Why Pinterest is a Must-Use Platform for Marketers

In the vast world of social media, Pinterest might not always be the first platform that comes to mind for marketers. However, it’s a hidden gem, especially for those looking to reach an audience that is eager to discover new ideas, make decisions, and even make purchases. Unlike other platforms where users often scroll aimlessly, Pinterest users are planners. They visit the platform to seek inspiration and find solutions, making it an excellent tool for driving traffic, engagement, and sales.

Whether you’re new to Pinterest or looking to refine your existing Pinterest marketing techniques and strategy, this guide will walk you through essential tips, tools, and Pinterest marketing techniques to help you generate profuse Pinterest traffic and make the most of Pinterest.

A Comprehensive Guide to Pinterest Marketing Techniques

1. Getting Started with Pinterest Marketing

If you’re new to Pinterest, the first step is learning how to use Pinterest for business effectively. Setting up a business account is crucial as it unlocks features like Pinterest Analytics, Rich Pins, and Pinterest Ads, all of which are essential for marketing success.

Setting Up Your Pinterest Business Account

  • Create or Convert Your Account: You can either create a new Pinterest business account or convert your personal account to a business one. This gives you access to analytics, ads, and other business tools, which are key to developing a robust Pinterest marketing strategy.
  • Optimize Your Profile: Use a high-quality profile image, write a clear and engaging bio, and include your website link. Ensure your profile reflects your brand’s identity and follows Pinterest best practices.
  • Claim Your Website: Claiming your website will allow you to track what people save from your site and give you access to additional analytics, which will inform your Pinterest marketing techniques.

Understanding Pinterest Basics

  • Boards and Pins: Pinterest is organized into Boards (collections of Pins) and Pins (the individual pieces of content). Boards help you organize your content by theme, and Pins are the images or videos that users interact with. Following Pinterest best practices when creating these elements can significantly enhance your visibility.
  • Visual Search Engine: Pinterest functions as a visual search engine. Users search for keywords, and your Pins can show up in these search results, driving traffic to your site. Knowing how to use Pinterest for business includes mastering keyword strategies to improve your search visibility.
Getting Started with Pinterest Marketing

2. Integrating Pinterest into Your Marketing Strategy

Pinterest should be seen as a crucial component of your broader digital marketing strategy. Here’s how to make the Pinterest algorithm work in your favour:

Aligning Pinterest with Other Channels

  • Cross-Platform Promotion: Promote your Pinterest content on other social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, or your blog. For instance, if you create a DIY tutorial on your blog, create a Pin linking back to it and share it across your social channels. This integration is a key Pinterest marketing technique. For a deeper dive into leveraging Pinterest for broader marketing efforts, explore our guide on how to use Pinterest for marketing.

For more details, check out the blog post: How to Use Pinterest for Blogging.

  • Content Repurposing: Repurpose high-performing Pinterest content into other formats, like Instagram stories or email newsletters. This not only saves time but also ensures consistent messaging across platforms, which is a crucial Pinterest marketing strategy.

Storytelling with Pinterest

  • Visual Storytelling: Pinterest is ideal for visual storytelling. Create Boards that reflect your brand’s story, such as product collections, behind-the-scenes looks, or customer testimonials. For example, a fitness brand could create Boards on workout routines, healthy recipes, and success stories. Understanding how to use Pinterest for business involves leveraging these storytelling techniques.
Integrating Pinterest into Your Marketing Strategy

3. Pinterest Analytics: Understanding Your Audience

Once you’ve set up your account and started pinning, it’s essential to monitor your performance using Pinterest Analytics.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Impressions: How often your Pins are seen. This helps you understand the reach of your content, which is a fundamental aspect of any Pinterest marketing strategy.
  • Saves: When someone saves your Pin to their Board. Saves indicate that users find your content valuable enough to keep and share, a key signal in refining your Pinterest marketing techniques.
  • Clicks: The number of times users click on your Pin to visit your website. Clicks are crucial for driving traffic to your site and should be closely monitored as part of your Pinterest marketing strategy.

