Does your brand or your Pinterest pins inspire people?

If so, you may find a muse similar to yourself among Pinterest’s over 459 million active monthly users.

But here’s the thing: In order to get their attention, you’ll need to make Pinterest pins that stand out.

You may develop your business by attracting the attention and clicks of your target audience with the help of an effective Pinterest marketing strategy and appealing Pinterest pins.

Businesses should utilize Pinterest scheduler to promote their goods and services; it only makes sense. As a business owner, you want your chores to be done quickly and smoothly. When it comes to Pinterest marketing, you may complete all social media marketing chores using a social media scheduler. Believe us when we say that using a scheduling tool will help you save endless hours.

It is also essential to understand how difficult it is to stand out in a sea of ideas and material. There are many imaginative Pinterest pictures, each with something special to give. Your company must find ways to make its photographs incredibly engaging and click-through-optimized if it wants to stand out in the crowded picture market. It would be best if you also had a social media scheduler like RecurPost. In this post, we’ll discuss the following subjects to assist you in making Pinterest pins that drive traffic:

1. How does Pinterest Pins Work for Business?

Pinterest pins-How does they work for business

A clickable link to the image’s website is also created when a picture is pinned on Pinterest. Therefore, each time a user of Pinterest clicks on a picture that has been pinned from your blog or website, you receive free traffic.

Getting website visitors to bookmark photographs on Pinterest ensures a constant flow of visitors for months (or even years!).

The most impressive aspect about Pinterest pins is that you don’t need to have more followers to start seeing results; your pins will still be viewed by people who aren’t even followers of your account.

Do not forget that Pinterest is a visual search engine. So your objective is to offer appealing pictures with search-engine-optimized descriptions. Always with a strong call to action, too!

Your objectives for Pinterest pins might be any of the following:

  • First, get people to sign up for your email list.
  • Get people to read your blog content.
  • Offer your goods and services for sale.
  • Promote affiliate items.

You can accomplish these objectives on Pinterest more quickly than you would imagine! However, users of Pinterest do not use the platform to keep up with friends, like on Facebook, or get the newest information on Twitter.

1.1) What are the Reasons why People use Pinterest Pins?

If you want to increase your visibility on Pinterest, you must understand why people use pins. You may make the kinds of pins that people want to see by considering “why.” The following are the principal justifications for using Pinterest pins:

To arrange a task.

People use Pinterest pins to plan their tasks. Up to 85% of users claim to visit Pinterest first before beginning a new project. Weddings, house repairs, and dinners may all be examples of frequent projects. Planning inspirationโ€”as well as a future purchasing listโ€”comes from the images and items on Pinterest.

To amass concepts.

Users of Pinterest browse their feeds to uncover original ideas. Why? Even without a project in mind, many users of Pinterest save pins that they find fascinating, useful, or distinctive.

Users can finally reach the third main application of Pinterest pins through those wacky boards.

To buy something.

Users of Pinterest store product pins they might wish to buy in the future.

However, how probable is it that individuals will purchase on Pinterest?

Quite maybe.

A staggering 80% of Pinterest users say they have found a new brand or product. Because of those figures, Pinterest pins are an effective lead generator for astute firms.

1.2) What are the Advantages Businesses can get from Pinterest Pins?

Exposure to fresh clients

Unlike most other social media, Pinterest pins have a different interface. Instead of the people you follow, Pinterest feeds are focused on your interests. This implies that even if they choose not to follow you, your brand may reach 459 million users. For example, you could show up on a Pinterest user’s feed if they are interested in the themes of your pins.

Recognize new trends.

Consumers initially share the goods, styles, and trends they like on Pinterest. Therefore, you should keep an active presence on Pinterest to ensure that your business is at the forefront of emerging trends in your sector.

To discover new trends, you should follow influencers in your business on the network, but Pinterest also frequently compiles popular content categories for users based on their searches.

More online presence

Your name stays in front of your audience, thanks to Pinterest pins. Your clients won’t frequent your website frequently. They’re considerably more inclined to check their Pinterest feeds in place of that.

A whopping 52% of millennials use Pinterest and many pins often. In other words, if you constantly provide high-quality pins, you can maintain your company’s name in front of clients. You should submit your material daily if you want to be seen by millennials; you may utilize a Pinterest calendar to do this.

