day with.

Now, let’s circle around Asia, focusing on India and China, where diverse cultures reside. In India, evenings become a prime time as people settle back home, looking for entertainment or learning. Posting between 6 PM and 9 PM IST meets them right in their comfort zone. Over in China, after dinner, screens light up with activity. Targeting 7 PM to 10 PM CST means your content is ready for their evening leisure browsing.

Down under in Australia, the vibe is different. Mornings are golden, as Aussies love starting their day with fresh content. Posting between 8 AM and 11 AM AEST catches them as they’re having their morning coffee, ready to start the day with something new.

Best time to post on YouTube according to the Industries

IndustryBest time to post on YouTube
Entertainment & Lifestyle10 AM to 12 PM (Saturdays and Sundays)
Education and How-to2 PM to 4 PM (Tuesdays to Thursdays)
Gaming7 PM to 9 PM (Fridays and Saturdays)
Fitness and Health6 AM to 8 AM (Monday to Friday)
Technology and Reviews3 PM to 5 PM (Wednesdays and Thursdays)
Business and Finance7 AM to 9 AM (Mondays to Wednesdays)
Beauty and Fashion10 AM to 12 PM (Saturdays and Sundays)
Travel and Adventure8 AM to 10 AM (Thursdays and Fridays)
Best time to post on YouTube according to the Industries

Entertainment and Lifestyle: For channels focusing on entertainment and lifestyle, weekends are prime time, especially Saturdays and Sundays late morning to early afternoon, i.e., 10 AM to 12 PM. People are more likely to seek leisure content during their free time.

Education and How-to Content: Weekday afternoons, particularly from Tuesday to Thursday, 2 PM to 4 PM can be effective for educational and how-to content. This aligns with people looking for informative content during breaks or after school/work hours.

Gaming: Late evenings and weekends from 7 PM to 9 PM are key times for the gaming community, as this audience tends to engage in gaming activities during their leisure time. Friday and Saturday nights can be particularly effective.

Fitness and Health: Early mornings on weekdays or weekends cater to individuals looking for workout inspiration or health tips to start their day right. Posting around 6 AM to 9 AM can capture the morning routine audience.

Technology and Reviews: Mid-week, specifically Wednesdays and Thursdays, in the late afternoon, around 3 PM to 5 PM, when people might be looking for reviews or tech advice to inform purchasing decisions or stay updated on tech news.

Business and Finance: Early weekdays, from Monday to Wednesday, posting before the workday starts, around 7 AM to 9 AM, can engage professionals seeking industry news, market updates, or financial advice.

Beauty and Fashion: Weekends in the late morning to early afternoon, around 10 AM to 1 PM, when viewers have more free time to explore beauty tips, fashion trends, and makeup tutorials.

Travel and Adventure: Posting on Thursday or Friday morning can be strategic, as it’s when people begin to plan weekend getaways or dream about future travels, seeking inspiration for their next adventure.

What is the best time to post YouTube shorts?

If you’re a content creator looking to maximize engagement on YouTube Shorts, it’s essential to schedule your posts during peak viewing times. The optimal posting times are typically in the mornings from 9 to 11 AM and in the evenings from 6 to 8 PM. However, keep in mind that these times may vary based on your audience demographics and geographical location.

How to find YOUR best time to post on YouTube

Generally, the best times to post on YouTube are between 3 PM to 6 PM on Thursdays and Fridays as people are in a jolly mood due to the arrival of the weekend.

But, if you are just starting out, then you might want to see a different approach to finding the best time to post on your YouTube channel. Want to know how? Okay, then skip to the next part.

Finding YOUR best time with audience report:

Access YouTube Analytics: Start by logging into your YouTube account and navigating to your channel’s YouTube Studio.

Click on YouTube Studio.

Go to Analytics: In YouTube Studio, click on “Analytics” in the left sidebar. This will take you to your channel’s analytics dashboard.

Click on Analytics to access the YouTube analytics.

Audience Tab: Within the Analytics dashboard, click on the “Audience” tab. Here, you’ll find valuable insights about your viewers.

Click on the Audience tab.

Viewers’ Online Activity: Look for the section that provides information about when your viewers are most active on YouTube. This section may include data on days of the week and hours of the day when your audience is online.

Analyze the Data: Study the data to identify patterns. The dark purple color represents the best timings. Note which days of the week and times of the day show higher viewer activity. These are your potential best times to post.

YouTube Analytics showing the best and the worst timings.

Experiment and Observe: Based on the insights from your audience demographics report, start posting your videos at the identified peak times. Monitor the performance of your videos and track engagement (views, likes, comments) over a few weeks.

Refine Your Schedule: Use the data from your experiments to refine your posting schedule. Continue to adjust and optimize your posting times based on ongoing performance analysis.

Finding YOUR best timing without an audience report:

Establish a Baseline: Begin by creating a spreadsheet that has the days of the week and hours of the day.

Spreadsheet representing the days of the week and hours.

We have already created one and shared it below, so we suggest you make a copy of it and start working on your YouTube success. 

Initiate posting: Start posting your videos at different times and on different days of the week. Keep a record of the posting schedule in a spreadsheet.

Record Engagement Metrics: After each video has been live for a few weeks, record engagement by navigating to the ‘Overview’ section followed by ‘Realtime’. This live update tells you how many views you have got in each hour within the time frame of the last 48 hours. 

Navigate to the Realtime stats to get hold of your engagement.

For every performing video or short add 1 to the spreadsheet while deducting 1 if it is the least or worst performing.

Identify Trends: Analyze your spreadsheet data to identify trends. Look for patterns in engagement based on the days and times you posted. For instance, here in the spreadsheet, the ones that have darker shades are your best timings, while the lighter ones are the worst.