Turning Data into Action

  • Identify Top Performers: Use analytics to identify which Pins are driving the most traffic and engagement. Focus on creating more content similar to these high-performing Pins, which aligns with Pinterest best practices.
  • Audience Insights: Understand your audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors. Tailor your content to align with what resonates most with them, a core element of Pinterest marketing techniques.

4. Creating High-Converting Pins

To make the most out of your Pinterest marketing efforts, creating Pins that attract attention and drive action is key.

Designing Effective Pins

  • Use High-Quality Images: Ensure that your images are clear, visually appealing, and relevant to your content. Vertical images (with a 2:3 aspect ratio) perform best on Pinterest and follow Pinterest best practices. For a complete guide on creating and posting effective Pins, check out our article on How to Post on Pinterest.
  • Text Overlays: Add text overlays to your images to highlight the main message or offer. For example, if you’re promoting a sale, include the discount percentage in the Pin. This is a proven Pinterest marketing technique.
  • Consistent Branding: Use consistent colors, fonts, and styles in your Pins to create a cohesive brand presence. This helps with brand recognition as users encounter your content.

Best Practices for Pin Descriptions

  • Include Keywords: Use relevant keywords in your Pin descriptions to improve visibility in search results. Think about what your audience might be searching for, a critical aspect of how to use Pinterest for business.
  • Call to Action: Encourage users to take the next step, whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a newsletter, or making a purchase. For example, “Click to learn more” or “Shop now.” Following Pinterest best practices in your descriptions can significantly boost your engagement.
Creating High-Converting Pins

5. Advanced Targeting with Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads offer powerful targeting options that allow you to reach specific audiences with tailored content.

Targeting Options

  • Interest Targeting: Reach users based on their interests, such as home décor, travel, or fitness. This ensures your ads are seen by people who are likely to be interested in your content and is a vital Pinterest marketing strategy.
  • Keyword Targeting: Target users who are searching for specific terms. For example, a wedding planner could target keywords like “wedding planning” or “bridal inspiration.” This is one of the more advanced Pinterest marketing techniques.
  • Custom Audiences: Upload your email list to target your existing customers with Pinterest Ads. This can be particularly effective for retargeting or cross-selling.

Creating Effective Pinterest Ads

  • Promoted Pins: Boost the visibility of your top-performing Pins by promoting them. This is a great way to reach a larger audience quickly and is an essential part of how to use Pinterest for business effectively.
  • Carousel Ads: Use carousel ads to showcase multiple images or products in a single ad. This format is ideal for storytelling or displaying a collection of related items, aligning with Pinterest best practices.
  • Video Pins: Video content is highly engaging on Pinterest. Use short, captivating videos to grab attention and convey your message quickly.

6. Leveraging Pinterest for E-Commerce Success

Pinterest is a powerful platform for driving e-commerce sales, especially when you use its shopping features effectively and make sure to publish at the best time to post on Pinterest for maximum benefit.

Optimizing Product Pins

  • High-Quality Product Images: Ensure your product images are clear and well-lit. Include multiple angles or lifestyle shots to give users a better sense of the product.
  • Rich Pins: Enable Rich Pinterest Pins to automatically pull in additional information from your website, such as pricing, availability, and product details. This makes your Pins more informative and increases the likelihood of conversions—a must-know Pinterest marketing technique.
  • Direct Links: Ensure your Product Pins link directly to the product page on your website, making it easy for users to make a purchase.

Using Pinterest for Sales Funnels

  • Awareness Stage: Create inspirational and informative content that attracts potential customers. For example, a fashion brand could Pin seasonal style guides or trend forecasts.
  • Consideration Stage: Use Rich Pins and detailed product descriptions to provide more information as users move closer to making a purchase decision. This is an advanced Pinterest marketing strategy that drives conversions.
  • Decision Stage: Retarget users who have shown interest in your products with ads offering discounts or free shipping to encourage them to complete their purchase.
Staying Ahead of Pinterest Trends

Pinterest is always evolving, and staying on top of Pinterest trends is essential to maintaining a competitive edge.