Increase brand authority

When you sign up for a Pinterest business account, you get access to a few profile features that are not available to normal users. This profile contains a number of features that ordinary Pinterest users cannot access:

  • A header is crammed with your logo pins.
  • Insight about the engagement of your pins.
  • A trustworthy website.

Each of these strengthens your brand’s authority and increases your online presence’s legitimacy.

More sales

And lastly, pins can result in sales. Making pins for your for-sale goods and services is a fantastic choice. Additionally, rich pins, customized postings with price information, and product links are possible on Pinterest.

2. How to Get More Clicks on Your Pinterest Pins?

We like increasing the number of likes, saves, and follows. Still, for most of us, Pinterest’s main objective is to drive traffic to our websites so that visitors will take some action that will get them closer to being our next satisfied client. So, what type of Pinterest pins descriptions and photos are most effective in generating traffic? Let’s start now!

It should be emphasized that both organic pinning and marketing pins for advertising fall within the umbrella of these suggestions. So here are some suggestions for making Pinterest pins that generate traffic & know how does Pinterest work.

Use Multiple Product Images on Your Pin

Your Pinterest pin will appeal to a broader audience and increase clicks if you use different photos. Additionally, you may demonstrate how various components go in different directions or how they all operate nicely together. Finally, create a sales page on your website where visitors can add everything to their basket from one page, for example, if you pin an ensemble image.

Utilize a Variety of Product and Lifestyle Photos

People need to be able to visualize your things in their (fantasized, vastly enhanced) lives. So utilize them in your photographs to give them energy. You may then place pictures of each item below your lifestyle image to clarify precisely WHAT you want people to notice.

Make them Tall and Narrow.

Even though this is Pinterest 101, it’s still very relevant and underused. Although some pinners have discovered that creating even taller pins works well, using a ratio of 2:3 works well for Pinterest pins. What makes high visuals more effective? They eat the feed as a result of the real estate! Increased visibility will result in more clicks.

Rethink Infographics

Infographics are fantastic for increasing savings (repins). Unfortunately, they don’t always increase website traffic, as most of the time, everything you require is already on the pin. Therefore, most individuals won’t notice if there is significantly more information on the accompanying internet page or blog post.

Write Good Descriptions

You may have noticed that the quantity of description characters we see in our feeds for Pinterest pins has been declining. So first, put your persuasive “why you must click” at the top of your description to prevent people from skipping it. Then, to encourage individuals to take action, use terms like “download now,” “shop,” “create,” “discover,” and “purchase.” All of these tactics should be put to use if increasing website traffic is your Pinterest marketing objective.

If you wish to upload images, videos, GIfs, as well link posts in bulk, then you must try your hands on social media bulk scheduling.

3) How to Post on Pinterest Manually?

To manually post on Pinterest (the manual approach), follow these steps:

  • First, make an image to pin to Pinterest.
  • Once you’ve logged in, click the + sign in to your account.
  • Make a link, a description, and a title.
  • Post up your Pinterest pin.

Check out our step-by-step beginner’s guide on how to post on Pinterest. Although it’s a simple technique, the absence of automated scheduling might make it challenging to pin consistently. Fortunately, there is a more straightforward method for keeping your Pinterest account updated using Pinterest Scheduler.

4) How to schedule Pinterest Pins with RecurPost?

RecurPost Pinterest Pins Scheduler

You could have undervalued the value of a Pinterest scheduler. Imagine having to press the “send” button several times daily to keep up the regular update on your feed. It could feel almost painful. A Pinterest planner, though, can make things easier for you.

Learn how to schedule pins on RecurPost and optimize your content timing. Get started today and boost your Pinterest engagement!

You won’t have to be online at strange hours to keep consistency in publishing if you want to automate your Pinterest postings. We have developed one of the most intelligent algorithms to assist you with scheduling pins at RecurPost in the most effective manner. As a result, you may boost your chances of attaining a better reach by auto-scheduling pins according to time.

5) What are the Steps for Creating Attractive & Clickable Pinterest Pins?

