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The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on YouTube: Proven Strategies for Success

How to make money from YouTube

Table of Contents

YouTube has transformed from a simple video-sharing platform into a lucrative space for content creators worldwide. With over 2 billion logged-in monthly users, the potential to monetize your content and build a sustainable income stream is immense. Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced creator looking to expand your revenue streams, this guide will walk you through every major way to make money on YouTube, from the basics to more advanced strategies.

Monetization Strategies

Beyond ad revenue, YouTube offers a variety of monetization strategies that can significantly boost a creator’s income. These strategies allow you to engage your audience in different ways and generate revenue that isn’t directly tied to the number of views your videos receive. Letโ€™s dive into each of these strategies in detail.

1. Merchandise Shelf and YouTube Shopping

Merchandise Shelf and YouTube Shopping

What It Is:
The Merchandise Shelf is a feature that allows YouTubers to sell their branded merchandise directly through their channel. This feature appears below videos and offers an easy way for fans to purchase products like t-shirts, hoodies, mugs, or any other merchandise youโ€™ve created. YouTube Shopping extends this further by allowing creators to connect their channel with online stores to sell a broader range of products.

How It Works:
Creators can link their YouTube channels with a supported merchandise platform, such as Teespring, Spreadshop, or Merchbar. Once connected, you can design and list your products, which will then be displayed on a shelf under your videos. Fans can click on the items, which will take them to the merchandise platform where they can complete the purchase.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • 10,000 Subscribers: To access the Merchandise Shelf, your channel must have at least 10,000 subscribers.
  • Channel Monetization: You need to be a part of the YouTube Partner Program.
  • Compliance with YouTubeโ€™s Policies: Your content must comply with YouTubeโ€™s monetization and community guidelines.


  • Direct Fan Support: Selling merchandise allows your most loyal fans to support your channel in a meaningful way.
  • Brand Building: Merchandise helps in building your brand identity beyond YouTube, giving your viewers a way to express their support for your content in their daily lives.
  • Revenue Diversification: It provides a steady income stream thatโ€™s not reliant on ad views or fluctuating CPM rates.

Tips for Success:

  • Create Unique, High-Quality Products: Ensure that your merchandise reflects your brand and offers something unique that fans canโ€™t get elsewhere.
  • Promote Your Products Effectively: Use your videos, community posts, and other social media platforms to promote your merchandise. Show your products in your videos or even wear them while recording to subtly encourage purchases.


  • Inventory Management: If youโ€™re handling your own inventory (outside of print-on-demand services), youโ€™ll need to manage stock levels and shipping logistics.
  • Design Quality: Poorly designed products might not sell well, so investing in good design is crucial.

2. Channel Memberships

Channel Memberships

What It Is:
Channel Memberships allow your audience to pay a monthly subscription fee to support your channel. In return, members receive perks such as badges, custom emojis, exclusive content, and more. This feature is particularly useful for creators with a dedicated fan base who are willing to pay for additional content and recognition.

How It Works:
Creators can set up different membership tiers, each with its own set of perks. When viewers subscribe as members, they get special badges next to their names in comments and live chats, access to members-only content, and other benefits depending on the tier they choose.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • 30,000 Subscribers: To offer channel memberships, your channel typically needs at least 30,000 subscribers.
  • YouTube Partner Program: You must be part of YPP.
  • Content Compliance: Your channel must adhere to YouTubeโ€™s community guidelines and terms of service.


  • Recurring Revenue: Memberships provide a steady, recurring income stream, offering financial stability.
  • Strong Community Engagement: Memberships can strengthen your relationship with your audience, as members feel more connected and valued.
  • Content Flexibility: You can offer exclusive content, such as behind-the-scenes videos, early access to new uploads, or members-only live streams, which keeps members engaged and willing to renew their subscriptions.

Tips for Success:

  • Offer Valuable Perks: Make sure the perks at each membership tier are genuinely valuable to your audience. This could include exclusive live streams, early access to videos, or special shout-outs.
  • Promote Memberships Regularly: Mention your membership options in your videos and encourage viewers to join. Highlight the perks and explain how their support helps your channel.


  • Maintaining Value: To retain members, you must consistently deliver the promised perks, which can be time-consuming.
  • Balancing Free vs. Paid Content: You need to strike a balance between free content for all viewers and exclusive content for members to avoid alienating non-paying subscribers.

