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31 Effective Marketing Ideas for Businesses for 2024

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As we are approaching the end of 2020, it seems a great idea to look at all the trends that prevailed in marketing this year and be prepared with some power-packed marketing ideas for the upcoming year.

Doesn’t matter whether you have been running a business for the past 1 year or 10 years; it’s always a good idea to think about ways to modify your digital marketing strategy to expand your business. Creativeness will help your company attract new clients through your marketing campaigns. 

To help you out, we at RecurPost, a social media scheduler, have compiled this intricate list of effective marketing ideas that will assist you to improve your SEO as well as social media marketing strategies. All these ideas have one thing in common – they do much more than just market the brand!

1. Neuromarketing

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This is one of the most inspiring marketing trends of 2020. While it might sound like a science fiction film factor, the fact is that this technology is moving fast and will soon become a viable tool for marketers. For the uninitiated, neuromarketing is a technique that analyses a person’s brainwave activity and nervous system to assess the kind of content they find interesting.

2. Being human on social media

In 2020, we’ve seen brands tap deeper into the impact of video and interactive content, but they need to follow it by being real on their social networks, and by working hard to cultivate a group of dedicated, loyal followers. 

“If your business wants to survive on social media in 2020, don’t act like a brand – act like a human that runs a brand!”

3. Voice marketing funnels

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Source: Social media examiner

Voice-enabled devices and voice search will substantially impact your marketing funnel. In the modern voice marketing funnel, leads will reach the funnel at various stages of the consumer journey, as many customers are now doing a lot of their own online research. This updated model requires that each customer be viewed as an entity rather than a generalized prospect.

4. Alternate search engines

StatCounter’s analysis shows that over 92 percent of all search engine traffic is from Google, surpassing its main rivals, Yahoo and Bing. However, interestingly, DuckDuckGo has seen massive growth as it hit 1 billion searches in the month of January 2019. Therefore, advertisers should understand their audience, think about where their brand material will be viewed, and optimize the content for more than one search engine.

5. Structured data SEO

Structured information is any data organized to make crawling and categorizing easier for search engines. Content developers can do this in their backend code or in tables with labeled columns/rows by grouping information in a tidy way. When done correctly, structured data provides a huge SEO boost in one form or another, and you can rank in that desirable position of zero.

6. Semantic keywords

Semantic keywords as an effective marketing ideas

While creating content, write for people – not just for Google. In order to see results, you need to keep user intent in mind. Also defined as search intent or keyword intent, this is the main purpose that a person has when entering or talking about a search query. 

It may be to search a commodity, a piece of information, or a store location. The search engine does not just analyze keywords in the search box; it evaluates the contents of the query and drills down to assess the intention of the user search.

7. Long-form content

Short pieces of content are no longer cool and will take you nowhere. Long-form content enables content curators to define themselves as experts in the field and offers them more space for targeting keywords. A research analysis by the Search Engine Journal shows that long-form content earns 77% more backlinks than short posts, which are crucial to increase organic traffic.

8. Internet of things

Not only our mobile devices and laptops – but also from smart cars to household gadgets to wearable technology, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more and more integrated.

“Nowadays it is expected that smart devices and technology can unrestrictedly, and often sneakily, gather data on our vital functions, what we do, where we go, what we share, what we think, what we purchase, who we know, how we travel, and even what we eat.”

As a brand, it’s one of the great ideas to use all the data available in order to do smart marketing of your products and services to the target audience. 

9. Security of website

It is less of the marketing ideas and more of a necessity. Since August 2014, Google has declared that HTTPS is a ranking factor. It flags all sites as unsafe unless they have HTTPS (‘S’ stands for ‘safe’) certification. In addition, proudly showing the security stamp of trust or badge from brands like RapidSSL certificate on your website will ensure the website visitors that you consider their protection seriously.

10. Privacy marketing

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It becomes apparent that the world’s citizens (but not companies take privacy seriously, and advertisers – depending upon them – have no choice but to abide by the new laws or miss out. One new rule is that marketing professionals and brands must “earn” the contact information o people instead of engaging in mass marketing.

11. Introduction of 5G

In a world that has been crazy with smartphones, the dawn of the 5G technology or fifth generation of mobile technology is potentially one of the most important digital marketing developments in 2020. This update marks the beginning of a whole new age and ideas for digital communication and marketing in almost all industries.

