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Canva Instagram Scheduler : Review 2024

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Canva, a popular online design platform, offers a diverse range of features, including an Instagram scheduler. Yes, Canva can indeed schedule posts to Instagram, allowing users to plan and automate their content publishing. However, it’s important to note that the Canva scheduler has some limitations. For instance, it doesn’t support scheduling Instagram Stories or Reels, and there’s a cap on the number of posts that can be scheduled within a rolling 24-hour period.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive scheduler to schedule Instagram posts, then RecurPost is a good option to consider. RecurPost offers a number of advantages over the Canva scheduler, including support for scheduling Instagram Stories and Reels, unlimited post scheduling, and a wide range of hashtag options.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about the Canva Instagram scheduler and RecurPost. We will also provide a comparison of the two schedulers and tips for using Instagram schedulers effectively.

Whether you are a business owner, influencer, or simply someone who wants to save time and improve your Instagram presence, this blog post is for you.

How the Canva Instagram Scheduler Works

Canva Instagram Scheduler

Canva introduced its social media scheduling feature in late 2020, expanding its capabilities beyond design to help users streamline their content creation and publishing process. The Instagram scheduler is part of this broader social media scheduling functionality.

To use the Canva Instagram Scheduler:

  1. Create your design in Canva as usual.
  2. Click on the “Share” button and select “Schedule”.
  3. Choose Instagram as your platform.
  4. Set your desired date and time for posting.
  5. Add your caption and hashtags.
  6. Review and confirm your scheduled post.

It’s important to note that to access the Instagram scheduling feature, you need a Canva Pro or Canva for Teams account. Free users do not have access to this functionality. Additionally, you must have an Instagram Business account linked to a Facebook Page to use this feature, as Canva uses Facebook’s API for posting to Instagram.

The Instagram content planner allows you to plan your feed posts in advance, helping you maintain a consistent posting schedule. However, as mentioned earlier, it does have limitations such as not being able to schedule Stories or Reels, and there’s a limit on the number of posts you can schedule within a 24-hour period.

Canva Instagram scheduler integrates seamlessly with its design tools, making it a convenient option for users who already create their content within the Canva platform. This integration allows for a smooth workflow from design to scheduling, all within one interface.

How to use Canva to Schedule Instagram Posts

Canva’s Content Planner offers a convenient way to create and schedule eye-catching Instagram posts. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

1. Log in to your Canva account (Pro or Teams subscription required).

2. Create a new design:

create a design in canva
  • Click “Create a design” and choose “Instagram Post” or use a custom size.
  • Alternatively, select a pre-made Instagram template.

3. Design your content:

use design elements to edit an image in canva
  • Add images, text, graphics, and other elements to your design.
  • Ensure your design fits Instagram’s recommended dimensions (1080x1080px for square posts).

4. Once your design is complete, click the “Share” button in the top-right corner.

5. In the sharing options, select “Schedule”.

schedule on social media from canva

6. Choose “Instagram” from the list of social media platforms.

7. If you haven’t already, connect your Instagram account:

connect instagram business to canva
  • Click “Connect Instagram account”.
  • You’ll be redirected to log in to Facebook (as Instagram scheduling is done through a Facebook Business Page).
  • Select the Facebook Page associated with your Instagram Business account.
  • Grant necessary permissions to Canva.
canva requests for facebook access

8. Once connected, select the Instagram account you want to post to.

9. Set your scheduling details:

  • Choose the date and time you want your post to go live.
  • Add your caption in the text box provided.
  • Include relevant hashtags (Canva may suggest some based on your content).
add details to instagram post on canva

10. If you want to tag people or add a location, note that you’ll need to do this manually when the post goes live on Instagram.

11. Review your scheduled post details.

12. Click “Schedule” to confirm and set your post.

13. You can view and manage your scheduled posts in Canva by going to the “Content Planner” section.

Remember, to use this feature, you need:

  • A Canva Pro or Canva for Teams account
  • An Instagram Business account
  • Your Instagram account connected to a Facebook Page

Cons of Canva Content Planner

While Canva’s scheduler offers a convenient all-in-one solution, it has some drawbacks to consider:

  • Canva Instagram scheduler can only be used to schedule posts to business accounts:

This is because Instagram has an API that allows third-party apps to schedule posts to business accounts, but not to personal accounts. This can be a significant limitation for individuals who want to use Canva to schedule their personal Instagram posts.

  • Canva Instagram scheduler does not support scheduling Instagram Stories or Reels:

This is another limitation of the Instagram API. However, there are a number of third-party Instagram schedulers that do support scheduling Stories and Reels.

  • Canva Instagram scheduler only allows users to schedule up to 25 posts in a rolling 24-hour period:

This may be sufficient for some users, but it may be too restrictive for businesses and individuals who need to schedule a large number of posts. For example, a business that posts several times a day may need to schedule more than 25 posts in a 24-hour period.

  • Canva Instagram scheduler has a limited number of hashtag options:

Canva only allows users to add up to 20 hashtags to their posts. This may be insufficient for some users who want to use hashtags to reach a wider audience.

