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How to schedule Instagram Reels with Meta Business Suite?

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Scheduling Instagram Reels in Meta Business Suite gives you an important benefit in mastering Instagram reels in today’s social media landscape, where interesting stories develop through exciting short videos. Efficient scheduling results as the key to fully understanding this potential. The ability to schedule Instagram Reels through Meta Business Suite makes managing and scheduling these engaging content parts easier, thanks to its user-friendly interface.

In this complete guide, let’s discuss in depth how you can schedule Instagram reels using Meta Business Suite. This article will guide us through transforming from Creator Studio to Meta Business Suite. We will also cover the benefits of Meta Business Suite as well as present alternatives such as RecurPost, allowing you to choose wisely when devising your social media business strategies.

Whether you’re a rising star or an all star brand, prepare to unleash the power of Instagram Reels with Meta Business Suite! Let’s dive in!

The Transition from Creator Studio to Meta Business Suite

The shift from Creator Studio to Meta Business Suite marked a significant stride towards an integrated content management experience. This transition not only streamlined the process of scheduling Instagram Reels Meta Business Suite but also paved the way for a centralized hub for managing various content types, including posts and stories.

The new setup now empowers users with a cohesive platform to strategize, create, and schedule their Instagram content, embodying a significant leap towards efficient social media management.

Setting up the Meta Business Suite

Embarking on the journey to schedule Instagram reels Meta Business Suite begins with setting up the platform to your bespoke needs. Here’s a simplified rundown of the steps to get you started:

Account Creation: Head over to Meta Business Suite on your desktop or mobile device. Create an account if you don’t have one already, or log in to your existing account​.

Connecting Instagram:

  • Navigate to the Posts and Stories section.
  • Select Create a Post and choose Instagram as your preferred platform.
  • A new window will prompt you to connect your Instagram account if it’s not linked already.

These initial steps are a gateway to a realm of streamlined content management, setting the stage for you to schedule Instagram Reels Meta Business Suite with ease. Moreover, the option to schedule Instagram posts amplifies the flexibility, allowing for a more organized and efficient content scheduling workflow.

Step by Step Guide to Scheduling Instagram Reels

Once your Meta Business Suite is set up and your Instagram account is linked, you’re all set to dive into scheduling your Reels.

Here’s a step by step guide to schedule Instagram Reels Meta Business Suite:

  1. Accessing the Business Dashboard: From your Facebook business page, click on the Business Dashboard.

2. Creating a Reel: On the Meta Business Suite homepage, click More and select Create Reel​.

3. Platform Selection: Choose whether you want to share the Reel on Instagram, Facebook, or both.

4. Uploading Your Reel: Click on Add Video to upload your reel, craft a catchy caption, and choose a thumbnail.

5. Video Adjustments (Optional): If needed, trim or resize your video by clicking Next.

6. Scheduling Options: Click Next again and choose between Share Now, Schedule, or Save as Draft.

7. Setting Publish Date and Time: Select the date and time you wish to publish your reel.

8. Finalizing the Schedule: Hit the Schedule button to finalize your schedule

The ease with which you can schedule Instagram Reels Meta Business Suite ensures that your content reaches your audience at the right moments, fostering better engagement and visibility.

Advantages of Scheduling Reels with Meta Business Suite

  • Seamlessly manage and schedule Instagram posts from Facebook, including Reels, all in one acceptable platform.
  • View insights about your audience and performance.
  • Manage your ads and track their results.
  • Collaborate with other team members on social media tasks.

Limitations of using Meta Business Suite

  • Meta Business Suite lacks some advanced features like bulk post scheduling and social media calendar management.
  • It can be complex, especially for newcomers to social media management, requiring time to learn all its features.
  • It’s only compatible with Facebook and Instagram, necessitating separate tools for other platforms.
  • Analytics in Meta Business Suite isn’t as comprehensive as some third party tools, hampering campaign tracking.
  • Automation options are limited, making it harder to schedule reels, stories, or posts for different audiences and save time.

For a comprehensive guide on how to schedule Instagram Reels effectively, explore our detailed tutorial here.

Exploring Meta Business Suite Alternatives: RecurPost

While Meta Business Suite is a powerful tool for scheduling Instagram Reels, it’s worth mentioning an alternative: RecurPost. This versatile social media management tool offers a different approach to scheduling and managing your content, including Instagram Reels.

It can overcome the limitations of Meta Business Suite in a number of ways:

  • User Friendly Interface: RecurPost provides an intuitive interface that makes scheduling and managing Reels a breeze.
  • Diverse Scheduling Options: It offers various scheduling options, including time slots, categories, and content libraries, enabling you to create a tailored posting schedule.
  • Analytics and Insights: Gain valuable insights into your content performance with RecurPost’s analytics, helping you refine your Reel strategy.
  • Effortless Collaboration: Collaborate seamlessly with team members, streamlining your social media management process.
  • Support for Multiple Platforms: RecurPost supports not only Instagram but also other social media platforms, providing a comprehensive solution for managing your online presence.

How RecurPost can help you schedule Instagram posts more effectively:

  • Schedule Reels and Stories: RecurPost enables scheduling Reels and Stories up to 75 days ahead, enhancing consistency and time saving.
  • Create and Manage Social Media Calendars: RecurPost facilitates the creation and management of social media calendars across all accounts, ensuring diverse and planned content posting.
  • Automate Tasks: RecurPost automates various tasks, including post scheduling, audience specific publishing, and report generation, freeing up time for other business priorities.

Considering the unique features and capabilities of RecurPost, it’s a viable alternative for those seeking a different approach to scheduling Instagram reels and managing their social media content effectively.


Scheduling Instagram Reels with Meta Business Suite is a pivotal strategy for brands and influencers in the realm of social media management. It streamlines the process, ensures consistency, optimizes timing, and upholds content quality. The added option to schedule instagram posts from desktop enhances convenience.

However, it’s essential to explore alternatives like RecurPost, which offers unique features and versatility for content scheduling and management.

In essence, whether you choose Meta Business Suite or an alternative, the key to Reel success lies in consistency, creativity, and engaging with your audience through interesting content.

As you embark on your Reel journey, remember that the right scheduling tool can make all the difference in maintaining a strong online presence.


Can I schedule Instagram Reels from my mobile device?

Yes, you can schedule Instagram Reels using Meta Business Suite from both desktop and mobile devices. The Meta Business Suite app, available on the App Store and Google Play, ensures mobile accessibility, making it convenient to manage your content on the go.

How far in advance can I schedule my Reels?

With Meta Business Suite, you can schedule your Instagram Reels up to 90 days in advance. This extensive scheduling window allows you to plan and execute your content strategy seamlessly.

What happens if I need to edit my scheduled Reels?

Editing or deleting your scheduled Reels with Meta Business Suite is a straightforward process. The platform grants you the flexibility to make changes to your content or remove it from your schedule at any time, ensuring that your content aligns perfectly with your evolving strategy.

Are there any other platforms for scheduling Instagram Reels?

Absolutely! Besides Meta Business Suite, you can explore alternatives like RecurPost, a user friendly social media management tool that offers diverse scheduling options and analytics to enhance your Reel scheduling experience. These alternatives provide flexibility to cater to your unique content management needs.

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