3. Super Thanks

Super Thanks

What It Is

Super Thanks is a relatively new feature that allows viewers to tip creators for their content. This feature is available on regular uploaded videos, not just live streams, providing another avenue for fan support.

How It Works

  • Viewer Interaction: Viewers can click the Super Thanks button under a video and choose how much they want to tip. The amounts vary, and viewers can also leave a comment along with their tip.
  • Creator Earnings: Similar to Super Chat, YouTube takes a percentage of the revenue from Super Thanks, with the rest going to the creator.

Tips for Success

  • Encourage Participation: Remind viewers that they can use Super Thanks if they enjoyed the video. Mention it in your video outro or in the description.
  • Acknowledge Supporters: If possible, acknowledge viewers who use Super Thanks in future videos or community posts, fostering a sense of appreciation and community.


  • Additional Revenue: Super Thanks adds another layer of income without requiring additional content or effort beyond what youโ€™re already producing.
  • Fan Engagement: It provides a way for your most loyal viewers to support you financially, increasing their connection to your channel.


  • Revenue Split: As with other YouTube monetization features, YouTube takes a cut of the Super Thanks revenue, meaning you donโ€™t keep the full amount.
  • Viewer Awareness: Since Super Thanks is a newer feature, not all viewers may be aware of it or understand how it works, which could limit its use.

4. Super Chat and Super Stickers

[Source: YouTube]

What It Is:
Super Chat and Super Stickers are monetization features available during live streams. Viewers can purchase Super Chats to highlight their messages in the live chat, making them more visible to the creator and other viewers. Super Stickers are animated images that can be sent in the chat to show support.

How It Works:
During a live stream, viewers can choose to pay for Super Chats or Super Stickers, which then appear prominently in the chat window. The higher the payment, the longer the message stays pinned. Creators earn a significant portion of the revenue generated from these purchases.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • YouTube Partner Program: You must be part of YPP.
  • Live Streaming Enabled: Your channel needs to be enabled for live streaming.
  • Compliance with YouTubeโ€™s Policies: Your content and interactions during the live streams must adhere to YouTubeโ€™s guidelines.


  • Direct Audience Interaction: Super Chats and Super Stickers encourage real-time interaction between you and your viewers, which can increase engagement during live streams.
  • Increased Revenue: These features can significantly boost your earnings, especially during live streams with high viewer participation.
  • Community Building: These tools help build a sense of community as viewers feel more involved and recognized during the stream.

Tips for Success:

  • Acknowledge Super Chats: Always acknowledge and thank viewers who send Super Chats or Super Stickers during your live streams. This encourages more people to participate.
  • Host Regular Live Streams: The more you stream, the more opportunities your audience has to use Super Chat and Super Stickers.
  • Create Engaging Content: Plan your live streams around content that encourages viewer interaction, such as Q&A sessions, live tutorials, or special events.


  • Revenue Split: YouTube takes a 30% cut from Super Chat and Super Sticker revenue, which is higher than the typical ad revenue split.
  • Time Management: Managing and interacting with a live chat, especially one with lots of Super Chats, can be overwhelming.

5. YouTube BrandConnect

YouTube BrandConnect

What It Is:
YouTube BrandConnect (formerly FameBit) is YouTubeโ€™s official platform that connects creators with brands for sponsorship deals. It is an influencer marketing service where creators are paid to produce content that features or promotes a brandโ€™s products or services.

How It Works:
Brands post campaign opportunities on BrandConnect, and eligible creators can apply. If selected, youโ€™ll collaborate with the brand to create sponsored content that aligns with both your channel and the brandโ€™s marketing goals. The compensation varies depending on the campaignโ€™s scope and the creatorโ€™s influence.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Subscriber Base: While thereโ€™s no fixed minimum, larger channels with engaged audiences are more likely to attract sponsorships.
  • Content Relevance: Your channel’s content should align with the brandโ€™s target audience to be considered for campaigns.
  • Professionalism: Brands look for creators who can maintain professionalism and deliver content that meets high standards.


  • High Revenue Potential: Sponsored content can be highly lucrative, often providing higher earnings than ad revenue or other monetization methods.
  • Creative Freedom: While brands have certain expectations, you usually have creative control over how the sponsorship is integrated into your content.
  • Long-Term Partnerships: Successful collaborations can lead to long-term partnerships, providing a steady income stream and opportunities for further growth.

