Personal brand statement examples are those personalities who built a remarkable position in the media by creating a unique statement that represents them. 

If you want to learn about someone, you will start your search with Social media. Whether you like it or not, your profiles on social networks create your first impression. Making a solid personal brand and standing among those rare business professionals will give you an edge over others. 

It will help you define your stand as one of the best examples of a personal brand statement. Your statement should communicate your skills, goals, and values precisely. The clarity will give compelling reasons to your prospects, clients, and followers to listen to you. 

This article will share tips to help you write your personal brand statement. You can get inspiration from the list of personal brand statement examples. Let your creative juices start flowing, and write a brand statement for yourself.

Before we jump into examples, let’s define a personal brand statement and understand its benefits. 

What are personal brand statement examples?

personal brand statement examples

A personal brand statement is a set of one or two sentences. It sums up your skill set, your value to your clients, and how you differ from your competitors. In short, your personal brand statement best describes your target audience and a unique selling point. 

Your brand statement is the first thing people associate with you. It must be attention-grabbing and compelling so that people remember you even after they leave your website. Think of yourself as a product and write a tagline or slogan about you. 

Though writing a catchy personal brand statement is tricky, here are some easy steps to start writing.

Step 1: List down all your skills and pick the unique ones.

Step 2: Define your targeted audience.

Step 3: Dwell on what you do differently than others.

Step 4: Draft the above points in one or two sentences.

Step 5: Polish the statement. Take feedback and refine it until you feel the satisfaction of creating something great for yourself.  

You can use your brand statement on your website, LinkedIn profile, social media bios, and anywhere else to help create value for yourself.

Want to become a personal brand statement example of your industry?

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Why is a personal brand statement important?

Regardless of your industry, your personal brand statement helps you to communicate your values and expertise with your audience who wants to learn more about you. 

A personal brand statement is a networking tool enabling you to connect with potential prospects and clients. Once created, you can use your personal brand statement at multiple online places such as social media profiles, websites, online portfolios, and as an email signature.

Creating an authentic personal brand statement is the most effective digital marketing strategy. It helps you to build online trust and credibility to manifold your business in a highly competitive market. 

However, more than creating a brand statement is required. It takes consistent efforts to maintain it.

Who must have a personal brand statement?

Entrepreneurs, authors, freelancers, and speakers accurately know what they want to deliver. They put time and effort into creating their brand statement to project the right audience and position themselves apart from their competitors.

Even though you are not among these, you may still need a personal brand statement introducing yourself. Your brand statement is much more than your company and job profile. 

When your brand statement is clear and easy to understand, people can easily remember and find you whenever they want. It’s equally important to remain aligned with what you say and how you perform. 

17 Best personal brand statement examples to help you build your own

best personal brand statement examples

If you want people to remember you, you should work hard to create your brand statement. As you begin the one for yourself, you can take inspiration from the personal brand statement examples below.

  1. “A life dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed.”
  • Tony Robbins
Tony Robbins- the best among life coaches personal brand statement examples

Tony Robbins is a well-known life and business strategist, an entrepreneur, and among the New York Times best-selling authors. Above all, he is a philanthropist. His brand statement clearly defines what he does. He helps people to flourish.

As a prominent life coach, he is on a mission to transform people’s lives. His guidance helps people live purposeful life by blessing others. His belief, “The secret of life is giving,” reflects on all his social media profiles.

He is honored by Harvard Business Press as one of the “Top 200 business gurus in the world” and by American Express as among the “Top 6 business leaders in the world.” He worked with US presidents and entertainers and elevated many sportspersons to get to the top.

His branding statement sincerely aims for a genuine connection with the people by helping them. It addresses people and grabs their attention, making him one of the most outstanding examples of personal brand statements.

2. “Let’s build job-free income.”

  • Nick Loper
Nick Loper- one of the best personal brand statement examples

Everyone aspires to receive income without doing a job. Nick’s tagline gives solutions to those who want to escape from their job. That’s why the branding statement is so effective.