Pinterest Pins-Steps For Creating Attractive & Clickable

Make sure you add Pins to your website or blog to make your content shareable, as business websites account for 2/3 of all pinned information.

Here are six methods for producing Pinterest pins that will garner shares and attract followers now that you understand the importance of creative and thoughtfully managed Pins.

Step 1. Consult Our Pinterest Pin Size Guide

Let’s start with the fundamental size requirements for making a Pin.  The 2:3 or 1:2.1 picture aspect ratio is what Pinterest prefers. The minimum width for a pin is 600 pixels; however, for premium, blur-free Pinterest Pins, the optimal size is 1000 x 1500 pixels.

Wondering why that is. What Pinterest has to say about it is as follows:

Although 2:3 is preferred, Long Pins at 1:2.1 can still be used for experimentation. Many infographic Pin sizes are not Pinterest-approved, but this one is! Anything beyond 1:1.2 runs the risk of being interrupted in the feed. On a desktop, this Pin looks excellent; however, on a mobile device, the bottom of the image is cropped off. Making wise choices is so crucial while producing your Pinterest graphics.

Step 2: Source Pin Images That Inspire

The ultimate wish list is on Pinterest. Things that people like and desire are repinned and pinned. Make your photographs as appealing as possible since you should consider your Pinterest Pins as your visual portfolio.

Even though it can appear complicated, with a few abilities, you can make a post on Pinterest that is entirely shared. Be sure that any photographs you uncover may be used for your blog or social media postings before continuing. If you can’t afford pictures, you can’t afford the penalty you could get for utilizing pictures without permission!

Step 3: Take Your Own Beautiful Pinterest Images!

Pinners may find the high-quality photos on stock photography websites like Unsplash to be a helpful resource. But because often used Stock photos aren’t very creative, Pinterest’s algorithm promotes new material and original ideas.

Don’t worry if you want to take pictures for Pinterest but are not a skilled photographer or don’t own an excellent camera. One of the most accessible and potent tools at your disposal for making lovely Pins is a smartphone. They have gone a long way. Here are some simple tips you may apply while capturing pictures for Pinterest on your smartphone:

  1. Pay great attention to the lighting; diffused light will reduce shadows (imagine a gloomy day).
  2. Try editing your photo in black and white. These can stand out against Pins with plenty of colors.
  3. Experiment with cropping to draw attention to a particular area of your photo or to provide extra white space.

Step 4: Experiment with Your Visual Pin Style

Your strategy for making gorgeous pins should include developing a brand people adore and gravitate toward. However, remember that branding on Pinterest and Instagram are slightly different.

Most people won’t continuously see all of your Pins side by side, which is why. So, feel free to play around with font and color schemes to determine your target audience on Pinterest.

To ensure that people can recognize your Pins in their feeds, you should always include your logo and branding in your Pinterest image. Also, remember to make your Pins mobile-friendly while designing them!

Step 5: Create Images for Pinterest Search

Be mindful of Pinterest’s search algorithm! To learn how to generate photos for Pinterest search result success, you must first grasp the fundamentals of Pinterest SEO.

When designing Pinterest photos, optimize your Pin descriptions using pertinent terms and phrases. Your pin’s content, title, description, and image are all searchable on Pinterest. First, the idea is scanned by Pinterest’s visual search, which groups it with similar pictures.

How to maximize your Pinterest photos is shown below:

  • Using terms from your content, give each image a name.
  • Select photos pertinent to your pin’s subject and are simple to relate to.
  • When writing the content for your Pin, stick to the core theme and use no more than two main keywords.

Step 6: In your pin, emphasize your offerings.

When pins are motivational and “on brand,” they stand out. So here are a few more suggestions for producing content for Pinterest that maximizes your brand and presents your goods and services in the best possible way!

Put your goods or service in the image’s foreground. Pinners shouldn’t have to guess what a Pin is about. Instead, build recognition and trust by incorporating your logo prominently or subtly, depending on your aesthetic.

Don’t be hesitant to emphasize the advantages of your brand or product because the point of optimizing your Pins is to make it easier for others to find what you have to offer. It is evident what you are delivering when you use phrases like “homemade,” “simple,” and “sustainable.”

5.1) How do I get my pins noticed on Pinterest?