Tips for Success:

  • Align with the Right Brands: Only collaborate with brands that align with your content and audience. Authenticity is key to maintaining your audienceโ€™s trust.
  • Negotiate Fairly: Understand your value as a creator and donโ€™t be afraid to negotiate for better compensation or terms that suit your channelโ€™s needs.
  • Deliver High-Quality Sponsored Content: Ensure that your sponsored content is as engaging and high-quality as your regular content. This helps maintain viewer interest and keeps the brand happy.


  • Audience Trust: Over-commercialization or poorly integrated sponsorships can lead to a loss of viewer trust. Always disclose sponsored content transparently.
  • Brand Expectations: Some brands may have strict requirements that could limit your creative freedom, so itโ€™s important to discuss expectations upfront.

6. Ad Revenue

Ad Revenue

What It Is

Ad revenue is the most traditional way of earning money on YouTube. It involves displaying ads on your videos, and you earn money based on the number of impressions these ads receive.

How It Works

  • Ad Types: YouTube offers various ad formats, including skippable and non-skippable video ads, display ads, overlay ads, and bumper ads. The type of ad shown depends on the viewer, content, and advertiser’s preferences.
  • CPM (Cost Per Mille): This is the amount advertisers pay per 1,000 ad impressions. CPM rates vary widely depending on factors like audience location, content niche, and time of year.
  • Revenue Split: YouTube takes a 45% cut of ad revenue, with creators receiving the remaining 55%.

Tips for Success

  • Optimize Video Length: Videos over 8 minutes allow for mid-roll ads, increasing potential revenue.
  • Create Advertiser-Friendly Content: Content that appeals to a wide audience and adheres to YouTube’s guidelines is more likely to attract higher CPM ads.
  • Utilize Analytics: Regularly review your YouTube Analytics to identify which videos generate the most ad revenue and consider producing similar content.


  • Scalable Income: As your channel grows, so does your potential ad revenue, making this a scalable income source.
  • Automated Earnings: Once your videos are monetized, ad revenue is earned passively as viewers watch your content.


  • Income Variability: Ad revenue can fluctuate significantly due to factors like seasonality, viewer engagement, and changes in YouTubeโ€™s algorithms.
  • Ad Blockers: Some viewers use ad blockers, which can reduce the number of impressions your ads receive and, consequently, your earnings.

7. YouTube Premium Revenue

YouTube Premium Revenue

What It Is:
YouTube Premium is a subscription service that offers ad-free viewing, background play, and access to YouTube Originals. Creators earn revenue from YouTube Premium based on how much Premium members watch their content.

How It Works:
When YouTube Premium subscribers watch your videos, a portion of their subscription fee is allocated to you. This revenue is calculated based on watch time, so the more content Premium users consume on your channel, the more you earn.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • YouTube Partner Program: You must be part of YPP.
  • Content Compliance: Your videos must comply with YouTubeโ€™s monetization policies to be eligible for Premium revenue.

BenefitsContinuing with YouTube Premium Revenue:


  • Steady Income: Unlike ad revenue, which can fluctuate based on various factors, YouTube Premium offers a more stable income stream since itโ€™s based on overall watch time rather than ad engagement.
  • Enhanced Viewer Experience: Since Premium users watch videos without ads, they might be more likely to engage with longer content or series, potentially increasing your watch time and, subsequently, your earnings.
  • Support from Premium Members: Revenue from YouTube Premium members is an additional income stream that complements ad revenue, especially useful for creators whose content might not be ad-friendly.

Tips for Success:

  • Create Content for Binge-Watching: Long-form content or series playlists encourage Premium users to spend more time on your channel, increasing your watch time and Premium earnings.
  • Understand Your Premium Audience: Analyze your YouTube Analytics to understand how Premium viewers interact with your content, and tailor your videos to maximize their engagement.
  • Engage Your Audience with Exclusives: While YouTube Originals are part of the YouTube Premium offering, consider using memberships or other exclusivity strategies to attract more Premium viewers to your channel.


  • Watch Time Dependency: Earnings are highly dependent on the watch time from Premium members. If your content doesn’t cater to this audience, the revenue might be minimal.
  • Limited Control: Unlike other monetization strategies where you can set prices or offer specific perks, Premium revenue is entirely managed by YouTube, limiting your control over this income stream.