Loper discusses various ways entrepreneurs can build their businesses. They can eliminate their 9 to 5 jobs and corporate grind by applying his guidance. Using “job-free income,” he gives his readers exactly what they are searching for. 

Nick Loper is an entrepreneur. He helped many people earn more money and start their businesses. He is a multi-time Amazon best-selling author for writing multiple books. His articles are published in renowned magazines such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, etc. He also delivered a talk featured on TEDx.

We know Nike’s famous tagline, “Let’s do it,” which brings the feeling of all working together for a common goal. Using the word “Let’s,” Loper tried to create similar feelings and win readers’ attention. It included him in the list of the best personal brand statement examples.

3. “Do you want more traffic?”

  • Neil Patel
Neil Patel- one of the best digital marketing personal brand statement examples

Neil has created a branding statement in the form of a question. Every business wants more website traffic, which is how Neil targeted his readers. 

Neil Patel is a well-known online marketer and is famous for helping SEO professionals through his Ubersuggest platform. His brand statement is simple but works because he helps marketers get more website traffic. 

When you ask a question, it sparks curiosity. There are no defined rules for making your brand statement. The idea is to think outside the box and provoke your audience’s interest. Neil accomplished it, which makes him stand out from other digital marketers and the best choice for professional brand statement examples.

4. “Saving the world from bad content.”

  • Aaron Orendorff
Aaron Orendorff- the best of personal brand statement examples for B2B content strategy

Aaron is a content guy. He helps businesses to create great content for their websites and social media. The valuable elements of his content are communicative clarity and persuasion. His tagline, “Saving the world from bad content,” summarizes his expertise.  

His targeted audiences are from B2B businesses, which he addresses on his homepage. Aaron helps businesses to generate leads and increases scalability. 

Facebook, Salesforce, and Shopify Plus are some of his clients. He regularly contributes to Inc., Business Insider, Entrepreneur, etc. It shows his credibility and the same thing his branding statement conveys. 

Taking inspiration from Aaron’s branding statement is worth making one for you. He is one of the best examples of a personal brand statement. 

5. “Become a better student.”

  • Thomas Frank
Thomas Frank- among the best short personal brand statement examples

Thomas Frank built his College Info Geek business. He offers courses to improve productivity and enhance career and life skills. His tagline exactly shows what he does.

His website has everything for students, such as developing habits, staying organized, and adequate time and money management, offered as techniques or used as tools.

All he does is help the students to grow as better human beings and upgrade their career paths. He supports them in accomplishing their goals by offering online courses. His branding statement well-communicates his goal. 

Your brand statement can be short or long, but it should be easy to understand for everyone. Thomas Frank shows his simplicity in a very effective manner. He is the best class of personal brand statement examples for comprising his business goal in a short and straightforward statement. 

6. “Travel smarter, cheaper, longer.”

  • Nomadic Matt
Normadic Matt- best choice of personal brand statement examples among travel bloggers

Nomadic Matt shares travel wisdom on his website. Matt understands the pain points of every traveler. He knows they want to travel smart, at cheaper rates, and for a longer duration. He addresses the same in his tagline.

Matt helps travelers from A to Z with their travel plans. Such as buying cheaper tickets and accommodations, guiding them in packing, and offering safety measures for the destination and gender. Does his brand statement include everything in a short statement?

If you want to travel the world, he will guide you on how to do it by spending just $50 per day, including tips and tricks that break down from country to country. He also assists travelers with helpful tips if they want to work and enjoy traveling together.

If you are in the traveling business, Matt’s brand statement will help you to create your statement. Try to keep it short and crisp. You can attract your readers by projecting their needs and helping them achieve their goals at affordable prices.

Matt is an excellent sample of a personal brand statement for attracting world travelers. His message, “Where do you want to go?” followed by his tagline, does a great job of getting his prospects to take action.

7. “Helping writers achieve their freelance writing dreams.”

  • Carol Tice
Carol Tice- one of the brilliant personal brand statement examples

Carol Tice is a six-figure-earning freelance writer. She helps freelance writers to move up and help them earn a full-time living from writing. She helped freelance writers to get their first client, get a job, find a paying market, use social media to attract clients, increase their productivity, earn from blogging, and much more.