The Pinterest home feed, like many social media feeds, does not display items in chronological order. Sadly, this implies that your item might not always arrive at the precise time and date you pin it.

Nevertheless, you may adhere to a few best practices to ensure that, regardless of when you publish them, your pins are of a high standard, reaching the proper audience and generating benefits for your company.

Pin what’s popular

Staying on topic and sharing pertinent stuff on Pinterest is always a good idea. For instance, you generally don’t want to share content regarding winter holidays like Christmas or Hanukkah if it’s February.

Utilize the content your fans, both present, and potential, want to see. This will guarantee greater user interaction and raise the possibility that your pin will reach a wider audience or possibly become viral.

Ease for others to pin your content.

When they visit your website and utilize Pinterest, your customers or supporters might wish to use Pinterest to bookmark your goods, services, blog entries, or other website material. To ensure that your website and/or store are configured to be used as Rich Pins on Pinterest, make sure that you make it simple for people to do so.

Rich Pins are natural pins that automatically update with content from your website. The Rich Pin adjusts to reflect any changes made to your website. Anyone on Pinterest can access and use Rich Pins for nothing.

When someone pins a page from your website, Rich Pins are particularly beneficial. It enables you to manage what is shared and guarantees that pins will always be current, regardless of when or who shares them.

Repin responsibly

The appeal of Pinterest is that it’s a social media site. You may find a tonne of awesome curated and repinned content from other users on Pinterest that matches your audience’s interests by monitoring your home feed and searching for pertinent keywords. Think about pinning other people’s material to your boards to provide your fans more value.

Be mindful of what you’re repinning, though! Make sure you only distribute content that has links to reliable sources. It takes a few extra seconds to do your research before clicking “pin,” but it’s well worth the effort to become recognized by Pinterest and your followers as a trustworthy pinner.

5.2) Why Creating Pinterest Images is an Essential Part of Social Media Strategy?

You have a wonderful opportunity as a solopreneur, blogger, or small business owner with 442 million individuals using Pinterest worldwide. You may expand your company, improve your reputation, and create a devoted online following by utilizing the traffic and interaction possibilities that Pinterest offers.

Pinterest is an excellent B2C and B2B business platform. Customers are actively looking for certain concepts, answers, and subjects. Ninety percent of weekly Pinners shop for inspiration on the site. 85 percent of people have taken the plunge and purchased Pins from brands they like.

We recommend reading our Pinterest beginner’s guide if you haven’t already. It will guide you through the fundamentals you need to understand to get the most out of your Pinterest experience. Then return here to explore the more specific strategies for making your Pins stand out from the crowd.

As we all know, Pinterest was mentioned as a “lovely, welcoming” platform. But, I mean, come on. You need planning and talent to get noticed and distinguish yourself from the millions of other companies using the product. And with such a visual medium, creating effective Pinterest photos is a huge part of the game.

6) What’s the difference between a Pin and a Board on Pinterest?

Pinterest Pins And Boards Difference

Pins and boards are two essential terms you’ll hear when discussing Pinterest. So what’s the difference between the Pinterest pins and Boards?


The real substance of your Pinterest postings is provided via pins. Other users can visit your website by clicking on the links in your pins. The most important stage in producing Pinterest pins is ensuring your pins are optimized using the preceding techniques.


Boards organize your pins while pins give substance. For instance, your “Dinner Party” board contains all of your pinned suggestions for throwing a fantastic party. Boards for your account, however, are not necessary for a business. Only if they navigate your profile can users communicate with your boards.

However, it’s imperative to consider the boards of your target audience. If you offer tableware, for instance, make pins that can be added to a customer’s “Dream Kitchen” board. Then, instead of spending endless hours organizing your board, optimize your pins.

7) What are the Best Apps for Creating Pinterest Pins?

Not a photoshop pro? No problem! We have shared some excellent free tools that allow you to create eye-catching images for Pinterest pins. Okay, here we go!


Pinterest pins-Canva

Canva is excellent for any visual design assignment, but it’s especially good for making Pinterest graphics. They provide a tonne of useful templates to produce graphics worthy of being pinned.

Concepts for Canva

  • As the cover for a Board about your website, galleries, or blog entries, create a Pin of your homepage and add it.
  • Make photos that may be pinned to add to your blog entries.