What Users Say:

  • Niche Pursuits: The Canva Instagram Scheduler is praised for its ease of use and integration with Canvaโ€™s design tools. It allows users to design and schedule posts all in one place, making it highly convenient, especially for those who are not design-savvy. The tool’s drag-and-drop builder and intuitive interface make it accessible for beginners [Niche Pursuits].
  • FeedHive: While Canvaโ€™s scheduler is appreciated for its simplicity and integration with design tools, it lacks some advanced features that other dedicated social media management tools offer. Users have to manually publish Stories and Reels, which can be inconvenient [Feedhive].
  • SocialPilot: Criticism is directed at Canvaโ€™s limited customization options and lack of support for all social media platforms. Users also find the mobile app scheduling capabilities to be lacking, as it requires switching to a desktop for scheduling [SocialPilot].
  • Yes to Tech: Users note that Canva does not support scheduling Instagram Stories and Reels, which is a significant drawback for those who rely heavily on these features. Additionally, the post-scheduling options are considered basic, limiting more advanced scheduling needs [Yes to Tech].
  • Sara Nguyen: The lack of an inbox feature to directly respond to messages or comments on scheduled posts is another limitation mentioned by users. This restricts real-time engagement and communication, which is crucial for social media management [Sara Nguyen].

RecurPost: A Better Instagram Scheduler With Canva Integration

RecurPost Instagram Scheduler with Canva Integration

If you are looking for a more comprehensive Instagram scheduler than Canva, then RecurPost is one of the best Apps to Schedule Instagram Posts. RecurPost offers a number of advantages over the Canva scheduler, including:

Support for scheduling posts to both business and personal accounts 

RecurPost can be used to schedule posts to both business and personal Instagram accounts. This is a significant advantage over the Canva scheduler, which can only be used to schedule posts to business accounts.

Support for scheduling Instagram Stories and Reels

RecurPost can be used to schedule both Instagram Stories and Reels. This is another significant advantage over the Canva content planner, which does not support scheduling Stories or Reels. You can also schedule carousel Instagram posts.

Unlimited post scheduling. 

RecurPost allows users to schedule an unlimited number of posts. This is in contrast to the Canva content planner, which only allows users to schedule up to 25 posts in a rolling 24-hour period.

A wide range of hashtag options. 

RecurPost offers a wide range of hashtag options, including the ability to save and manage hashtag lists. This is in contrast to the Canva scheduler, which only allows users to add up to 20 hashtags to their posts.

Canva integration. 

RecurPost integrates with Canva, so users can easily create and schedule Canva designs in RecurPost. This is a convenient feature for users who already use Canva to create their Instagram content.

Social media analytics.

RecurPost provides detailed analytics on the performance of Instagram posts, including impressions, reach, engagements, and more. This information can be used to improve the performance of future posts.

Team collaboration. 

RecurPost allows multiple users to collaborate on social media accounts and campaigns. This is a useful feature for businesses and teams with multiple social media managers.

Bulk scheduling. 

RecurPost allows users to schedule multiple posts in bulk, which can save a lot of time. This is a useful feature for businesses and individuals who need to schedule a large number of posts.


If you only need to schedule a small number of posts to a business account, then the Canva content planner may be sufficient. However, if you need to schedule a large number of posts, or if you need to schedule Instagram Stories or Reels, then you may want to consider using a third-party scheduler, such as RecurPost.

RecurPost offers a number of advantages over the Canva scheduler, including support for scheduling Stories and Reels, unlimited post scheduling, and social media analytics. RecurPost is a good option for businesses and individuals who need a more powerful and feature-rich Instagram scheduler.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you use Canva for Instagram?

Yes, you can use Canva for Instagram to create and edit graphics, videos, and other content for your Instagram posts, Stories, and Reels.

How do I integrate Canva with Instagram?

To integrate Canva with Instagram, you need to create a Canva account and connect it to your Instagram account. You can do this by going to the Canva website, clicking on the “Connect to Instagram” button, and entering your Instagram login credentials.

Can you use Canva to schedule Instagram posts?

Yes, you can use Canva to schedule Instagram posts. To do this, create your post in Canva and then click on the “Schedule” button. You can then select the date and time that you want your post to be published.

How do I plan Instagram with Canva?

To plan Instagram with Canva, you can create a calendar in Canva and add your planned posts to it. You can also use Canva to create templates for your posts so that you can easily create new posts without having to start from scratch each time.

What is the best Instagram content planner?

RecurPost is the best Instagram content planner that you can use for creating a content calendar and scheduling posts on business as well as personal accounts.

Is the Canva Scheduler good?

The Canva scheduler is good for beginners and those who already use Canva for design. It’s convenient and user-friendly, but has limitations:
– No scheduling Stories or Reels.
– Limited daily scheduled posts (check current limits on Canva).
– Requires a Pro account.
For more advanced features, consider dedicated schedulers like RecurPost.

Debbie Moran

Debbie Moran is a Digital marketing strategist with 5+ years of experience producing advertising for brands and helping leaders showcase their brand to the correct audience. She has been a part of RecurPost since 2019 and handles all the activities required to grow our brandโ€™s online presence.


Schedule and Publish your posts on multiple social accounts, read and reply to incoming messages with social inbox, and collaborate with your team and clients with ease.