Her brand statement shows all in a single statement. Don’t you agree?

If you want to become a brand in freelance writing, you can learn from her to create the most explicit statement for yourself. Carol is an inspiration for writers to “Make a living writing.” She is a brilliant example of a personal brand statement. 

8. “Real life on a budget.”

  • Jessi Fearon
Jessi Fearon- the best class of personal brand statement examples

Jessi Fearson’s brand statement is unequivocal. She helps people to stay motivated. She inspires them to make their living life the budgeting reality. Targeting people who experience money failures, she provides them with a complete guide to overcome those money problems by actively managing money.

Her brand statement could not be more creative and meaningful for every reader. It clearly defines her goal. Whether someone wants to prepare themselves financially, become debt-free, or receive productivity tips for women working at home with kids, she has them covered

Her brand statement has the charm of attracting prospects and getting them to take action. If your brand statement is catchy and inspires your readers to take action, you have created the ideal personal brand statement and the most significant example for your niche. 

9. “I build and grow SaaS companies.”

  • Sujan Patel
Sujan Patel- the best among personal brand statement examples among sales professional

Sujan’s branding statement is straightforward. His statement is direct and bold. It clearly defines his role in the growth of SaaS companies. 

Sujan helped multiple companies, from startups to Fortune 500, create growth strategies for them and generated massive traffic and revenues. He owns a few SaaS companies and is a consultant through his SaaS marketing agency.

Sujan stated everything related to his expertise in a single sentence. His brand statement is easy to understand and so gets maximum attention. If you want to create a similar statement for yourself, you can create one that best describes your skills and go bold with it.

I will mention Sujan as the best personal branding statement for sales professionals. 

10. “Create Less. Remix More. A New Era Of Content Marketing Is Here”

  • Brittany Berger
Brittany Berger- the best choice of personal brand statement examples among content marketers

Brittany is a minimalist content marketer. She decided to go against the popular trend of creating more content and used the same in her branding statement.

She believes a marketer should focus on remixing, remastering, and refreshing existing content instead of always creating new content. That way, you can get more success with minimal effort.ย 

If you are still doubting her idea, then let me tell you she works with giants like SEJ, Inc., Forbes, Content Marketing Institute, and many more. 

If you are doing something that helps people not only save time and money but also helps them grow their business, make your branding statement that is against the trend but still seems promising.

Brittany came up with a different idea and showed the courage to justify it. Her statement reflects her minimalist marketing approach. She stands out as one of the intelligent choices of personal brand statement examples.

11. “Be a unicorn in the sea of donkeys.”

  • Larry Kim
Larry Kim- one of the most impactful personal brand statement examples

Larry Kim is the founder and CEO of Mobilemonkey, the world’s best sales outreach automation platform. But what does a unicorn have to do with marketing? 

According to Larry, donkeys are found in dozens, but unicorns are rare. Similarly, when it comes to marketing campaigns, most of the efforts do not give results, like donkeys in this analogy.

There are always unicorns in the industry, creating magnificent results. When you come across unicorns, you should invest your time and energy. With the analogy of a unicorn, Larry sends the message, “Be different.” 

Larry’s brand statement aims to be unique. If you want to look different in your industry, you can adopt the wisdom of Larry Kim. You can wisely use an impactful analogy to get noticed by your readers. 

Larry’s tagline distinguishes him from his competitors, making him one of the wisest personal brand statement examples. You can use his idea to make your branding statement to differentiate yourself in your niche.

12. “Empowering ridiculously good marketing.”

  • Ann Handley
Ann Handley- one of the most casual personal brand statement examples impacting readers

Ann Handley is a Wall Street Journal best-selling author and a pioneer in digital marketing. She prefers to write her branding statement casually instead of unconventionally delivering her expertise.

Choosing a casual way is unique. And so, I preferred to include her in the list of best personal brand statement examples. Instead of emphasizing her skills, she stated how comfortable she is while helping customers create actual world results. 

She writes and speaks about how marketers can escape from mediocrity marketing tactics to create tangible results. The tone of your branding statement is equally important. It affects the way people perceive your message.