Spreadsheet representing best time in darker shades, while worst in lighter ones.

Experiment and Compare: Based on your initial observations, start posting more videos at the times that seem to generate higher engagement. Compare the performance of these videos with others posted at different times.

Iterate and Optimize: Continue to experiment and adjust your posting schedule based on the data you collect. Over time, you’ll refine your posting strategy to align with your audience’s preferences.

Consider Time Zones: If your audience is spread across different time zones, take this into account when determining your best posting times. Aim to reach as many viewers as possible at their peak hours.

Best Practices for YouTubers

Running a YouTube channel isn’t all about uploading and creating. It demands a lot of discipline and dedication, and sometimes it can get hard to keep that motivation going.

So, to help you stay motivated and focused here are some best practices that you can follow:

  • Understand Your Audience:

Getting to know who watches your content is the foundation of your YouTube strategy. Insights into your audience’s preferences, behaviors, and demographics allow you to tailor your content to meet their needs and interests, increasing engagement and loyalty.

  • Consistency is Key:

Regular posting schedules build anticipation and habit among your viewers. Consistency helps in maintaining a steady stream of content, which can boost your visibility and keep your audience coming back for more.

  • Leverage Analytics:

YouTube provides a wealth of data through its Analytics platform. Use it to track viewer engagement, watch times, and traffic sources. This data is invaluable for refining your content strategy and optimizing your posting schedule.

  • Quality Over Quantity:

Focus on producing high-quality videos that offer value to your viewers. Engaging, well-produced content is more likely to be shared and recommended by YouTube, leading to increased visibility and subscriber growth.

  • Engage With Your Community:

Foster a community around your channel by responding to comments, asking for feedback, and encouraging viewer interaction. This engagement not only boosts your relationship with your audience but also signals to YouTube that your content is valuable, increasing its chances of being promoted.

  • Promote Your Videos:

Don’t rely solely on YouTube to get your videos noticed. Use social media, blogs, and email newsletters to share your content. Cross-platform promotion can drive additional traffic and attract new subscribers.

  • Optimize for SEO:

SEO is your YouTube superpower. By strategically using keywords in titles, descriptions, and tags, you boost your video’s chances of being found both on YouTube and Google. It’s not just about YouTube’s search; it’s about being visible to the world. SEO connects your content with viewers far beyond the platform’s borders.

  • Test and Adapt:

The digital marketing world is ever-changing, and what works today may not work tomorrow. So, experiment with different types of content, posting times, and promotional strategies to see what resonates best with your audience.

  • Monitor Trends and Competitors:

Keep an eye on emerging trends within your niche and what your competitors are doing. This can inspire your content and help you stay ahead in the game.

  • Be Patient and Analyze Long-Term Trends:

Success on YouTube doesn’t happen overnight. It requires patience and persistence. Focus on long-term trends in your analytics to understand the bigger picture of your channel’s growth and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • Plan for Time Zones:

If your audience is global, consider the best times to post for different time zones. Your posting schedule should aim to reach as much of your audience as possible at their peak viewing times.

  • Stay Updated with Algorithm Changes:

YouTube’s algorithm evolves constantly. Staying informed about these changes can help you adapt your content and strategy to continue reaching your audience effectively.

Are there any worst times to post on YouTube?

Yes, like other social media channels posting on YouTube at the worst timings can cost your engagement rate, and hence knowing the worst time to post on YouTube is a must. According to our social media experts, the worst time is before 10 AM (Monday to Sunday), while the worst day is Monday, as most people are returning to their 9-5 schedule.

YouTube Vs other social media platforms

Like YouTube, other social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, Twitter,  and  LinkedIn also have their own best times to post for maximum engagement. 

So, if you want to grab those timings, it is recommended to follow the list that is given below:


In conclusion, the best times to post on YouTube matters. Hence, understand your viewers and align your content with their daily routines to make all the difference.

Remember, consistency, quality, and adaptability are your allies on this journey. Success takes time, but with patience and dedication, your content will shine. Keep your audience at the core of your strategy, listen, learn, and stay the course. Your thoughtful timing will help you make a lasting mark in the world of online video.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does the exact time I post on YouTube matter?

The timing of your YouTube post is crucial because it directly impacts the initial visibility and engagement your video receives. Posting when your audience is most active increases the likelihood of immediate views, likes, and comments, which are vital signals to YouTube’s algorithm that your content is engaging and worth promoting to a broader audience.

Can posting at the right time help me get featured on YouTube’s recommendations?

Yes, posting at optimal times can significantly increase your chances of being featured in YouTube’s recommendations. When a video garners high engagement shortly after posting, the platform’s algorithm views it as valuable content and is more likely to suggest it to similar viewers, thereby enhancing its reach and potential for virality.

Is there a universal best time to post videos for all YouTube channels?

No universal time guarantees success across all YouTube channels, as optimal YouTube posting times vary based on the specific audience’s online habits and preferences. It’s essential to dive into your channel’s analytics to identify when your viewers are most active and tailor your posting schedule to match their peak browsing times.

How often should I analyze my posting time strategy?

It’s advisable to review and adjust your posting time strategy periodically, at least every quarter. Viewer habits can shift due to various factors, including seasonal changes and evolving content trends. Regular analysis helps you stay aligned with your audience’s preferences and maintain or improve your video’s performance.

What’s the most surprising factor that affects the best posting time on YouTube?

One surprising factor is the global nature of YouTube’s audience, which means that the best posting time can be influenced by viewers in different time zones. What might seem like an off-peak time in your country could be prime time for viewers on the other side of the globe, highlighting the importance of understanding your target audience’s geographic distribution.

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