To dive deeper into how you can maximize your earnings from YouTube Shorts, explore our detailed guide on YouTube Shorts Monetization: Maximize Your Earnings.

Tips for Bringing All These Monetization Strategies to Life

Monetizing your YouTube channel involves more than just activating features. It requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and a deep understanding of both your content and audience. Here are some tips to effectively implement the various monetization strategies discussed:

1. Know Your Audience

Why It Matters: Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of successful monetization. Different monetization strategies work better depending on your audience’s demographics, interests, and engagement patterns.

How to Do It:

  • Use YouTube Analytics: Regularly analyze viewer demographics, watch time, and engagement metrics to understand what content resonates most with your audience.
  • Engage Directly: Use polls, community posts, and comments to gather feedback from your viewers. Ask them what type of merchandise they would be interested in or what perks they would like in a membership.
  • Tailor Your Content: Create content that aligns with your audienceโ€™s preferences, which will naturally lead to better performance in ad revenue, memberships, and merchandise sales.

2. Create High-Quality, Consistent Content

Why It Matters: Consistent, high-quality content keeps your audience engaged, which is crucial for building a sustainable income. The more engaged your audience, the more likely they are to support you through memberships, Super Chats, or merchandise purchases.

How to Do It:

  • Maintain a Regular Upload Schedule: Whether itโ€™s weekly or bi-weekly, consistency helps build anticipation and keeps viewers coming back.
  • Invest in Good Equipment: High-quality video and audio are essential. Invest in good cameras, microphones, and editing software to ensure your videos are professional and engaging.
  • Optimize for SEO: Use keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags to improve your videosโ€™ visibility on YouTube search and recommendations.

3. Promote Your Monetization Features

Why It Matters: Even if youโ€™ve set up all the monetization options, they wonโ€™t be effective unless your audience knows about them. Promotion is key to maximizing revenue.

How to Do It:

  • Mention Features in Videos: Briefly talk about your memberships, Super Chats, or merchandise during videos. For example, thank members at the end of your videos or remind viewers that they can purchase merchandise.
  • Use Visual Cues: Add end screens, cards, or pop-ups to remind viewers to check out your merchandise or join your channel membership.
  • Leverage Social Media: Promote your YouTube channel and its monetization features on other social media platforms. Share links to your merchandise store, post about new membership perks, or highlight big sponsorships.

4. Engage with Your Community

Why It Matters: A strong, engaged community is more likely to support your channel financially. Engaging with your audience builds loyalty and encourages them to participate in your monetization efforts.

How to Do It:

  • Respond to Comments: Take time to reply to comments on your videos. It shows that you value your viewers and encourages them to keep engaging.
  • Host Live Streams: Regular live streams not only increase watch time but also provide opportunities for Super Chats and Super Stickers.
  • Create Exclusive Content: Offer members or loyal fans exclusive content or behind-the-scenes access. This can be through community posts, members-only videos, or special shout-outs in your videos.

5. Diversify Your Income Streams

Why It Matters: Relying on a single income stream can be risky due to the unpredictable nature of online platforms. Diversifying ensures that you have multiple revenue sources to fall back on.

How to Do It:

  • Combine Strategies: Donโ€™t just rely on ad revenue. Incorporate memberships, Super Thanks, merchandise, and brand deals into your income strategy.
  • Experiment and Adapt: Try different types of content and monetization strategies to see what works best. For example, test out different merchandise items or membership perks.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with YouTubeโ€™s new features and monetization tools. As YouTube evolves, so do the opportunities to earn money on the platform.

6. Monitor and Adjust

Why It Matters: The digital landscape is constantly changing, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Regular monitoring allows you to adjust your strategies for better performance.

How to Do It:

  • Review Analytics Regularly: Use YouTube Analytics to track the performance of your videos, ad revenue, and other monetization strategies. Identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Adjust Content Based on Feedback: Be responsive to audience feedback and make adjustments to your content or monetization strategies as needed.
  • Experiment with Pricing: For memberships or merchandise, test different price points to find what your audience is willing to pay.

Must-Have Tools and Resources

Effective YouTube management requires the right tools. Hereโ€™s a look at some essential tools to streamline your workflow, optimize your videos, and enhance your channelโ€™s growth.