12. Advanced analytics

Modern marketing and metrics work together but you’d fail to get the results you’d like to see if you’re not investing in better analytics. The role of analytics monitoring is rapidly becoming a major challenge, due to many platforms to manage and a multitude of ways to market your goods and services. Thus, you should go way beyond Google Analytics to collect data and come up with new marketing ideas for 2024.

13. Focus on branding

In order to gain the trust of people, you need to establish yourself as a solid brand, having enough expertise in your industry. Branding is crucial because of Google’s E.A.T. factor, which stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. In particular, Google needs to do more than rank good content; it caters to user experience by seeking the most reliable, up-to-date, well-researched (i.e. authoritative content on any given subject, preferably produced by true professionals in the industry.

14. SERP Position zero

SERP Position zero as an effective marketing ideas by recurpost as best free social media scheduling tool

This is the holy grail of modern SEO, known as rank zero snippet or position zero, since it responds to user-search queries directly without the user having to click on the link. One of the great marketing ideas is to optimize your website pages for voice search and invest resources in On-SERP SEO in order to have a competitive advantage over others.

15. Paid social media ads

With intensive competition in social media, the organic scope is rapidly declining and paid ads have become a more reliable force in 2020. Thus, while carrying out Facebook marketing or Instagram marketing, you need to consider paid ads as a vital part of your strategy. In the same way, Twitter marketing can also be done to take advantage of the ongoing trending topics.

16. Google ads smart bidding

Google explains on smart bidding that:

“Machine learning algorithms practice on vast-scale data to help you make more accurate forecasts across your profile about how specific bid amounts could affect conversions or conversion values.”

In other words, marketers may hand over the power of their pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to the Google AI scheme, which will then optimize their budget to maximize their ROI.

17. Automation in social media

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This is the best and most time-saving idea for social media marketing. With so many social platforms to manage, it becomes very troublesome to post individually and regularly on all of them. However, the use of social media scheduling tools like RecurPost can help you in automating your social media accounts to a large extent.

It also gives the option to auto-schedule for the best time to post on social media accounts. With this tool, you can make content libraries, create recurring schedules, view analytics, download reports, and a lot more. Its blog section also serves as an in-depth social media guide!

18. Artificial intelligence

Almost 30% of online businesses have incorporated the use of AI in 2020. Looking at the benefits, it offers for sales and marketing; this percentage will increase tremendously in the coming years. 

As Neil Patel says,
“Marketing will soon become a more fair playing field and you’ll have no choice but to use AI.”

Thus, without any doubt, you should include implementing AI in your list of marketing ideas. This includes using AI for your content, your video creation, your images, and your chatbot capabilities.

19. Deep data learning

Forbes estimates that 78% of companies either now have or are creating a customer data platform to better monitor, analyze, and leverage their data. It does not come as a surprise that data experts are at the top of the priority list for many businesses, with 41 percent of business owners reporting that they already have the most needed skills to recruit.

With the advantages of big data, there is a need for organizations to make greater use of this data to “significantly simplify tasks that historically could only be carried out by data scientists.”

20. Blockchain technology

However, the use of blockchain is much more far-reaching than just the financial industry; and this technology is already gaining traction in the digital marketing world. Blockchain removes digital marketing intermediaries, creates trust through transparency, drives public accountability, and provides branding benefits. You can adapt blockchain development technology to market your business effectively.

In upcoming years, the trends that will be seen in blockchain and that could be used as marketing ideas are: Tracking media buys, handling social impressions, Verifying online identities, protecting private information, and pinpoint targeting.

21. User-generated content

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User-generated content (UGC) is one of the best social media promotion ideas for brands that want to expand into the Millennial and Gen Z markets. You may inspire your customers to share exclusive content/feedback by giving them rewards, such as discounts, or even by collaborating with them for a good cause.

This simple UGC technique will rapidly increase brand loyalty and boost conversion rates as more customers find your brand, and its goods and services.

22. Progressive web apps

Progressive Web Apps are simply web pages that function like smartphone apps. They provide the features of a native mobile app—fast load times, push notifications, offline activity, hardware device utilization, and more; without being limited to a particular platform like android or iOS.

This enables development teams to build progressive web applications for any platform that functions just like a smartphone app. With overall mobile page views rising by nearly 50 percent every year worldwide, mobile is more important than ever to the digital strategy.