Advice: Quotations are a popular item to put on your Pinterest boards. Canva offers a simple method for creating beautiful visuals from text or phrases that can be shared as Pins.


You know that Canva is a straightforward, intuitive visual design tool with drag-and-drop functionality that enables you to make attention-grabbing graphics using pre-made templates in minutes. And Canva has now excitingly joined the RecurPost family.

Now that Canva is integrated inside RecurPost, you may utilize it there and make rapid edits if something doesn’t seem proper. As a result, you can use Canva to design, plan, and schedule your social media visuals without ever leaving RecurPost.


Pinterest pins-Picmonkey

One of the most widely used free picture editors online is PicMonkey. It has already received a few of our readers’ recommendations. We adore the tool since it’s so simple to use and does the fundamentals, like cropping and resizing, and adds lovely borders and enjoyable shapes (like interesting arrows!). Making collages is also simple with PicMonkey.
TIP: To ensure your image has high quality when pinned, choose “Pierce” or “Sean” under the Quality option when saving your photo in PicMonkey.


Pinterest pins-iPiccy

iPiccy is a great all-in-one photo editing program if you share a lot of photos with people in them. Click the “Retouch” tab, which has a small human, at the editor’s top. You can do everything here, including getting a tan and fixing red eyes! Then, check out their other tabs to uncover wonderful paint, picture effects, and other tools.

Quote Maker

Pinterest pins-Quote Maker

You can use Quote Maker to transform written sayings into lovely visuals that can be shared on social media by social media marketing agency. You could even use a CEO quote or a saying that encapsulates your company’s ethos to make a fantastic Facebook cover photo!

Brand building is an efficient way to grow your business online. Posting regularly on social media is the quickest way to do it. RecurPost is a great social media tool that allows you to create, schedule, and analyze the outcomes in a few easy steps. 


Beautiful Pinterest pin creation has never been simpler! You can develop content on Pinterest with many tools, resources, and tactics. Your whole approach should include Pinterest marketing as a key component.

Pinterest can help you target your targeted audience and broaden your brand’s visibility. One of the most effective strategies to make the most of your time and keep a regular posting schedule is to plan Pinterest posts on RecurPost. Additionally, it makes inserting images simple, thanks to its integration with Canva.

What other techniques have you found to produce intriguing Pinterest pins? Comment below and let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I find my Pinterest pins?

Click on your profile page and type what you’re looking for into the search bar. Then click “Your Pins” to see only what you’ve added to your boards. Voila!

2) Why can’t I see my Pinterest pins?

If all of your Pins and boards are missing or look different, it could be because: You are viewing your Created tab.ย 
– To return to your boards, click your profile photo and Save.ย 
– You deleted the Pin or board. Unfortunately, deleted Pins and boards cannot be recovered.
– You created a second account. Check that you are logged in to the correct account.

3) What’s the difference between Pinterest pins and an idea pin?

They can be identified by the story pin icon in the top-left corner of the pin. Idea Pins offer up to 20 videos, pictures, and text pages, giving users new opportunities to share inspiration. Additionally, an Idea Pin provides the knowledge required to attempt a creator’s idea, produce a craft, or prepare a meal.

4) Where to put Pinterest pin badges?

There’s one rigid rule regarding pin placement: it must be on the left lapel. So if you’re wearing one, you’re slightly under the collar point and north of your pocket square. Some suit jackets will have buttonholes made for this purpose.

5) How to hide Pinterest pins?

-Log into your Pinterest account
-From your home feed, click the ellipsis icon in the bottom-right corner of the Pin
-Click Hide Pin
-Select a reason for hiding the Pin

6) What are Pinterest pin clicks?

The amount of individuals who have clicked on your Pin within Pinterest to learn more is reflected in the number of clicks on your Pin. They may not have actually visited your website, but they were intrigued enough by your pin to pause their scroll and take a closer look.

7) Are Pinterest pins private?

While you can’t completely hide your active account, you can use secret boards to keep all of your Pins hidden from other people. Of course, only you can view your private boards (unless you invite another person). You can change your name or use private boards to keep your Pins hidden from others for extra privacy.