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Schedule Pinterest Posts

Stay top-of-mind on Pinterest with effortless scheduling! Plan your Pins, Idea Pins, and even Product Pins in advance for a consistently captivating feed.

RecurPost Pinterest Scheduler

Pinterest is one of the most popular visual platforms. It brings more visitors to the website, increases the level of recognition, and even to the growth in sales level.

However, getting the best from Pinterest does not just mean posting but rather, a carefully-planned social media strategy, which involves among others, Scheduling your Pinterest posts.

Many people find themselves in the same position as the niche influencers and marketers because in order to go live, they need to find and use images from their inventory and it requires a lot of time. It may seem difficult to start and because of that when you don’t post frequently, your content doesn’t get as much attention as the freshly posted content.

The best solution is to schedule your Pinterest posts.

This blog post is going to educate you on how to plan your Pinterest posts which is one of the most effective ways of dealing with the challenge of inconsistency, what type of content you can post, tools you use, planning, best strategies, and some advanced tips.

Q. Why should you schedule posts on Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual search engine. People use it to find ideas, plan projects, and shop. To be successful on Pinterest, you must consistently appear in these search results.

Scheduling your Pins is the key to consistency. Here’s why:

  • Builds a Loyal Following: When you post regularly, people know to expect new content from you. This helps you build a loyal audience who keep coming back for more.
  • Reach People When They’re Online: Pinterest has peak traffic times, just like any social media platform. Scheduling lets you publish Pins during those busy times, even if you’re not at your computer.

By scheduling, you streamline your Pinterest marketing strategy, save time, and ensure maximum engagement from your target audience.

Understand the Pinterest Algorithm

The Pinterest algorithm plays a crucial role in determining how pins are displayed to users, favoring regular posting, freshness factor and active user engagement.

Let’s see how these key factors influence the Pinterest algorithm:

  • Freshness Factor: Pinterest loves new content! The sooner you post a new Pin, the more likely it is to be shown to your followers and people searching for similar content.
  • Regular Posting: The algorithm rewards accounts that post consistently. This doesn’t mean you have to post multiple times daily, but regular posting demonstrates that you’re an active and engaged Pinterest user.
  • Engagement: How much people interact with your Pins matters. Saves, comments, and clicks signal to Pinterest that your content is interesting and relevant.

To align your scheduling strategy with the Pinterest algorithm, here are a few tips:

  • Schedule for Freshness: Use a scheduling tool to ensure new Pins are going out regularly.  
  • Pin Distribution: Spread your Pins throughout the day and week to keep a steady flow of content.
  • Keyword Optimization: Include relevant keywords in your Pin descriptions and boards. While the direct connection to scheduling is small, keyword-optimized Pins are more likely to be found in searches, which benefits your overall Pinterest marketing strategy.

Benefits of Scheduling Content on Pinterest

Scheduling content on Pinterest significantly enhances marketing efficiency and effectiveness by:

📈 Increase Reach and Engagement

Get your Pins in front of a larger, more engaged audience.

🎖️ Maintain Brand Consistency

Present a cohesive, polished brand image across your Pinterest boards.

⏳ Optimize Posting Time

Reach your audience when they’re most active for maximum impact.

📝 Strategic Content Delivery

Plan and deliver a well-balanced content mix that aligns with your goals.

🚨 Enhanced Content Quality

Focus on creating high-quality Pins with ample time for planning and execution.

📊 Analyze Performance

Track your metrics to understand what works and refine your Pinterest marketing strategy.

How Benefits Boost Your Pinterest Marketing

These advantages of scheduling directly contribute to goals like:

Increased Brand Awareness: More reach and engagement mean more people are discovering your brand on Pinterest.

Lead Generation: Strategic content focused on solving problems can drive traffic back to your website or encourage users to sign up for your email list.

Complete Guide to Schedule Pinterest Posts

By planning your content, you can ensure consistency and engagement for maximum impact. This guide will walk you through the various types of content you can schedule, providing clear instructions and best practices for each format.

1. Types of content you can schedule on Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual platform, so how your content looks matters a lot! Here are the main types of Pins you can schedule, along with tips for creating successful content:

Schedule Image Pins

  • Think vertical: Images should be taller than they are wide for best display on Pinterest.
  • Image Size: Pinterest recommends using a 2:3 aspect ratio.
  • High-Quality: Clear, bright images are more appealing.
  • Lifestyle Focus: Where possible, show products or ideas in context.

Schedule Video Pins

  • Keep it Engaging: The first few seconds are key to grabbing attention!
  • Instructional Content: How-tos and tutorials are big on Pinterest.
  • Educational: Even short videos should provide some value to viewers.
  • Video Size: Pinterest recommends a 9:16 aspect ratio.

Schedule Idea Pins

  • Interactive Elements: Use stickers, overlays, and multiple pages to make them engaging.
  • Inspiration: Share unique ideas, tips, or beautiful imagery.
  • Creativity-Focused: Think scrapbooking or mood board style.

Schedule Product Pins

  • E-commerce Must-Have: Lets you link directly to products on your website.
  • Accurate Details: Include pricing and relevant product information.

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Try not to repeatedly save the same Pins or upload content that already exists on Pinterest. You may get flagged as spam and get temporarily blocked from creating Pins. Review and make sure you are following these best practices: Troubleshoot your Performance

2. Pinterest Scheduler : Choose the right tool to schedule

Choosing the perfect Pinterest pin scheduler can boost your Pinterest marketing strategy. Whether you’re managing multiple accounts with different strategies or looking to streamline your content planning, having the right tool is essential.

There are two main options for scheduling Pinterest posts:

Native Pinterest Scheduler: Schedule Pinterest posts free using Pinterest’s own built-in tool. It’s simple to use and completely free, making it accessible for everyone. However, features may be limited compared to third-party options. You can access the scheduler through the web or app.

