With constantly evolving social marketing, itโ€™s important to stay ahead of the pack. RSS feed for social media is one of the most robust tools that can help streamline strategies and save resources. You can seamlessly automate content distribution, stay updated with industry-specific trends, and deliver the latest updates to the targeted audience by integrating RSS feeds. You can avert manual interruptions with the RSS feed. 

It encourages you to collect content and circulate it among several social media platforms. The automation takes care of real-time and relevant content flow, supporting you in having a solid and proactive online presence. Customized RSS feed keeps you informed about industry requirements and competitor activities, allowing you to make informed decisions. 

Are you ready to revolutionize your social media strategies with the RSS feed weapon? Letโ€™s get into the details.

How do RSS feeds work?

RSS allows website owners to publish the latest updates like news, blogs, weather, and podcasts. The website author creates a text file with an XML extension. It contains the title, description, and link for every post. The author adds the XML file to the website pages, which enables automatic syndication of new content via the RSS feed.

An RSS Reader reads the new materials every time visitors subscribe. This process collects and displays information from multiple XML files. RSS feeds can follow conversations on web pages, keep up with favorite blogs, and stay updated with local, national, and global news.

Ways to Use RSS Feeds for Social Media Marketing

what is RSS

Distribute your blog content 

Create a standardized RSS feed to automate your blog content distribution, allowing readers to subscribe. You can use social media management tools, one such tool is Recurpost to share new content across platforms, and leverage email marketing services as regular newsletters. The automated approach ensures your targeted audiences are always updated about your latest work.

๐Ÿ’ก Pro Tip: For a deeper dive into essential social media marketing terminology that can help you refine your strategy, check out our Social Media Marketing Terminology guide. Understanding these key terms will enhance your approach to automation and content management.

Explore content curation techniques from social media 

Creating suitable content from other sources via RSS feeds can directly enhance your digital presence. It allows you to curate diverse and engaging material with a steady-stream. The following are some techniques to practice. 

  1. Subscribe to Industry-Specific RSS Feeds
  2. Utilize Content Aggregators
  3. Filter & Organize Feeds
  4. Incorporate Automated Sharing Tools
  5. Give Personal Insights
  6. Mix Original & Curated Content
  7. Monitor & Adjust

Recognize the right LinkedIn questions to ask.

Responding to industry-related inquiries on LinkedIn is a fantastic way to demonstrate thought leadership, increase corporate visibility, link back to your material, and generate leads. 

In addition, subscribing to categories relevant to your industry can help you distinguish between appropriate queries.

For example, if you’re a social media marketing trends RSS feeds expert, go to the ‘Marketing and Sales’ category and then to the ‘Subscribe to New Questions in Marketing and Sales’ RSS feed on the right. Use RecurPost to catch trends from RSS feeds to social media.

Look up relevant Quora questions.

Quora, like LinkedIn Answers, is a fantastic place to answer industry-related questions. The same rules apply to Quora, except that Quora refers to categories as’ Topics.’ After you’ve scanned for a subject, click ‘Feed’ on the right-hand side to collect the RSS feed for that topic. The RSS feed to social media can help you stay relevant in the market.

Keep an eye out for specifics. 

Google is a fantastic resource for finding fresh blog posts and news! The search functions for ‘Google News‘ and ‘Google Blogs’ on Google are wonderful tools for gathering and searching for content related to your business. To find this feature, do a Google search and click on either ‘Blogs’ or ‘News’ on the left-hand side. Then, select ‘More’ if it only appears once in a while for you.

You can subscribe to the feed by clicking the orange RSS symbol/connect at the bottom of those pages.

How to set up the RSS feed on the web?

  1. Navigate to FetchRSS.com in your web browser.
  2. Sign up for a free account
  3. Select “manual RSS builder.”
  4. Enter your website’s URL here.
  5. Choose the news item that you wish the feed to transmit.
  6. Select the headline from the news item.
  7. Choose a description or summary from the news item.
  8. Include them if your site includes any optional parameters, such as illustrations and author.
  9. Click the “Create RSS” button.
  10. Copy the provided XML link and paste it into your website.

Optimizing RSS Feeds for Social Sharing

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a web feed format for publishing regular sites information updates such as news, blog articles, and other items. RSS feeds assist publishers by allowing them to distribute their site content automatically. Similarly, social feed on websites benefits readers by providing timely alerts when something new is posted on their favorite websites.

Most modern websites are completely RSS compatible, and website software such as WordPress, Squarespace, Drupal, or Wix have RSS components. So, if your website is not yet RSS compliant, it makes sense to address this. WordPress allows you to add RSS quickly feeds to your website. To accomplish this, follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to the Appearance section of your WordPress admin area, where you’ll find Widgets.
  • Next to the RSS widget, click Add.
  • Click Edit for the RSS widget in the Current Widgets column on the right.
  • Enter the RSS feed URL and title (optional) and select which item details to display (optional).
  • To publish the RSS feed on your blog, click Done and Save Changes.

Include rich media, optimize metadata, customize post formats, use open graph tags, and shorten URLs to maximize your blog’s RSS feed for effective sharing across social media platforms.

If you want to streamline social media bulk scheduling, integrating RSS feeds is also an excellent way to automate the process.