  • Visual Search: As Pinterest enhances its visual search capabilities, optimizing your content for visual search is becoming increasingly important. Ensure your images are high-quality and relevant to popular search terms.
  • Seasonal Content: Pinterest users plan ahead, so start pinning seasonal content (e.g., holiday recipes, summer fashion) well in advance. This will help your content gain traction as the season approaches.
  • Sustainability: Content related to sustainability and ethical practices is gaining popularity. If your brand emphasizes eco-friendliness, make sure to highlight this in your Pins, which aligns with Pinterest best practices.

Experimenting with New Features

  • Try Out New Ad Formats: Pinterest frequently rolls out new ad formats and features. Experiment with these to see how they impact your performance.
  • Engage with Pinterest Communities: Participate in Pinterest Communities related to your niche to connect with other users and stay informed about the latest trends.
Staying Ahead of Pinterest Trends

8. Boost Your Pinterest Marketing with RecurPost

To streamline and enhance your Pinterest marketing efforts, consider using RecurPost. RecurPost is a social media management tool that can help you automate your Pinterest content scheduling, ensuring consistency without manual effort. It allows you to recycle your best-performing Pins, keeping your content fresh and engaging over time.

How RecurPost Helps:

  • Automated Scheduling: With RecurPost, you can schedule your Pins in advance, allowing you to maintain a consistent posting schedule without having to log in daily.
  • Content Recycling: RecurPost automatically re-posts your top-performing content, ensuring that your most valuable Pins continue to gain traction.
  • Multi-Platform Management: Manage Pinterest alongside your other social media platforms from a single dashboard, simplifying your overall social media strategy.
  • Reports and Analytics: RecurPost provides detailed reports and analytics, helping you track the performance of your Pins over time. You can see which content resonates most with your audience, allowing you to refine your Pinterest marketing techniques based on real data.

Integrating RecurPost into your Pinterest marketing strategy can save you time, increase your content’s visibility, and help you maintain a consistent and effective presence on Pinterest.

Boost Your Pinterest Marketing with RecurPost

To truly maximize your Pinterest marketing efforts in 2024, it’s essential to not only grow your presence but also explore monetization opportunities. Curious about how to turn your Pinterest activity into profit? Dive into our comprehensive guide on How to Make Money on Pinterest and start leveraging your pins for income!


Pinterest is a dynamic platform that offers significant opportunities for marketers. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your strategy, understanding how to use Pinterest for business is key to success. The strategies and Pinterest marketing techniques we’ve discussed will help you build a solid foundation and grow your presence on the platform.

By integrating Pinterest into your broader marketing strategy, leveraging its advanced targeting options, and following Pinterest best practices, you can drive substantial traffic and sales. Remember, Pinterest is a long-term game, so be patient, keep experimenting, and use the insights from your analytics to continuously improve your approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I Pin?

It’s generally recommended to Pin at least once a day. Consistency is key to maintaining and growing your presence on Pinterest.

2. What type of content performs best on Pinterest?

Content that is visually appealing, informative, and relevant to your audience tends to perform best. This includes how-to guides, infographics, product images, and inspirational content.

3. How can I increase my followers on Pinterest?

To grow your followers, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that resonates with your target audience. Promote your Pinterest profile on other social media channels and consider running ads to boost visibility. For more detailed strategies, check out our guide on How to Get Followers on Pinterest.

4. How do I use Pinterest for SEO?

Pinterest can boost your SEO efforts by driving traffic to your website. Use relevant keywords in your Pin descriptions, Board titles, and profile bio. Also, consider enabling Rich Pins to provide more detailed information directly on Pinterest.

5. Is Pinterest suitable for all types of businesses?

While Pinterest is particularly strong in niches like home décor, fashion, food, and lifestyle, it can be beneficial for any business with visually appealing content or products. The key is to tailor your content to what works well on the platform.