Third-Party Tools:  There are many powerful tools dedicated to social media scheduling. Popular options for Pinterest include RecurPost. This Pinterest scheduler offers robust scheduling features, in-depth analytics, content curation tools, and even recurring schedules to make content planning a breeze.

Features to Look For:

  • Analytics: Data on how your Pins perform is crucial for making adjustments.
  • Bulk Scheduling: Batching your content creation saves loads of time.
  • Content Curation: Some tools let you find and re-share relevant content
  • Auto-publish: Tools offer auto-publish pins from the RSS feed.

Choosing the Right Tool: Consider…

  • Pricing: Tools range from free to premium.  Consider your budget and needs.
  • Integrations: Will it connect to other social media platforms or analytics tools?
  • User-Friendliness: Can you easily learn how to use all the features?

Most Pinterest scheduler offer free trials. Experiment to find the one that best suits your workflow and Pinterest goals! Let me know if you’re ready to cover the step-by-step process of scheduling Pins.

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3. How to Schedule Pinterest Posts

Scheduling Pinterest posts efficiently can boost your productivity and engagement. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

  1. Connect an Account: Link your Pinterest account to your chosen scheduling tool.

  2. Upload/Create Post: Draft your pin – upload images/videos, write descriptions, relevant hashtags and CTAs (eg. “Visit our website for more”).

  3. Set Schedule: Select dates and times to publish your pins automatically.

  4. Monitor and Analyze: Track your scheduled Pin’s performance using your scheduling tool’s analytics.

This streamlined approach will help you maintain a consistent presence on Pinterest, allowing you to engage with your audience more effectively.

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4. Best Practice for scheduling posts

Scheduling is a powerful tool, but to maximize results, follow these tips:

Optimal Frequency & Consistency: Start with 3-5 Pins per week, spread out throughout the week. Consistency is more important than posting huge amounts daily.

Best Times to Post: Analyze your Pinterest analytics (or your scheduling tool’s data) to find your audience’s most active times. Schedule your best Pins for those peak hours to optimize your posting times for Pinterest schedule.

Content Repurposing: Get more mileage from your content! Turn blog posts into infographics, videos into Idea Pins, etc. Reshare high-performing Pins after a few months.

Seasonal & Event Scheduling: Plan content well in advance of holidays, sales, or major events relevant to your audience. Use scheduling tools that allow you to auto-publish Pins, so your content goes live at the perfect moment without manual intervention.

Pinterest Pin Limit Per Day: Be mindful of Pinterest’s pin limit per day. To avoid being flagged as spam, keep your daily pinning to a reasonable number, generally not exceeding 15-25 Pins.

Track & Analyze: Monitor your Pin performance closely. Look at metrics like impressions, clicks, and saves. Use this data to:

  • Refine your posting times
  • Discover what types of content resonate most

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5. Advanced Scheduling Strategies

Level up your Pinterest marketing strategy with these techniques:

Audience Segmentation: Tailor content and schedules for different audience segments based on interests, demographics, etc.

Pinterest Trends: Incorporate trending topics, seasons, and events into your scheduled content calendar.

Influencer Collaborations: Schedule co-created pins, takeovers, or contests with relevant influencers for expanded reach.

Automation: Use Pinterest pin scheduler to automate content curation, recurring schedules, and bulk uploads for efficiency.

These advanced tactics allow you to deliver more personalized content, leverage trends and partnerships, and streamline scheduling processes through automation.

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6. Overcoming common scheduling challenges

Even with the best Pinterest pin scheduler, you might encounter some roadblocks. Here’s how to tackle the most common ones:

Time Zones: Pinterest planner often let you adjust posting times based on your audience’s time zones, ensuring content goes out when they’re online.

Content Variety: Create a content calendar to plan a diverse mix of Pins (images, videos, tutorials, etc.). It keeps your audience bored.

Managing Multiple Accounts and Teams: Use social media management tools that facilitate team collaboration with features like role assignments and content approval processes.

Technical Issues: Familiarize yourself with your scheduling tool’s troubleshooting options and perform regular maintenance checks to prevent disruptions.

Pinterest Guidelines: Always familiarize yourself with Pinterest’s community policies to ensure your scheduled content doesn’t violate any rules.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Got more questions about Pinterest scheduling? You’re not alone! Here are some of the most commonly asked scheduling questions and their answers.

On Pinterest, you can schedule up to 100 Pins in advance using the native Pinterest scheduler. This feature allows you to plan your content up to 2 weeks ahead.

It’s recommended to start with posting 3-5 Pins per week. Consistency is key, so it’s better to maintain a steady posting schedule rather than posting a large number of Pins sporadically. Adjust based on your audience’s engagement and your content creation capacity.

To schedule Pins in advance on Pinterest:
1. Create a new Pin.
2. Add your image, title, description, and destination link.
3. Select “Publish at a later date.”
4. Choose the date and time you want the Pin to be published.
5. Save and schedule the Pin.

To add tags (keywords) to Pinterest Pins:
1. Create or edit a Pin.
2. In the Pin description, use relevant keywords naturally within the text.
3. Add hashtags at the end of the description for additional reach. Pinterest supports hashtags like #DIY, #Travel, or #Food.

As of now, Pinterest does not allow scheduling of Idea Pins directly through its native scheduler. However, some third-party tools might offer this feature. Check with your scheduling tool to see if it supports scheduling Idea Pins.

Pay special attention to the time period of your high-quality visuals which should be attractive and related to your audience. DIY related topics, tutorials and inspirational pins are click-worthy on Pinterest. Make sure that your content is both educational and visually appealing so that it has more followers.