Automatic Posts from RSS Feed to Social Platforms

You can save time and ensure consistency in posting by automating cross-platform sharing of your RSS feed content. You can pick any tool from our top 3 options. 

1. Zapier

Zapier is undoubtedly a dynamic automation tool for connecting your RSS feed to multiple social media platforms. For Example, RSS to Instagram and Facebook reduces your workload and increases flawless workflow.  


IFTTT (If This Then That) is yet another promising option to automate RSS feed posts to other social media platforms. For instance, the RSS feed to Facebook page constantly updates your recent work.

3. RecurPost

RecurPost is an ideal tool for social media automation as it was specifically designed for it. You can easily post your content on various platforms with the tool. In other words, RSS to Facebook increases performance ability and any other targeted platforms. 

Maximize Reach & Visibility via RSS feeds

You can significantly boost your blog reach and visibility by taking advantage of the RSS feeds sharing automation feature. The following strategic techniques will maximize the impact of shared content. 

  1. Targeted Scheduling: You can use automation tools, such as Recurpost, Zapier, and IFTTT, to strategically schedule posts. Pick peak hours specified for each platform to get the most engagement. 
  2. Optimize Post Content: Your RSS feed must contain compelling titles and descriptions to catch more attention. Include keywords and phrases that are relevant to your targeted audience. Incorporate intriguing details and impactful headlines. Increase your content quality with images, videos and infographics and ensure RSS feeds support rich media.
  3. Utilize Hashtags and Mentions: Use popular and relevant hashtags in your posts to increase discoverability. Tools like Hashtagify can help identify trending hashtags in your niche. You can also mention relevant influencers or brands and tags to expand your content reach. 
  4. Leverage Social Media Algorithms: Fix an interaction time with your audience. Respond to comments and connect with your loyal audience. Active engagement signals platforms to prioritize your content. Additionally, RSS feed content allows you to reach a broader audience via cross-platform promotion. Customize each post to suit the platformโ€™s style. 
  5. Analyze and Optimize: Regularly check data from platforms, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, Twitter Analytics, etc, monitoring the performance of your content. Engagement rates, shares, and click-through rates provide insightful data. Experiment with content and check what works best for you.


Following this lengthy discussion, a lot of misunderstandings have emerged:

  • The RSS feed is still alive and well.
  • It is far more beneficial than most people realize.

For social media marketing, a social media RSS feed is quite useful. Because it can direct visitors to your blog or page directly. It is a tool for promoting your blog feed on social media sites.

Would you like to share it with your RSS feed for a social media audience? Make a post by clicking on the ‘Make a Post’ button and sharing it directly from there. So there you have it!

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Describe how you would use RSS feeds to connect to a social network.

Here are six RSS Feed Readers or Aggregate Apps:
– RSS Feed Reader Chrome Extension by Feeder.
– Feedly
– NewsBlur
– Inoreader
– Feedreader Online
Note: Some of these charge a fee based on usage. We’d advise you to check pricing information and read reviews before making any commitments.

2) How to use RSS feed for social media?

Assume you’re a real estate agent. You may include a listing page that lists all of the homes in your portfolio on your website. You may see all properties within our product by adding the RSS feed URL of that specific page to the RSS tab within RecurPost. You may, therefore, plan and share a post of certain listings on your RSS social media platforms without leaving RecurPost or returning to your website, saving you time.

3) ย How To Automatically Create Social Media Posts From RSS Feeds?

It’s not as difficult as it sounds. First, right-click a spot on the website for which you want an RSS feed, then select View Page Source. If searching for RSS fails, try atom instead. Next, as seen above, seek an RSS URL and copy it into your feed reader.

4) How to find the RSS feed URL?

Select Page Source from the menu that appears when you right-click on the website’s page. Type RSS into the “find” field (Ctrl + F on a PC or Command + F on a Mac). The URL of the feed can be found between the quotes following href=.

5) Are RSS feeds still used?

RSS feeds are still available (more on this later), although they aren’t as prevalent as previously. Instead, social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and others have become the go-to alternative for following sites, viewing feeds, and discovering new material.

6) How to use RSS feeds on your website?

To utilize RSS, follow these instructions:
But, first, get yourself an RSS reader.
Feedreader, Feedly, and The Old Reader are some of the most popular RSS readers. Create an account first so you can start subscribing to RSS feeds.
Locate an RSS feed’s link.
Finding RSS indicators on a website’s homepage are less prevalent than once, so if you don’t see them, do a web search for “Insider RSS feed.” After that, locate the page and copy the link.
Subscribing to the RSS feed is a great way to stay updated.
Find the link to add a new feed in the RSS reader program and enter the feed’s URL. You should see a list of articles as soon as you add it. You may now browse the articles and select those you wish to read.
Add more feeds to your subscription list.
You can keep adding RSS feeds to your RSS reader until you’ve gathered all the websites you’d like to follow.

7) Can you turn a webpage into an RSS feed?

You can do so by following the steps outlined below.
– Right-click a spot on the website where you want an RSS feed, then select View Page Source (the exact wording may vary depending on your browser).
– If searching for RSS doesn’t yield results, try atom. As shown above, look for an RSS URL, then copy it into your feed reader.