23. Predictive analysis

Predictive analysis is the process of using data mining, predictive modeling, and data science to find trends and try to foresee the future. In terms of digital marketing ideas, we can see even more of this, as it is used in advanced lead generation, as well as in segmentation and individual customization. It helps marketers decrease costs and increase consumer loyalty.

24. Augmented reality

Virtual reality (VR) makes a lot of noise and makes people excited about fantastic science-fiction concepts. However, AR is far more marketable. Brands are constantly using this technology to boost customer satisfaction and increase revenue. By the end of 2023, it is predicted that 70% of enterprises will be experimenting with the use of AR as a part of their marketing ideas.

25. Omnichannel marketing

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Omnichannel marketing is a multi-platform marketing mechanism (such as social media, applications, email, and blog). It helps you to communicate with your target audience on more touchpoints. When you’re doing omnichannel marketing right, you can deliver an improved user experience and a clear brand message that moves people to take action.

“In order to stay ahead, brands must present a cohesive, clear voice and message through all available platforms, including physical stores, social media platforms, online, catalogs, and everywhere else you can envision.”

26. Shoppable posts on Instagram

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With both e-commerce and social media rising at unprecedented rates, it is no wonder that brands are using both together to optimize sales opportunities. In March 2019, Instagram launched Instagram Checkout, which enables users to complete a purchase directly from Instagram.

Instagram claims that the app has 1 billion users, and 90% of them already follow popular shopping accounts, many of whom visit these accounts on a regular basis. So what better way to leverage this massive potential than by using shoppable posts?

27. A/B testing 

Today, Marketing ideas are all about testing and analyzing results. By carrying out A/B split testing, you can extract the variables in your campaign. And quickly recognize which variants drive the results you require. This form of testing gives marketers an analytical approach to making effective adjustments to their content. 

28. Content marketing

Google released several big changes to the search algorithm in November 2019. The updates included the latest BERT framework designed to help Google understand people’s natural language while searching. Whether you’re just starting content marketing or have been doing it for a while, you can use a list of the best content marketing tools to get the most out of your time. Google’s John Mueller advises,

“It is rather necessary to ensure that your site has rapid speeds, useful links, and well-written content rather than chasing the latest SEO trends.”

29. Push notifications

The number of online shops using Push notifications had increased to 85% in 2019. At least twice as many people sign up for web push notifications compared to a newsletter. As the recipient sees the push notifications almost immediately, it is a great thing to be included in the list of your top marketing ideas for 2024. They can even include images and call to action to maximize the conversion rates.

30. Social media stories

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After Snapchat introduced the concept of stories, Instagram and Facebook followed the same path. And finally, YouTube also unveiled its story feature. These kinds of stories vanish after a certain period of time. Thus, this is a perfect opportunity for advertisers to make good use of FOMO (fear of missing out). It will result in increased brand awareness and constant engagement with followers.

31. Voice search and smart speakers

The rapidly increasing use of voice search rendered it necessary for businesses to reconsider their digital marketing strategies and ideas in 2020. Voice search plays a vital role in delivering all the relevant data that people are looking for through audio searches. AI’s becoming smarter, and the number of mistakes made by voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google has significantly reduced. 50% of searches are now being done by voice input. Thus, optimizing your web pages for the same is high time.


As we look back on this year’s marketing trends, it’s exciting to think about what’s next. Whether you’ve been in business for a while or just starting out, trying new things in your marketing can really help your business grow. From chatting like a real person on social media to figuring out what your customers really want to hear, there’s a lot to try out.

And who knows? Mixing in some of these cool ideas, like using smart technology or making your website super secure, could be your secret sauce to growing even more. Also, automate your social media and build your social presence with RecurPost’s social media scheduling tool. Take the free 14-day trial today!