Top Video Editing Software

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: Adobe Premiere Pro is an industry-standard software offers powerful features for both beginners and professionals. Itโ€™s ideal for creating polished, high-quality videos that stand out on YouTube.
  • Final Cut Pro: Final Cut Pro is exclusive to Mac users, Final Cut Pro is known for its user-friendly interface and advanced editing capabilities. Itโ€™s a top choice for YouTubers looking for professional-grade editing tools.
  • DaVinci Resolve: DaVinci Resolve is a free, professional-grade video editing software with advanced color correction and grading tools. Itโ€™s perfect for YouTubers who want to enhance the visual appeal of their videos without breaking the bank.

Essential Analytics Platforms

  • YouTube Analytics: Built into YouTube Studio, YouTube Analytics offers detailed insights into your channelโ€™s performance. Track metrics like watch time, views, and subscriber growth to understand whatโ€™s working and where you can improve.
  • Google Analytics: While typically used for websites, Google Analytics can be linked to your YouTube channel to provide additional insights into traffic sources and viewer demographics.
  • Social Blade: Social Blade offers public statistics for any YouTube channel. Use it to track your progress, compare your performance with competitors, and identify trends in your niche.

Must-Have Social Media Management Tools

  • RecurPost: RecurPost is a powerful social media management tool that allows you to schedule and manage posts across multiple platforms. Itโ€™s perfect for promoting your YouTube videos and ensuring consistent engagement with your audience.
  • Buffer: Buffer is another popular tool for scheduling posts, tracking performance, and engaging with your audience. Itโ€™s user-friendly and offers detailed analytics to refine your social media strategy.
  • Hootsuite: Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management platform that supports multiple networks. Itโ€™s ideal for larger YouTube channels or those managing several social media accounts from one place.

Final Thoughts

Making money on YouTube requires more than just joining the YouTube Partner Program. While ad revenue is a common starting point, diversifying your income through merchandise, memberships, live stream features, brand sponsorships, and YouTube Premium is crucial for long-term success. By leveraging these alternative monetization strategies, you can create a more stable and sustainable income, allowing you to focus on growing your channel and engaging your audience effectively. Consistency, creativity, and community engagement remain key to maximizing these opportunities.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What are the eligibility requirements for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP)?

To join YPP, your channel needs at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours over the past 12 months. Additionally, you must comply with YouTubeโ€™s monetization policies and link a Google AdSense account for payments.

2. How does ad revenue work on YouTube?

Ad revenue is earned when ads are shown on your videos. YouTube takes 45% of the ad revenue, while creators receive 55%. Earnings depend on factors like CPM rates, video length, and audience demographics.

3. What is the Merchandise Shelf, and how can I use it?

The Merchandise Shelf allows you to sell branded products directly through your channel. You need at least 10,000 subscribers to access this feature, and it integrates with platforms like Teespring to display your merchandise below your videos.

4. What are Channel Memberships, and how do they generate income?

Channel Memberships allow viewers to pay a monthly fee for perks like exclusive content, badges, and emojis. This provides a recurring revenue stream and helps build a stronger community around your channel.

5. How can I earn money through live streams on YouTube?

During live streams, you can earn money through Super Chat and Super Stickers. Viewers pay to highlight their messages or send animated stickers, which appear prominently in the chat, increasing engagement and revenue.

6. What is YouTube BrandConnect, and how can I participate?

YouTube BrandConnect is a platform that connects creators with brands for sponsorship deals. Itโ€™s available to creators with engaged audiences and involves producing sponsored content in exchange for payment.

7. How does YouTube Premium Revenue work?

YouTube Premium allows subscribers to watch videos without ads. Creators earn a share of the subscription fees based on how much Premium members watch their content, providing a steady income stream.

8. What challenges might I face when monetizing my YouTube channel?

Common challenges include inconsistent ad revenue, managing audience expectations, avoiding burnout, and staying compliant with YouTubeโ€™s policies. Diversifying your income streams can help mitigate these challenges.

Vrinda Jagga is a dedicated content writer with over 2 years of experience in the field. She excels in creating engaging and informative content that resonates with diverse audiences. Vrindaโ€™s expertise spans various industries, and she has a knack for crafting narratives that captivate readers.


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