13. “50% Marketing, 50% Geek – 100% Social Business Results”

  • Pam Moore
Pam Moore- among the best personal brand statement examples that reflects individuality

Pam Moore is the founder and CEO of MarketingNutz. Her branding statement reflects her personality and the way she perceives marketing. 

Pam states that half marketing and the half geek will give assured business results. She is an enthusiastic marketing consultant who has the expertise to deliver results. Pam carries fun in her tone, making you feel relatable and authentic. She is unique by showing her identity in her statement, so I put her at the top of my list of best personal brand statement examples.

You can show your personality in your branding statement, which reflects your unique individuality. At the same time, people should feel that their personal or business benefits.

14. “It’s time to step into your Genius.”

  • Felicia Hetcher
Felicia Hetcher- the best personal brand statement examples among inspirational speakers

Felicia Hetcher is a renowned entrepreneur, author, and speaker. Like inspirational speeches, her branding statement also inspires us. 

We all know we are born geniuses, but we must remain focused and well-organized to unlock our potential geniuses. Who wants to avoid stepping into their genius? No one, right? Felicia touches on our desires to attract exponential growth and make more money.

Felicia’s message is impactful and easy to remember. Her statement shows her genuineness by touching innovative young minds and with that, she hopes to be an inspiration for them. Her choice of words taps everyone’s emotions and makes her unique. With people’s hearts, she also reserved a special place in my best personal brand statement examples. 

Like Felicia, you can also select appropriate words in your branding statement to help you achieve big goals. 

15. “Learn how to start a profitable blogging business.”

  • Adam Enfroy
Adam Enfroy- one of the best personal brand statement examples among bloggers

Adam Enfroy is a blogger who helps others start making money from their blogging business. His branding statement clearly defines his work. You will say it is effortless and that there is nothing unique about him.

What makes him exceptional is that he added numbers in his statement. He helped more than 90000 bloggers to start earning from blogging. He built a community of a large number of bloggers. 

Is it a significant achievement?

Indeed, the number shows his credibility and works as social proof to attract more bloggers. He mastered the branding game by showing numbers on his branding statement. He deserves to be part of my best personal brand statement examples.

If you like Adam’s idea, you can include social proof in your brand statement. It helps in building trust and attracting valuable clients.

16. “I am Claude Silver and my life’s purpose is to be of joyful service and unlock emotional optimism in all.”

  • Claude Silver
Claude Silver- is one of the best personal brand statement examples among those who want to emphasize life values

Claude Silver is a chief heart officer, which is an unusual title. Silver explains what it means in her branding statement. She helps people to unlock emotional optimism. 

In everyone’s life, there are difficult times when it becomes hard to manage emotions correctly. Silver helps people with emotional awareness and manages them successfully.

Silver’s branding statement shows her values for life. Her message is too simple and has no connection with money, but it worked for her. Her tagline reflects her priorities and purpose in life. 

This is an accurate statement that I would not miss putting in my list of best personal brand statement examples. Would you prefer to make your branding statement based on your life values? 

17. “Are you ready for a whole new life?”

  • Marie Forleo
Marie Forleo- one of the most inspiring personal brand statement examples

Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, writer, and philanthropist. She is well-known for hosting Marie TV, where she interviews entrepreneurs. She is passionate about making a difference in people’s lives through courses and free content on her website. Her tagline sums up what she loves to do.

Marie helps you tailor your life to what you genuinely love. Whether you are starting a new business, looking to make a significant change in your personal life, want to unlock your highest potential, or tap into the most profound wisdom, Marie will help you live a rich and meaningful life.

As a host of her show Marie TV, she knows how to use her wisdom to help the audience to make a difference in their lives. Her brand statement is based on inspiring her audience, and when they go home, they do remember not only the guest but also the host.

I can’t miss listing her in the top personal brand statement examples. Do you know why? Being her audience, she inspires you to become the next guest of her show. 

This is a perfect branding message that you can take as inspiration to build one for yourself.

What is the best way to utilize personal brand statement examples?