Frequently asked questions

1. What are the top marketing ideas for 2024?

The top 19 marketing ideas for 2024 include:

  1. Neuromarketing – Analyze a person’s brainwave activity to assess the kind of content they find interesting
  2. Long-form content – It enables content curators to define themselves as experts in the field 
  3. Privacy marketing – Show your customers that you take their privacy seriously 
  4. Focus on branding – Branding is crucial because of Google’s E.A.T. factor
  5. SERP position zero – Secure a place in the featured snippet of search results
  6. Google ads smart bidding – Run optimized PPC campaigns
  7. Automation in social media – Schedule and automate your posts across all major social media channels
  8. Artificial intelligence – Incorporate the use of chatbots and machine learning
  9. Deep data learning – Create a customer data platform to better monitor, analyze, and leverage their data
  10. Blockchain technology – It removes digital marketing intermediaries, creates trust through transparency, drives public accountability, and provides branding benefits
  11. User-generated content – It is an effective material for brands to expand into the Millennial and Gen Z markets
  12. Progressive web apps – These are simply web pages that function like smartphone apps
  13. Predictive analysis – It is the process of using data mining, predictive modeling, and data science to find trends 
  14. Augmented reality – Helps to boost customer satisfaction and increase revenue
  15. Omnichannel marketing – Connect with your customers on more touchpoints
  16. Shoppable posts – Create shoppable posts so that users can directly shop from your Instagram account
  17. A/B testing – By carrying out A/B split-testing, you can extract the variables in your campaign and quickly recognize which variants drive the results you require
  18. Content marketing – It is necessary to ensure that your site has rapid speeds, useful links, and well-written content
  19. Voice search – It plays a vital role in delivering all the relevant data that people are looking for through audio searches

2. What are some out of the box marketing ideas for 2024?

Here are 5 creative marketing ideas you can put to work in your campaigns in 2024. 

  1. Heat-mapping – Get insights into how far your visitors are scrolling down on each page, where they’re clicking, and also get a clearer picture of their journey on your website
  2. Content personalization – Run targeted ads, send personalized emails and modify the content on your website
  3. Artificial Intelligence – Incorporate the use of chatbots and machine learning on your website
  4. Repurpose old content – Generate traffic from evergreen content
  5. Guest blogging – Accept guest blogs on your website and also submit them on authoritative websites

3. What are the best marketing campaign ideas for 2024?

Some best marketing campaign ideas for 2024 include:

  1. Programmatic advertising – It means using AI to automate ad buying so you can target more specific audiences
  2. Conversational marketing – It facilitates a one-to-one, real-time connection between marketers and customers
  3. Influencer marketing – Use key leaders to amplify your brand message to a larger market
  4. Browser push notifications – At least twice as many people sign up for web push notifications compared to a newsletter
  5. Geo-fencing – It allows real-time targeting based on a user’s location

4. What are some good marketing ideas?

Let’s divide the marketing ideas into 3 categories:

  1. Social media marketing ideas – Join in on weekly hashtag themes like #ThrowbackThursday, create vines, cross-promote your channels, carry out influencer marketing, jump on trends, and post consistently.
  2. Contest marketing ideas – Run photo contests, video contests, caption contests, and sweepstakes
  3. Content marketing ideas – Keep user intent in your mind while writing, add visuals to all your content pieces, create infographics, graphs and charts

5. What the best marketing ideas for pandemic?

Here are the 10 best marketing ideas to consider for the pandemic:

  1. Connect and engage with your customers on social media 
  2. Take your business online
  3. Prepare for a bounce-back surge
  4. Provide special offers
  5. Provide virtual tours/online classes
  6. Collect more reviews on GMB
  7. Use this time to make your digital strategy better
  8. Provide exceptional service to existing customers
  9. Run social media ads
  10. Change your communication strategy and content calendar

6. What are some marketing ideas for small businesses?

As a small business, you can utilize the following marketing ideas:

  1. Refine your target audience and niche, and have a USP
  2. Create your Google my business listing
  3. Build a website, whether a simple landing page, or multi-functional
  4. Send past customers free samples and other incentives to regain their business
  5. Create social media accounts and start posting consistently
  6. Engage and interact with your customers through social networks
  7. Run ads on FB and Instagram
  8. Optimize your website and other online content using SEO
  9. Send regular and valuable emails to your subscribers
  10. Run contests and giveaways
  11. Collaborate with influencers

7. What are some good inexpensive marketing ideas?

Below is a list of some good and inexpensive marketing ideas for any business:

  1. Post and engage on social media, especially on Instagram, FB, and Twitter
  2. Reach out to micro-influencers and collaborate with them
  3. Focus on local SEO and optimize your GMB listing
  4. Run an email marketing campaign
  5. Try your hands on Guerilla marketing
  6. Start an informative blog
  7. Post how-to videos
  8. Host events and classes
  9. Run webinars
  10. Run contests and giveaways on social media
  11. Set up a referral program

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