As an entrepreneur or a job seeker, your brand statement should explain what you deliver. Doing your best to create one for yourself will help make a long-lasting first impression. You can use the online professional platform by creating and joining relevant LinkedIn groups and differentiating yourself in your industry. TikTok videos are the best way to build a solid social presence for your personal brand.

To get the best out of your brand statement, you should use it on your social media profiles, LinkedIn headline, personal website, and email signature. It helps you in improving the social media positioning of your personal brand. Nowadays, the spoken version of a unique brand statement is the trend. You can use it for a conversational approach. 

You may take the leverage of YouTube videos by creating your channel and posting consistently. You can apply for the badge by applying for the verification of your channel once it fulfills the requirements. YouTube verification is the key to unlocking your personal brand’s true potential. It establishes credibility, builds trust, and sets me apart as an authentic and trusted content creator.

Tips for crafting your personal brand statement examples

Tips for crafting personal brand statement examples

Here are the tips for crafting your powerful personal brand statement. 

  • Make it brief: However you meet someone in person or online, take advantage of the opportunity to make a great first impression with your personal brand statement. Once you are successful in having their attention, now you can expand upon your skills and expertise.
  • Review regularly: Your brand statement discusses your goal, skills, and values. As they keep changing over time, rethink every five to six months and make necessary changes so that your action always aligns with your brand statement.
  • Do not make overstatements: Make sure whatever you convey in your brand statement must be authentic. Be honest and avoid making hyper statements about your skills or abilities, as it might act in contrast. It may ruin your brand reputation.
  • Showcase your unique identity: Highlight your personal identity while showing professionalism. Practice integrity and make genuine connections with those you want to impress. For example, write “The best life coach” only if it applies to you.
  • Focus on pain points: Talk about your audiences’ pain points and how you can help solve them. Talk more about audience benefits rather than telling about yourself. 
  • Improve credibility: When communicating with your audience, use numbers and social proof to add credibility. Speaking your audience’s language is the most preferred way of building credibility.

How effective is a personal brand statement for the digital marketing strategy?

It will help if you stand out differently to get noticed among the stacks of social media profiles. You can attract potential buyers only if you can successfully differentiate yourself from the crowd. Personal branding will do your job. Talking about your expertise and ability to create results can build trust, and you can present yourself as extraordinary.

Integrity is considered the most effective digital marketing strategy. It can show yourself as unique from others. Social media platforms are the easiest way to showcase your accomplishments and market yourself as a brand. Creating your brand statement is essential to master the digital game. 

Every successful digital marketing journey starts with focused branding efforts. Start working now to make yourself a trusted brand in your niche.

Want to become a personal brand statement example of your industry?

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Now it’s your turn

You studied seventeen best personal brand statement examples of real people. Now it’s your turn to sit, think and work on your brand statement. Consider your personality, values, what best you can offer, and what is essential. You will end up with the brand statement that best describes you. If you are still feeling stuck, then you can take the help of some free personal brand statement generator tools too. 

Whatever way you choose, just get started!

Do you have your personal brand statement? if Yes, what strategy you followed for creating one for yourself? Reply in the comment below.


1. What is a personal brand statement example?

A personal brand statement is a short description of your skills and the value you deliver to your clients as per your target audience. The message should be catchy and easy to grab the attention of your prospects.

2. How will you introduce your personal brand?

The key elements to keep in mind while introducing your personal brand are,
– Keep it short and simple
– Be specific about your target audience
– Use the language and tone of your audience
– Focus on the values you are offering
– Be consistent and focused

3. How will you write your personal brand statement?

Your personal brand statement is crafted in one or two sentences that talk about your expertise, whom you serve, and, most importantly, how you are different from your competitors.

4. What is called a personal brand?

A personal brand is your reputation, whether people trust you and prefer to buy from you. While branding for yourself, you can talk about how you are different from your competitors and why people should choose to buy from you and not from others in your industry.

5. How can I sell myself as a brand?

To sell yourself in the digital world, you have to remain authentic, show credibility through your branding statement and inspire trust. You have to be consistent in your efforts, your tagline and action should match, and above all, communicate how you can add value to others.